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August 2017 Newsletter Subject: Pray To The Lord Of The Harvest

“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” [Matthew 9:37-38]
“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.” [Corinthians 3:6-8]
“The Word is a Seed (Is that right?) that a Sower sowed in the ground. And every Seed will bring forth of its kind. If you need salvation, the Seed's here. If you need healing, here's the Seed in the Word. The Word of God is a Seed. Put it in your heart. Don't dig it up every morning to see if it's sprouted, put it in there and leave it there. It's God's business to bring forth the harvest. You just leave it there; water it by faith and praise every day thanking God for it. All right.” [50-0813E God Revealing Himself To His People, Cleveland OH]
Genesis was a planting of the seed, and these six thousand years has been the maturing of the harvest; and now the seed has become a seed itself. It's went back to the blossom and from the blossom to the--to the fruit. And it's the gathering time now, harvest time, all the great things that started. The true Church that started in Genesis has come down to the fruit time, the fruit of the Spirit. And the antichrist that started in Genesis is come down to its fruit. And we're just in the closing time of this world's entire dispensation, the--of the mortal being. And we're... It's the greatest time that anyone, or that any age ever lived, is this time. It's a shaking time. It's a troublesome time for sinners. But it's a marvelous time for Christians, because we know that we are--are packing up, or gathering the last little efforts together to go home and meet the Lord.” [56-1125M A Secondhanded Robe, Jeffersonville IN]
“First they have to pray. God waits. Isn't it strange that God wants the people to have part into it? When Jesus looked out upon the harvest, He said, "The harvest is ripe; the laborers are few. You pray the Lord of the harvest (That was Him.)--you pray to Me, that I will send laborers into My harvest." It's some part you have to do. God's waiting for His church to call on Him. He's always did it. God is waiting today for the people to call His servant into action. And the servant can't get into action till the people prays. Israel could not get into action down there with signs and wonders until they fell on their face and prayed for a deliverer. God had His deliverer. God had a prophet hanging up there in the wilderness, kept him there for forty years waiting for them to get right to pray. But when they got right and started praying, then God sent the deliverer. God will do the same thing today, if the people will just get together, get to praying.” [61-1112 A True.Sign That's Overlooked, Jeffersonville IN]
“Well, the people I have give the sign instead of praying for the sick. And I've noticed along that how the Holy Spirit... Do you know, that there's some things that we have to do that God cannot do until we do it? Did you know that? The ministry... Look, we are the branches; He is the vine. But the vine can't bear fruit; it's the branches that bear fruit. Is that right? Now, He--He furnishes the energy, but we got to do the job. You get what I mean? The Holy Spirit's here tonight, as you see Him each night. He knows you, but the only way He speaks is through us. Is that right? We--our hands are His hands, our eyes are His eyes. And now, we notice that He gives us things. Now, there Jesus was standing one day, looking upon the harvest... Do you believe He was the Lord of the harvest? And He looked out upon the harvest and said, "You pray the Lord of the harvest, that He will send laborers into His harvest, because the harvest is ripe and laborers are few." In other words, "You ask Me to do what I know that's got--ought to be done." They--He could not do it until they asked Him to do it.” [55-1007 The Power Of Decision, Chicago IL]
“Now, you say, "Well, if He knows it, then why you preaching?" That's God... part of God's program. Preaching is His program. When He looked upon the apostles, He looked upon the harvest. He said, "The harvest is ripe, and the laborers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest that He will send laborers into His harvest." How many remember that? Well, why would they have to pray to the Lord of harvest to send laborers into His harvest, if the Lord of the harvest was standing there knowing it would be done? Why? God has so arranged it, that His... Now, listen to this. God has so arranged it, that His program cannot move without you and I. And as long as we're not doing what God leads us to do, we're paralyzing His program. But when the Church moves by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, then we're in God's will, doing His program.” [59-1115 My New Ministry, Jeffersonville IN]
“You remember when He stood there looking out upon the harvest, He said... He was the Lord of the harvest. He said, "The harvest is ripe and laborers are but few; pray ye the Lord of the harvest, that He will send laborers into His harvest." In other words, "Pray to Me that I will send laborers into My harvest, which I'm just telling you it's such a needy thing." But part of it lays in human beings. Do you believe that? The Kingdom of God lays within the human being. Now, Jesus said in one place, "I am the Vine, ye are the branches." The vine can't bear fruit; the branches in the vine bears fruit. God cannot bear fruit of Hisself, it's got to take the Church. Is that right? He's got to take you branches to bear fruit. And when you branches are yielded to the vine, then fruit comes forth. See what I mean? God wants your hands; He wants your eyes; He wants your tongue, wants your lips, wants your ears, wants your hands and feet so He can bring forth fruit through you.” [55-0227E The Healing Of Jairus Daughter, Phoenix AZ]
Look. What God, to my opinion, will do and must do, and will do in this last day, is to find a tool for the harvest. He's got to find a tool, to thrash the floor. Any farmer, when he goes to his harvest, he has to have a tool to do it with; certainly, he's got to have a sharp sickle or something, some instrument, to thrash out the grain. And the harvest is ripe. God, take us in Your hand. Make us bond-servants of Your love. Use us for tool, to bring the realization to this sinful, cursed earth that we're living in today, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. For myself, God, let me be a prisoner. If all my brethren turn me down, if all my friends turn me down, I want to be a prisoner of Jesus Christ and His Word, that I might be harnessed to His Word, by the Holy Spirit, to see the Holy Spirit make the Word of God be confirmed by the same things that He said would be done. I want to be a prisoner of Jesus Christ.” [63-0717 A Prisoner, Jeffersonville IN]
“Now, you say, "Well, if He knows it, then why you preaching?" That's God... part of God's program. Preaching is His program. When He looked upon the apostles, He looked upon the harvest. He said, "The harvest is ripe, and the laborers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest that He will send laborers into His harvest." How many remember that? Well, why would they have to pray to the Lord of harvest to send laborers into His harvest, if the Lord of the harvest was standing there knowing it would be done? Why? God has so arranged it, that His... Now, listen to this. God has so arranged it, that His program cannot move without you and I. And as long as we're not doing what God leads us to do, we're paralyzing His program. But when the Church moves by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, then we're in God's will, doing His program.” [59-1115 My New Ministry, Jeffersonville IN]
“Why did Jesus stand there, say to Mary and Martha, "Take ye away the stone"? Why, He was God. He could said, "Stone, be no more," and it wouldn't been there. But she had something to do. Why did He stand there, look upon the harvest? You believe He was the Lord of the harvest? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He said to His disciples, "You pray the Lord of the harvest, that He will send laborers into His harvest." Other words, "You ask Me to do what I'm going to do." See?” [62-0401 Wisdom Versus Faith, Jeffersonville IN]
Our Bible Study Subject for August 2017 : Pray To The Lord Of The Harvest
Bro. Robert Wilson
LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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