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Frequently Asked Questions about the End Time Gospel FAQ

Living Word Broadcast - End Time Gospel FAQ Question: Did God create the stars in the Zodiac order?


“The human beings once looked towards the heavens. And He puts all the stars in the heavens, the ZODIAC, starting off with the Virgin, ending up with Leo the Lion. First coming of Christ, the second coming. Came by the Virgin, come again as the Lion of the tribe of Juda. There He puts the first Bible. Oh, back in those days of--ancient days, they looked at those things. Today, He's got His Bible wrote here. But He wrote It in the heavens, that man would look up and realize that Jehovah the Creator lived above. And then I can see Him, He looked at that.” [Who Is God? Cleveland OH 50-0815]

“God is from above. He's writing the ZODIAC in the sky. ZODIAC starts with the Virgin, the first coming of Christ, ends up with the Leo, the Lion, the second coming. And He's writing His first Bible. There's three of them. One of them was written in the skies, one in the pyramids, one on this. Everything in God is in a trinity, like a man's in a trinity. All right. Then after He got all that written, the stars and the planets off that sun. Then I can see a big ball of ice laying yonder somewhere, this earth. And He brood over the earth, moved it over around the sun, dried it off. And He begin His creation on the earth.” [The Resurrection Of Lazarus, Erie PA 51-0729a]

“What's He doing? He's writing His first Bible. The first Bible was ever written, was written in the skies, the ZODIAC. It starts out with the virgin; that's how He come first. It ends up with Leo the lion, the second coming. And He's writing His first Bible. The second Bible was written, was written by Enoch, and put in the pyramid. The third Bible was written, and the last one, is this One. [Brother Branham indicates his Bible--Ed.].” [The Cruelty Of Sin, Jeffersonville IN 53-0403]

“I hear Him say, "Let there be." And an atom broke yonder. And when it did, the sun came into existence and begin to whirl. She burned for millions of years and millions and millions of years. After while, I see a clinker fly off of it. [Brother Branham makes a noise--Ed.] What is it? The first star that flew from the sun. He watches it fall for a few million years and He stops it. Then another one flies off and He lets it fall a few million years and stops it. What's He doing? Writing His first Bible, the ZODIAC. God's wrote three Bibles: one, the ZODIAC, one in the pyramids, one on paper. Now, He's writing His first, the ZODIAC. It starts off with a virgin, ends up with Leo the lion: Jesus' first coming and His second coming. If we had time to run down through it, you'd see it.” [The Pillar Of Fire, Jonesboro AR 53-0509]

“I hear Him say, "Let there be light." And when He did, an atom broke yonder, and the sun come into existence. I watch that sun burn for millions of years. The first thing you know [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.] went a clinker. He stood and watched it. And it flew, fell for a few million years; He stopped it. Then another one flew, and He stopped it. What? He was putting the solar system. He was writing His first Bible. The first Bible was written in the skies. Man looked up knowing that God was above. Look at the ZODIAC. It starts off with a virgin, ends up with Leo the lion: the first coming and second coming of Christ. Everything in the heavens declare Him. Everything in the earth declares Him. Everything around declares Him. His people declares Him. His Power declares Himself. His Son declared Him.” [Show Us The Father And It'll Satisfy Us, Connersville IN 53-0610]

“He made the sun. Then the first thing you know, a big clinker fell off of it, weighed about, just about like this earth, went "Spue..." Then this Logos here now, the Son of God, is watching it. He lets it fall for a hundred million years and He stops it. Then another one flies off, and He let's it flew off--fall for millions of years, then He stops it. Now, we're standing, watching it come into existence. Now, He's got something in His mind. And what's He doing? He's writing His first Bible. The first Bible that man ever looked to was the stars, the ZODIAC. And it's a perfect... just... It dovetailed with this Bible here. It starts off, the first of the ZODIAC is the virgin. Is that right? The last of the ZODIAC is what? Leo, the lion. That's the first coming of Jesus; He came through a virgin; the second, He comes as the Lion of the tribe of Juda. See? He write it on up, the cancer age, and everything down through. Now, He put that all in the sky and placed it out, all these meteors, pieces of earth, or sun, hanging off here.” [Questions And Answers On Genesis, Jeffersonville IN 53-0729]

“After a hundred billions of years a clinker flew off of it, was a star. And we watch it falling. It fell for several million years, and He stopped it. Another one fell; He stopped it. What's He doing? He's writing His first Bible. We've had three Bible's written. One of them is in the heavens above, the ZODIAC. Starts off with the virgin, ends up with Leo the lion, the first coming and the second coming of the Lord Jesus, down through the different ages. Then we find it, till Enoch wrote one and put it in the pyramid. The third is put on paper.” [I Will Restore Unto You Saith The Lord, Los Angeles CA 54-0809a]

“The Scriptural verse, God's Bible that we read and believe today is pointing to the end, not much farther. The great scientific world says the end is in sight, another great milestone. The ZODIAC on the calendar and so forth, the astronomy and everything says the end is in sight. The pyramid says the end is in sight. Every great pointing place says the end is in sight. We're at the end time.” [The Ark, Jeffersonville IN 55-0522]

“The great pyramid, you who study that, points to the end time, the one that Enoch made. The ZODIAC, it started off with a virgin, the first coming of Christ. It's ending up with Leo the lion, the second coming. It's at hand.” [Fellowship Through The Reconciliation Of The Blood, Macon GA 55-0605]

“As I've often made this remark and said God made three Bibles. The first one, He put It in the sky, the ZODIAC. Did you ever see the ZODIAC? What is the first figure in the ZODIAC? The virgin. What's the last figure in the ZODIAC? Leo the lion. He come the first time through the virgin; He comes the second time as the Lion of the tribe of Juda.” [MISSING TEXT] “In the Bible, we're living in the last days, the top of the pyramid, the crossed fishes of the cancer age in the ZODIAC, in the time of the coming of the Leo the lion, in the capping Stone, and in the days of the manifestation of the sons of God in the Bible. See? See where we're at? We're right at the end time.” [Adoption, Jeffersonville IN 60-0518]

“God wrote three Bibles. One of them was the ZODIAC in the skies. That's the first Bible. Man was to look up to realize that God is from above. Follow the ZODIAC; did you ever study it? It even gives every age, even the cancer age. It gives the beginning, the birth--the birth of Christ. What is the first figure in the ZODIAC? The virgin. What's the last figure? Leo the lion. The first coming and the second coming of Christ, all of it is written in there. Then the next Bible was written, was in stone, called pyramid. God wrote in the pyramids. If you study them, watch the ancient histories and wars, how they were built before the antediluvian destruction.” [Adoption, Jeffersonville IN 60-0522e]

“How many ever seen the ZODIAC? Many of you know what it is: the stars. See? That was God's first Bible. Now, what does it start off at, the first number in the ZODIAC, the first figure? Is the virgin. Is that right? And what's the last one? Leo the lion. The first coming and the second coming of Christ. All through there they get the crossed cancer--or the crossed age is just where it's crossed fishes, which is the cancer age, and we live right through it.” [Revelation, Chapter Four, Jeffersonville IN 61-0108]

“I believe that God had three Bibles, if you'll watch. Now, the first Bible He wrote was in the heavens, the ZODIAC. Now, I know you can get off on deep ends of that, and you get off on deep ends of anything else. But truly, if you notice the ZODIAC, how did it start? It starts, the first in the ZODIAC is the virgin. The last in the ZODIAC is Leo the lion, the first coming and the second coming of Christ: once through the virgin, next as the lion of the tribe of Juda. You catch the cross fishes (See?), that's the cancer age that we're going through. Everything in the skies declares God. Certainly does. And God's people is to look up, realizing that God is not on earth, but He's in heaven. He wrote the first Bible.” [Abraham's Covenant Confirmed, Long Beach, CA 61-0210]

Bible References: Psalm 147:4; Jeremiah 31:35; Amos 5:8

[Answers provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister, Lynden, Washington]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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