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Prayer Line 65-04
65-pl-04, Prayer Line 65-04, 74 min

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65-0725E - Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN (Paragraphs: 160 - 200)
L-161 Not only you have to be there, but just have faith. For, remember, a little woman touched His garment and He felt it. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the Hebrew letter, in the New Testament, said that He is the High Priest tonight that can be "touched by the feeling of your infirmities." Do you believe that? Have faith then! Don't doubt It. Believe It, and it'll come to pass. You can have what you--what you've asked for, if you can believe It. But you got to believe It. Will you do it? Will all of you believe It? How many will believe It now? God bless you. [Hebrews 4:15], [Matthew 8:17]
L-162 I don't know who is who. I don't know none of you. It's not my business to know any of you. It's God's business to know these things. But He will do it if you'll believe It. Will you believe It now?
L-163 Now, Dear God, surely we're not a bunch of hybrid Christians, we shouldn't be, somebody that has to be petted and babied. You don't have that kind, Lord. You have rugged believers. The very Presence of God sets a man's heart on fire. Like Abraham, he believed God. You made Yourself known to him, then You appeared to him and performed a sign, and he believed You. You turned his body back to a young man, and also his wife, which, his wife was part of his own body. Then come forth the new child, the promised son.
L-164 God, You promised that it'd be the same thing in this day. I pray that You'll confirm this Word. And we'll deal right on that one promise there, that it will be like it was in Sodom, just before Sodom was burnt and judgment struck Sodom, the Gentile world. So judgment is fixing to strike the Gentile world, and the Jews got three and a half more years through the period of Tribulation, Jacob's trouble, the continuing of the seventy weeks of Daniel. But, the Gentiles' are numbered, it's time to go. And You give that sign, and You said it would be again. Grant it, God. They're, we're in Your hands, do with us as You see fit. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
L-165 Now don't be nervous. What would it be if I was nervous? Now, I'm making a thing here that it has to depend on the sovereignty of God. But why do I do this? He said it would be. That settles it. And if He makes Hisself that, confirmed like that before you, well, can't you believe Him? Certainly. You just have faith now and believe.Let me just look around, see where the Holy Spirit will lead, what He'll do. I don't know what He'll do, that's up to Him. But if you'll just only have faith, only believe, "All things are possible to them that believe." Do all of you believe that, raise up your hands and say, "I do believe It." [Congregation says, "I do believe It."--Ed.] With all my heart, I believe It. [Mark 9:23]
L-166 Now three will be a confirmation, if He'll do it three straight times, to prove you that It's right. I don't care where you are, who you are, you just have faith and believe. Now, don't--don't stir around. This way.
L-167 Lady, praying, I don't know you. Just set where you're at; you don't have to come. I don't know you, but you're holding a little girl in your hand, or in your lap. I'm a total stranger to you. And the little girl looks normal, she looks well. She's a pretty little girl, little red-headed girl. I looking here at her, she don't look like she's crippled or anything. I don't know what's wrong with her. It might not be for the child; it might be for you. But I just happened to see you sitting there with that child, and praying. I have to talk to you a minute, to catch your spirit, like Jesus said to the woman, "Bring Me a drink," see, just to figure--figure out one person. Brother Bryant and them sitting here, I know these people sitting here. They may be needy, too, but you was a stranger. [John 4:7]
L-168 Do you believe me to be God's prophet? Do you believe these things that you've heard tonight is the Truth? Now, if God will reveal to me something that you've done, or something you ought not have done, or something's wrong with you, or what your desire is, you'll know whether it's true or not. Won't you? And if He'll do that, will it confirm His Word that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that Saint Luke 17:30 is being manifested? You believe It? [Hebrews 13:8]
L-169 Now, the lady raised her hand that we're strangers. I don't know you, but I'm trying to contact her spirit, one person. There's so many of you pulling. Now, you believe This with all your heart.
Now, it is for the little girl. It's not you. You're nervous, but it ain't the nervousness that's bothering you. The great thing on your heart is that little girl. And you believe God can tell me what it is? You believe it? Would it help you, would you believe then? It's a brain injury. That right? Now put your hand on the little child's head; your hand.
L-170 Dear God, You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. They'll lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover." The woman is a believer. Her hand is upon the child. May it recover. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I offer this prayer. Amen. [Mark 16:17-18]
L-171 Now do you believe, all of you? If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Certainly!
L-172 I know the lady sitting next to her, but she is so sincerely looking this way. I can't call her name, but I... If I look at her a minute, I would know. But I know the woman by looks, but I don't know what's your trouble. Do you believe I... God will let me know what your trouble is? Would you... Would it help you? Sugar diabetes. Now, if that's right, hold your hand. Certainly!
L-173 Happened to be the lady laying... sitting next to you, has got the same thing. She's a stranger. The other lady is praying for somebody, a crippled child. You believe with all your heart, God would grant it.
L-174 Somebody back in here. Man sitting over there, trying to get rid of smoking cigarettes. You believe God will take them away from you? All right. You believe? You can have it. I never seen the man in my life.
L-175 Here is a man. See that dark shadow hanging over this man right here that's laying on a cot like, or a chair? He's dying. He is shadowed. He's got cancer. I don't know the man, never seen him. God knows all about you. That's the truth, sir. Do you believe God could tell me something about you? Would it help you to receive your healing? [The brother says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] You was brought here by a friend. But you're not from here, you're somewhere where there's a big body of water that people fishes at. ["Yeah."] Yeah, Albany, Kentucky. ["That's right."] That's right. Believe, and you can go back home, well. Believe that it's gone. If you'll believe It! You must believe It, and believe it's been done for you. You believe?
L-176 You, from Tennessee, got a boy that's got asthma. Not here, but you believe that he'll be healed? Then take your handkerchief, your... in your hand there, to him. He'll be healed if you'll believe It.
L-177 The lady crying, sitting across from Doctor Vayle there. She is shadowed, also, a dark shadow. I never seen the woman in my life, but she's got cancer. She'll die if something isn't done for her. Do you believe He'll heal you, lady? You can? You can have your healing, if you'll just believe.
L-178 There's a little lady sitting right behind her with a handkerchief up over her mouth. She's also got ulcered stomach, sick. You been having passing-out spells, blinding, falling out. Somebody brought you here. You got female trouble. If you'll believe, you can go home, be well.
L-179 You, young man, you're a stranger; sitting right here in front of me, looking at me. What are you, Puerto Rican or something? Yeah, what I meant,...?...! I'm a stranger to you. You know that; you're not even from my country. But you believe that God can give you the desire of your heart? If I'll tell you what your desire is, will you receive it? You're seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That is true. Receive the Holy Ghost, my brother. [John 20:22]
L-180 Here is a colored man sitting way back here, got a burden on his heart. It's for his wife. She is not here, even. She's got trouble with her feet. You believe that He'll heal her? You do? You're a stranger here. You're from across the sea. You're from Jamaica. Do you believe God can tell me who you are? Mr. Brady. You believe? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
L-181 This lady sitting right back over in this end, next to Mrs. Wright there, she's got a burden on her heart. She is praying for a daughter. She's up for an operation. You believe with all your heart, for her? She won't need it if you'll get her to believe It. I can't heal.
L-182 Way back yonder in the nursery, I see the Spirit of the Lord, a Angel, a Light moving in the nursery. It's over a young woman, and she's got a spiritual trouble she's wondering about. Seems like I ought to know the woman, somehow, a young woman. She's also got a female disorder. Yes. Her name is Mrs. West, from Alabama, Mrs. David West. Believe; God will grant it to you.
L-183 "It shall be Light, and in that day when the Son of man is being revealed." If that isn't Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, I don't know nothing about It. Do you believe That? All things are possible to them that believe. [Luke 17:30], [Hebrews 13:8]
L-184 Out upon the microphones across the land now, and in this tabernacle, how many of you will raise your hands and say, "I am a believer"? Now, you out there in the lands, everyone has got their hands up, here. And way out, in yonder somewhere across the nation, you got your hands up, no doubt. Now close your eyes, just drop your hands upon somebody near you. Take a hold of their hand. Lay it upon their shoulder. I got my hands on the handkerchiefs. Look what's been done today! Look what's done now.
Beholding His hallowed face
Aglow with love Divine;
Blest partakers of His grace,
As gems in His crown to shine.
Now pray. Let's pray, everywhere.
L-185 Dear God, the hour has arrived. What meaneth this? God fulfilling His Word! What's the attraction, Lord? It's God fulfilling His Word. What is this out across the nation, through the medium of a telephone, that hundreds of people have their hands laid on one another across the nation, from one coast to the other, from the North to the South, East to the West? Here sets people here from foreign countries, many of the states, Mexico, Canada, and we got our hands laid on one another. God fulfilling His Word!
L-186 How is this that a person could stand here by the Holy Spirit and call a man like He did Simon Peter, "Your name is Simon, you are the son of Jonas"?
"Go get your husband and come here."
"I have no husband."
"Truly. You have five."
L-187 She said, "I know that Messiah is coming to do this, but Who are You?"He said, "I am He." [John 4:16-26]
L-188 And You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. And You've promised, "The works that I do shall ye do also. More than this shall you do, because I go to the Father." "And, behold, in the last days I'll send to you the Elijah, the prophet, and he'll change the thoughts of the people, turn the hearts of the children back to the apostolic Teaching of the Bible." "And it shall be Light about the evening time." [John 14:12], [Malachi 4:5-6]
L-189 Here we are, great God of Heaven! The hour is here! The hands are upon the people.
L-190 Satan, you're defeated. You are a liar. And, as a servant of God, and as servants, we command that in the Name of Jesus Christ, that you obey the Word of God, and go out of the people, 'cause it's written, "In My Name they shall cast out devils." [Mark 16:17]
L-191 And all the people may be set free. Grant it, Dear God. You are the God of Heaven that defeated, that day with an attraction on Mount Calvary, all sickness and diseases and all the works of the Devil. You are God. And the people are healed by Your stripes. They are free. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
L-192 God, every handkerchief that's laying here, while the Spirit of God is present, while the anointing of Jesus Christ is upon the people, and the great signs that He promised are being fulfilled, and the earth is trembling, the earthquakes are happening, the great signs that He told, and the Scripture being fulfilled, and the evening Light shining. I lay my body across these handkerchiefs, representing this whole body of believers from East, West, North, and South; and say to the Devil, "In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave every patient these are laid upon," to the honor and glory of the Word of God. In the Name of the Word of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
L-193 Now, quietly, sanely, soberly, and in your right minds, as believers, do you now believe and accept your healing from God Almighty, in the Name of Jesus Christ? If you do, hold up your hands. All out in the lands, hold up your hands out there. Every person in here, as far as I can see, had their hands up; inside, outside, against the windows, in the doors, in the nurseries, and all around everywhere, people with their hands up. They accept It. Satan is defeated! The stripes of Jesus Christ heals you, and the Presence of Jesus Christ verifies the fact that He's a living today, ever able to keep every promise that He made. Amen! I believe Him. Don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] [Isaiah 53:5]
L-194 Now let us stand up to our feet. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, accepting everything that's been done or said, we love Him with all of our hearts. We cherish Him with all that's in us. Now as you go to your different homes from tonight, God go with you. God give you the Holy Ghost if you don't have the Holy Ghost.
L-195 Every man, woman, boy, or girl, here, that's not been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, there is clothes, pool. Don't put off tomorrow what can be done today. Tomorrow may be too late. "Sufficient for today, for the day, is the evil thereof." There is ministers standing, waiting, clothes are waiting. No excuses. Are you waiting? If you are, you believe. No matter how you been baptized, sprinkled, poured, whatever it is, it's an error. The Light has come. Come, believe, and be baptized. [Acts 2:38]
L-196 Everyone without the Holy Ghost, may you receive the Holy Ghost, every one of you, in the full Divine power and love that He promised you, to make you a new creature in Him. God bless you.
L-197 Now, till next Sunday morning at nine-thirty, let's sing this little song that we used to sing years ago.
Don't forget the family prayer,
Jesus wants to meet you there;
He will take your every care,
Don't forget the family prayer.
Let's sing it together now.
Don't forget the family prayer,
Jesus wants to meet you there;
He will take your every care,
Oh, don't forget the family prayer.
L-198 Now as we sing it again, shake hands with a pilgrim next to you, see, as we sing it.
Don't forget the family prayer,
Oh, Jesus wants to meet you there;
He will take your every care,
Oh, don't forget the family prayer.
L-199 Don't you love Him? I love Him. I love Him because He first loved me and purchased my salvation (that was the attraction) on Mount Calvary. The same attraction on Sunset Mountain, Mount Nebo, Mount Sinai, all the different mountaintop experiences. Then, all right, let's sing it now. [Deuteronomy 34:1], [Exodus 19:18]

I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And pur-... salvation
On Calvary's tree.
L-200 All that love Him, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] So be it! Now just think of what He's done for you; think, that you could be out there in a barroom tonight. You probably would have been in the grave like I should have been, outside the mercies of God. What did He do for you? Oh, how could we keep from loving Him? Don't make any difference what anybody says, He is first.

65-0801E - Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN (Paragraphs: 143 - 163)
L-144 See this man sitting here with his head down, sitting right there, with his collar misfitting him, and so forth. You suffer with a bladder trouble. You believe that God will make you well? Raise up your hand if you'll accept It. All right, God grant you your request.
L-145 This young man sitting right here, wanting the baptism of the Holy Ghost. You believe God will give It to you; sir, with your white string tie hanging back? God will grant it.
L-146 This man here is praying for his wife. She is in an institution. You believe that God will heal her, make her well? You believe it? You can have it.
L-147 With your hand up to your throat, you believe that God can heal that heart condition that's bothering you, that stomach trouble that you have? You're sitting there, suffering right now. Is that right? You believe He heals you? Then you can have it. Amen.
L-148 You see He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Ask those people, see if I know them. I don't, but He does. Amen. See that Light on the side of the wall yonder, hanging right down over a man sitting there. He is suffering with a spinal condition in his back. He's not from here, he's from Georgia. Mr. Duncan, believe with all your heart, God will heal that back trouble. You believe with all your heart? God bless you. [Hebrews 13:8]
L-149 Here's a man sitting way back here, with back trouble, looking at me. I don't know him, but it's Mr. Thompson. You believe? Raise up, sir, back there, so that... I'm a stranger to you. That's right. But you're sitting there, praying. Your back trouble is healed now. Jesus Christ makes you well.
L-150 "It shall be Light just about the evening time." Don't you see, He's here tonight! He's the great I AM. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it? Are you satisfied and convinced that this is Jesus Christ making Hisself known, identifying Himself in prophecy? [Hebrews 13:8]
L-151 Don't worry about the eye. God heals the sick and the afflicted.
L-152 How many people that... How many is in here, sick? Let's see your hands. Just seems like it's such a pull and a strain. Have any of you people got prayer cards? I don't know how I'd get you through here. I want to pray for you, and I don't know how to do it. You see what, look at the wall, how I'm going to get them in there? What if you get one aisle jammed? You got the other one blocked right there, everybody stopped still.
L-153 Listen, hear me. Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? Is that right? Everything has always been right. I've never asked you for one penny of money in my life, have I? Not one time. Never took a offering in my life. I'm not here for money. I'm not here to deceive you. I'm here to manifest God's Word of the hour. I've told you the Truth, and God has testified that it is the Truth. Now I tell you, THUS SAITH THE SCRIPTURES, that if the believer lays his hands upon the sick, Jesus said, "They shall recover!" Do you believe that? Then, in the Presence of God, don't you believe He'll do it right now? [Mark 16:18], [I Samuel 3:19]
L-154 Now put your hands on one another, and just hold it there for a minute. Now, don't--don't pray, just put your hands on one another; out there in the land. And me, myself, I'm laying myself over these handkerchiefs. Now I want you to look at me just a minute. What has God left undone? Look how He's, what the Word that we have read, the prophecies that we have told, that Jesus identified Himself by the prophecies. Now look at the hour, and these last three weeks where we have placed the hour that we're living. Look at what we have read, how about the false prophets and almost signs that would deceive the elected. How the Word has been manifested, how the god of this age has blinded the lie, hearts of the people. And how that God Himself has said through His prophecies that these things would take place in this Laodicea Age. There is nothing left undone. God is here just the same God that talked to those people on Emmaus, that identified Himself by the prophecies that was foretold of Him, He is here tonight identifying His Presence by the prophecies foretold for this age. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Can you believe it? Then lay your hands upon one another. Don't pray for yourself, but in your own way pray for that person that you got your hands on, because they are praying for you. Now look, don't doubt. [Mark 16:18], [Hebrews 13:8]
L-155 And now if you could see what I'm looking at! And you know I wouldn't lie to you, standing here. If you could see, and your faith could draw that great Holy Spirit that sailed yonder in the air--air, that science has took pictures of, and see It moving through this building just trying to find a place to--to land, trying to find a anchor place. Only believe It, my brother. He's identified it by Scripture and so forth, that it's right. Now pray with sincerity for that person you got your hands on; they are praying for you.
L-156 Dear Jesus of Nazareth, for, we are conscious, Lord, by the Word, that You're here, by the promise that You are here, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them. And these signs will follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Out over the waves of this telephone, may the great Holy Spirit go into every congregation. May the same Holy Light that we look at right here in the church, may It fall upon each and every one, and may they be healed at this time. We rebuke the enemy, the Devil, in the Presence of Christ; we say to the enemy, that he is defeated by the--the vicarious suffering, the death of the Lord Jesus and the triumph resurrection on the third day; and His proven evidence that He is here among us tonight, alive, after nineteen hundred years. Let the Spirit of the living God fill every heart with faith and power, and healing virtue from the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Who is identified now by this great Light circling the church, in His Presence. In the Name of Jesus Christ, grant it for the glory of God. [Matthew 18:20], [Mark 16:17]
L-157 May these handkerchiefs that we pray over, may they go to the sick and the afflicted that they're intended to. May the same Holy Spirit that's here now identifying Himself, identify Himself on every patient that these is laid upon. May the Presence of God so fill their heart with faith until the sickness of their body will be healed. This we ask, for the glory of God, in the Presence of Jesus Christ and in the Name of Jesus Christ, as we the servants of Jesus Christ ask it. Amen.
L-158 Now from your hearts, I don't care what was wrong with you, can you, from your heart, believe with all your heart that the Word of God has granted you your request? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I believe that every hand, as I could see, went up. If you believe it, now remember, it is finished.
L-159 You out there on the telephone wires, if you have believed with all your heart, as the ministers are laying hands upon you, and your loved ones laying hands upon you, if you believe with all your heart that it's finished, it's finished. The great Holy Spirit, He's here in the tabernacle tonight. I seen Him move over the people, showed Hisself over here on the side of a wall, and went down upon a man, come down here and up through the building, making known the secrets of the hearts, the identification of His Presence, to show that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is in our midst! He's God, the never-failing God. [Hebrews 13:8]
L-160 And did not our hearts burn within us, and does not it burn now, to know that we are now in the Presence of the resurrected Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory and praise forevermore; Who is in the express image of the Almighty Jehovah; Who sailed down in a form of a Pillar of Fire in a burning bush, to attract the attention of a prophet; Who had descended upon the mountain, and anyone that even touched it was to be killed, besides Moses and Joshua. How it was that He led the children of Israel through the wilderness, in their journey, as a type of the called-out people today. Here He is, by scientific research, even identified Himself before science. And by His very actions and by His very prophecy, the things that's prophesied of Him to do in this day, to make Him the same yesterday, today, and forever, has been perfectly a vindicated. Isn't it enough to make our hearts burn within us? God bless you. [Luke 24:32], [Hebrews 1:3], [Exodus 20:18]
L-161 Now with one accord, let's stand and say: I now accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Healer. [Congregation says, "I now accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Healer."--Ed.] And by His grace, ["And by His grace,"] from this hour henceforth, ["from this hour henceforth,"] O God, ["O God,"] let no unbelief ["let no unbelief"] ever enter my heart, ["ever enter my heart,"] for I have seen ["for I have seen"] the prophecy ["the prophecy"] of this day ["of this day"] fulfilled. ["fulfilled."] I believe ["I believe"] that Jesus Christ ["that Jesus Christ"] is alive ["is alive"] and here now ["and here now"] confirming His Word ["confirming His Word"] of this hour. ["of this hour."] The prophecies ["The prophecies"] that was written of Him ["that was written of Him"] has now been fulfilled in our midst. ["has now been fulfilled in our midst."] He is my Saviour, ["He is my Saviour,"] my God, ["my God,"] my King, ["my King,"] my All-in-all. ["my All-in-all."]
L-162 Dear God, hear our testimony. And give to us, day by day, the Bread of Life. And we offer Thee praise, O God, from the depths of our heart. We praise Thee, the Mighty One, the God of the prophets. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Oh, what a moment, what a time!
... only believe;
Only believe, just only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
May we sing it like this.
Now I believe, oh, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe;
Now I believe, oh, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe.
Is that your testimony? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now as we bow our heads.
Till we meet! till we meet!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you till we meet again!
[Brother Branham begins humming God Be With You. Then he says to Brother Neville, "Do you want to say something?"--Ed.] Vayle.
... at Jesus feet;
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you till we meet again!
L-163 With our heads bowed, Brother Vayle is standing here to dismiss in prayer. Brother Lee Vayle, he's a writer for the tabernacle here, of the literature and books, and so forth. Very precious brother, he's been with me in many campaigns. Wish I had a chance to let every minister, get them up here and talk to them. You understand, I'm sure. Every minister, we're glad to have you here. All the laity, the people of different churches, whatmore, we're glad to have you here. And it's truly our prayer to one another, "God be with you till we meet again." With our heads bowed, and our hands raised, let's sing it again real sweetly to God.
Till we meet! till we meet!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet!
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you till we meet again!

65-0801M - Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN (Paragraphs: 186 - 193)
L-187 You belong to one of the bodies. Got to be, it's just got to be. It's either the Body of God, which is by the Word; or the body of Satan, by the church. And the whole world will have to belong to some church; it worships some god. You've got to worship either the god of knowledge, you rely upon what you hear by knowledge, you rely upon this, or that, or the other; or you rely upon God's Word, by faith, watching for Him to vindicate It and make It true.
The real Church of God is watching for the coming of that glad Millennium day,
When our blessed Lord shall come and catch His waiting Bride away;
Oh, my heart is filled with rapture as I labor, watch and pray,
For our Lord is coming back to earth again.
Oh, our Lord is coming back to earth again,
Satan will be bound a thousand years, we'll have no tempter then,
After Jesus shall come back to earth again.
L-188 Oh, peoples of this United States, where this Message is going now, flee as hard as you can from this knowledge, scientific age that we're living in. Flee to the Word of God!
You, I, no one can--can knows It. No one can prove It. God does His Own proving. No one has a right to interpret It; me, no other man has a right. God does His Own interpreting. He made the promise. He said He would do this in the last days.
And in the last days the god of this evil age would blind the eyes of the people, with his intellectual knowledge, on a mixed tree of good and evil, still giving it to the people. And here comes, that thing heading up, that denomination from way back in the Dark Ages, and before the Dark Ages, all heading up in a super man, Satan, who said, "I will exalt myself above the sons of God, and they will listen to me." "And he as God will sit in the temple of God, and the sons of God will fall for it." [Isaiah 14:13-14]
L-189 Why, the son of God, say, "Well, my wife, it ain't; she's a good..." Go ahead, just go on. See?
You say, "Well, He said 'sons of God.'" Yes, sir.
Man, whoever he is, was made in the image of God, for the glory of God. And a woman is a by-product for man, not of God. Right. "When the sons of God saw the daughters of men were fair, they took unto them women."
"And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."
Now look, if you want to know what stage the church is, watch what stage the women is, see, 'cause she is the church. Watch what she is doing, see, and in this evil prostitute age. [Genesis 1:26], [Genesis 2:22], [Genesis 6:2]
L-190 Look, there wasn't a meaner, wickeder, lower, prostituting city in the world, than Nazareth, and out of there God chose a virgin. "Could any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
And out of this evil age, where the god of this age has blinded the eyes of the people, with their dogmas and denominations; out of that very age, God is choosing a people for His Name.
Though here neglected and despised, one day the Lord will bring
His chosen ones within the gate, and that's worth everything.
Then we'll sing and shout, and dance about,
The Lamb will dry our tears;
We'll have one glad homecoming week,
The first ten thousand years. (That's right.)
A wondrous people for His Name and they are called His Bride. (Is that right?)
Though neglected and despised, one day the Lord will bring
Those chosen ones within the gate, (in the exodus) and that's worth everything to me. [John 1:46]
L-191 I'm getting to be an old man. And my days begin to fade out; and my eyesight begins to get dim; and my little flame of life begins to burn low. I don't fear the darkness. For I want to say this, with Paul, "I know Him in the power of His resurrection." No matter where they bury me, if I drown in the sea, or burn in a furnace, or eat up by a lion, He'll call my name, and I'll speak. Amen!
Let us pray. [Philippians 3:10]
L-192 If there be in here, or out on the wires of this Message across the nation, in your little churches and groups and halls, and wherever you're seated, if there is one, oh, let me persuade you; let me beg you, as a minister of the Gospel; let me beg you, in the Name of Jesus Christ; flee the wrath of this wicked age! Don't serve the god of this evil age.
Oh, I know you say, "It's good. They're fine." Exactly, a mixed tree. You can't mix knowledge with God's Word.
It's a Word that's to be believed by faith, not knowledge. You don't understand It; you accept It. You say It's right, and then you live by It. That's all He asks you to do.
If there's any present here in our group, we can't make the altar call to bring you up here, because there's not no room; or out over the air, over the telephone lines, if there is any out there that doesn't know Him. Don't... [Luke 3:7]
L-193 Oh, women, I've scolded you this morning, not me, I've only quoted the Word. Short hair, wearing them little old clothes, dressing yourself real sexy-looking, don't you realize that the spirit that... You may be clean, sister, dear, when it comes to your body, but in your soul don't you see what's got a hold of you?
Would God make His daughter look sexy to deceive His own son, to lust after her, to make them both be answer for adultery? Would He do it, sister? Ask yourself that question. No, not by ten million miles. Don't lay that onto God. [I Corinthians 11:2-15], [I Timothy 2:9-15]

65-1126 - Life Tabernacle, Shreveport, LA (Paragraphs: 236 - 272)
L-237 And now, Lord, let the Holy Spirit that was in the Pentecostal kingdom, the kingdom that was in Martin Luther's, was John Wesley's, and--and on through to John Smith and Alexander Campbell, and down through the age. He's a dissolver, He dissolved the thoughts. And the--the people in the days of Luther, that man, "The just should live by faith." The Methodist, He dissolved all the doubts, that "They should--they should be sanctified," And in the days of the Pentecost, they spoke in tongues, give the manifestations of the Spirit by Divine healing and so forth, It dissolved all the doubt in the pentecostal's heart. But, O God, they denominate. They went right back out to take man's ideas. Therefore, now when the Bride is being called as You've promised it here in the Scripture, reading It before the world, night after night, and we watch It with our eyes. God, may It dissolve all the doubts in the people's heart. May they flee quickly to the open Son, to be ripened, to be taken into the garner and not be left in the stalk to be burned, but may they go to the garner tonight. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Thank you for your attention. Let God deal with your heart.
L-238 Now, do you... We got prayer cards give out. Now, we're going to take about twenty minutes now, for a prayer line. We want to line up real quick, and come across the platform and pray. And now, I don't know how many cards was give out. I never even asked Billy one thing. I just said, "Did you give out... Go down there and give out some prayer cards." And he come back and picked his mother and I and them up, just a while ago. Now, I--I... did...
L-239 Well, did you start with a hundred, or one, and one to a hundred, or what? [Brother Billy Paul says, "One to a hundred."--Ed.] One to a hundred. All right.
L-240 Let's have prayer card number one. If you got it, hold up your hand so I can see. If you can't... If you can stand up... if you can't, we'll pack you. Prayer card number one, right quick. Who has that? What'd you say? A, number one. (excuse me) A, number... This lady here, do you have that card? Come right here, will you lady? A, number two. Have you got it, someone? Raise your hand quickly. Right here, lady, come. Number three. Got a card? You got a card? You all... Don't have any cards? In this... in... All right, you don't have to have it. Three, four, five. A, one, two, three, four, five. Let's see, there's one, two, three, four, five. A... All right, here they... Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. All right, just line up, just start lining up.
L-241 Now, if you can't come, wave your hand like that so they can pack you. I've asked these people here, that don't have cards... Don't have to have, I'm just a-asking you. Now look, you--you crippled people here, I suppose you had to come early 'cause you just... I told him "early." Now, you don't have to have a card, if you've got that faith like I taught. See, if it's revealed to you, all right. If it isn't revealed, no matter if you be in a dozen prayer lines, it wouldn't help a bit. You know that? Do you believe that? See? I might pray, I do all I could, get down on my knees, and lay hands on you, anoint you with oil, anyway you wanted to, and pray... Until God, by grace, reveals that in your heart, that "It's over," then it's done. You don't even have to be in the line or nowhere, it's done anyhow.
L-242 All right, four... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. All right, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Is anybody I've called that's got a card and can't raise up? Raise your hand, got a card and cannot raise up. All right.
... only believe,
I can see poor, little, old Anna Jeanne setting, playing that all night, nearly, sometime. I want everybody real quiet and reverent in here.
... only believe;
Now, prayer cards one to fifteen, I believe it was.
... only believe,
They're getting a little crowded here, so let's--let's just start. What do you say?
... possible...
L-243 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten... Now, you're getting too many. That's more than we called. That's all right. Stand still, just where you are. Don't no one... Just... you'll get... you get prayed for, but just... See, just wait till they call your number and then, you know, you don't have too many standing here. If the Lord should do something, you'd blind it off from the people and they can't see it, you see. God bless you.
Now let's pray for these handkerchiefs while they're getting ready.
L-244 Dear God, here's handkerchiefs laying here that comes from the sick and afflicted. This faith that we just been talking about, Lord; I remember You saying, in the Bible, in the Book of Jude, "Earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints." And from the body of the saints they took handkerchiefs, not because they were special people, but because they were believing people. They were man of like passion as we are. They said, "Elijah" was like that and he "prayed earnestly that it wouldn't rain." And, God, he prayed that so the people would repent. You revealed it to him to pray for them, to pray in that manner to fulfill Your Word. No doubt you showed the prophet a vision. And, Lord, tonight I'm praying for these people to be healed. I'm not Elijah, he was taken into Heaven, but his Life and Spirit still lives on. So we pray, dear God, that You will honor the prayers of Your people. And honor all of us now as we'll pray for these handkerchiefs, that when they're laid on the sick they will recover.
L-245 We realize, Father, that we're a--a dying generation of people. We're heading... faced--faced with Eternity. The world has gone insane. Murders; little girls being cut to pieces and ravished. The people, man wearing their hair like women, women like man, they're just perverting. The race is dying. The world's a-dying. Everything's a-dying. The church is dying.
L-246 O God, bring Life. Bring Life, O God, Life of faith. Reveal to these people, Lord. I can only pray and lay my hands upon them. But You're the One that can heal them, and You alone can heal them. I pray that You will, Father, to each and every one. Grant it, with my hands upon them, and asking with all my heart; in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal these people. Amen.
L-247 Now, is this mike alive, brother? Now can you hear that all right? Everybody hear that? Raise up your hand. Now, someone was on my heart, going to these people here, setting here in this--this chair, cots and stretchers... they "didn't even get a prayer card." See? But, look, brother, see, these people got prayer cards, but that don't mean they're going to be healed. There's people setting out there in the audience, maybe... That--that--that don't mean they're--they're--they're going to be healed. That--that doesn't say that--that they will or will not be healed. That all depends on their faith in God. How many knows that to be true? That's all, just your faith in God. Now, how many knows that that's true? No matter how religious you are, how good or how bad you are, unless the grace of God drops that into your heart, you'll never get well. Now, how many knows that God has done it, has done it all along, great miracles, signs and wonders? And now, you're coming tonight, standing in this line, not because you were chosen to stand in this line by God, that isn't it; you just got a prayer card, just happened to be at your... []
L-248 Procedure is just exactly like my honorable Brother Gerholtzer here, started his ministry many years ago. []... with faith in God, believing God, believing that God healed the sick by faith. And it never has changed, but God has added in this last day, gifts, gifts that He promised. God did it be-... not because He had to, but because he promised to. And if He promised, then He has to do it; because He has to keep His Word.
L-249 And he promised you the same thing, that is, "If you could believe that it would happen." If you can't believe It, it just won't happen. Now, I can't make you believe, neither can you make yourself believe. God has got to give it to you. It's a gift of God, to believe. Not your faith, God's faith. Your intellectual faith might believe it fine, but unless the faith of God is down in your heart... See, your intellectual faith can accept, to do that. And just keep believing it with all your heart until God does reveal it to you. See? Just keep believing it until God does reveal it. But until He reveals it...
L-250 You say, "Brother Branham, what'd you say there?"
"Yes, sir!" God sent a prophet up to Hezekiah and told him, "'You're not coming off that bed,' THUS SAITH THE LORD. 'You're going to die there on that bed.'" That right?
L-251 But that prophet turned... or that king turned his face to the wall, and cried out in bitter tears, and said, "Lord, I need fifteen more years. I beseech Thee, Lord, to hear me." Now, the king was the greatest man in the world, in politics; but, the prophet was, in God's sight. That was God's king; but it was God's prophet. So, God revealed to the prophet to take some... boil some... [] You know? Understand?
L-252 Now, that you might understand now, because I've preached the Scriptures here, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." In the days that the church is being revealed? No! "In the days that the Son of man is being revealed." What is revealed? Made known! That right? Reveal! The day that the Son of man is being revealed, it'll be a day like Sodom and Gomorrah. Is that right?
L-253 Now, look what happened. They had two main messengers, down there in Sodom and Gomorrah, because there was a bunch of lukewarm Christians down there. Is that right? And they had two main messengers (now listen close) down in Sodom and Gomorrah, preaching. But one of them who stood out here with Abraham's group. That right?
L-254 Now look! We have never, in all the history of the church, ever had a universal messenger to the church that his name ended in h-a-m, till now: G-r-a-h-a-m, which is six letters, G-r-a-h-a-m. But Abraham's name was spelled: A-b-r-a-h-a-m, seven letters. See? So the universal church, being the letter of man (six, man-make organization), yet has received their messenger. They've had a Sankey, Moody, Finney, Knox, Calvin, so forth, but never a "h-a-m." Is that right? But they got it, and he's a messenger, sent from God, and he's battering them walls as hard as he can, "Get out of here! Repent or perish!"
L-255 But remember, the Elected, predestinated, foreordained covenant, Abraham and his group got a messenger, too. Uh-huh. Watch what He did. He gave them a sign that the time was near for the fire to fall. Now, it's fire now we're looking for, atomic fire, the wrath of God.
L-256 Now, that Messenger did something. He spoke about a women that He had His back turned to, and told her--and told her she was doubting what He was saying, told her her conditions and what was going to happen. Is that right? Did He say that the Son of man would reveal Himself in the same way in that day? Well, do you believe that's the Truth?
Well, here stands a woman,...
L-257 And in the invisible union of the Church, the Bride to Christ, that Messenger is here now, which is Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
L-258 Now, He only speaks through His prophets. The Bible said so! "He never does anything but first He makes it known to His prophets," Amos 3:7. He always has done it. He never changes His pattern. See? And the prophet can only speak, if He's true, what God tells him. Is that right? That's true. [Amos 3:7]
L-259 Now, do you believe He could tell me what's the matter with this woman before I even look at her? Do you believe it? Why, she's suffering with cancer. That's right. It's on her breast. She's got a boy, on her mind, he's suffering with a kind of a mental condition, nervous condition, and complications. That's right. Do you believe that? And that's true, isn't it? Do you believe now that your faith was saying that, has anchored, that you got it, you're going to have it? Then go, and the Lord Jesus will make you well. See? See? Do you believe? With all your heart?
L-260 Now, do you believe, without looking at this woman, the Lord Jesus can tell me what's her trouble? How many believes that? Now, you know... and I've never even... I... only thing, I just seen a skirt. I don't know, couldn't tell whether it was man or woman; but just standing there. I want her to believe. Do you believe, lady? Here, the patient, do you believe? Raise up your hand if you believe. If you believe with all your heart, you can have that baby that you're asking God for. See? See? You believe? You have faith in God? Now, that don't heal, that just identified. That's the works that identifies the faith of the Presence of God, His Word made manifest.
L-261 This woman is wanting a great thing, too. That's not a baby, but she's wanting the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. I tell you what to do. If you'll get rid of them cigarettes, God will give you the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Go, believe It, see. Do you believe? Have you faith in God?
L-262 This man standing here, is a man I've never seen in my life. I don't know him, but he's suffering with something wrong in his chest. He had a fall that did that, not long ago. He isn't from here, he comes from Arkansas. He's a preacher. Go on home and preach the Gospel. See? See? See? I've never seen the man in his face.
L-263 There's a woman standing here, I don't know the woman, never seen her in my life. God knows her.
If He can reveal what her trouble is, or something about it, would you believe? All of you? This is only a work identifying the faith that I have to preach what I've told you about, tonight. That's what God revealed, and this is the works proving It. Now, you have to have faith to get well.
L-264 This woman here, I don't--I don't think I know her. Yes, I don't know her but I know somebody she knows, 'cause I see him standing here before me. She's suffering with a headache. Isn't that right, lady? Do you believe that God will heal you? Pearry Green's sister. That's right, and I never seen her in my life. That's right. I seen Pearry Green standing here, looking at me, going like that. That's right. I don't know where Pearry Green's at. Do you believe? How much do you believe? If you can believe, all things are possible. If you can't believe, nothing can happen.
L-265 That little lady with gray hair, setting there looking at me, right here, do you believe God? Do you believe that God can reveal to me what you're thinking about there? Got a tumor on the breast. You believe God can take it off for you? Yes. Have faith and believe. Now, what did she touch?
L-266 The woman that touched the border of His garment, the Bible said... You that want to get the Bible, He said, "He's a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Isn't that right? He's that High Priest and He's standing right here, now people are touching Him. [Hebrews 4:15]
L-267 There's a little, thin woman, raised up her hand, setting right here. I never seen her in my life, but she just then touched something. Here's what it was. She's praying to God. She has trouble in her chest, she also has a stomach trouble. God heals you, if you'll believe It. You must believe. "All things are possible to them that believe." [Mark 9:23], [Mark 14:36]
L-268 There's a man setting way back in the back, looking this a-way (about the second row, coming this way), suffering with asthma. Do you believe God will heal you, sir? If you believe It, God will make you well. You can have what you ask for, if you believe It.
L-269 There's a woman setting right here, looking at me, across here, gray-headed. If you believe with all your heart... Do you believe It? All right, that gallbladder trouble will leave you then, if you believe It.
L-270 What do you think about It, laying here on the cot? Do you believe that God can heal you? If God will tell me your trouble, will you believe Him? If you'll believe, that cancer will leave you and you'll get well. Why don't you rise up, and take your bed, and go home? Do you believe? Will all of you believe? Well, now, what about right now? Has God dropped that faith in your heart? Everybody in here, raise your hand. If God's dropped that faith in your heart, let's lay your hands on one another, right down along the line here. Put your hands on... Right now, quickly, while the Holy Spirit is a-moving, put your hands on one another. The man's up, running down the line, praying for others.
L-271 Let's stand to our feet and give God praise, everybody. There's no need of going any farther. Identify Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever; you, what your afflictions are, whatever it is. If you believe Him, stand upon your feet, right now, and believe.
L-272 Almighty God, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, send forth Your power and heal this group of people just now, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Glory be to God! God bless you.

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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