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Prayer Line 55-16
55-pl-16, Prayer Line 55-16, 76 min

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55-1009 - Lane Tech High School, Chicago, IL (Paragraphs: 61 - 83)
L-62 Heavenly Father, tonight with Divine, warm, Christian love, we approach Thee in Jesus' Name. Now, Lord, we won't have to stand here hour after hour. Just if You'll just speak to us a little, Lord, if You'll just make Yourself known here, and then we'll have prayer, each one. Then we'll believe, and we're going to go out of here tonight with really true loving fellowship with the Father. We're going out in Jesus' Name. Grant it, Lord. For Your glory I submit myself to Thee, yielding myself to the Holy Ghost, that the Holy Ghost will do the works of Jesus Christ through this poor unworthy body. Amen.
All right. How do you do, sister? Well, now, audience, I wish... I'm going to ask you a real favor, if you'll do it. People's got to catch their buses and trains. We won't be here but a little bit; ain't necessary. My ministry, I find, I haven't found the results yet; I'm trying to change it and get back to just a praying for the sick. Brother Joseph will probably write and tell me. But my ministry is this: it just declares that God is here. It don't matter whether I pray for you or not in this particular meeting now, it's your faith. It ain't touching me; it's touching Him. See? You touch Him; it'll happen.
L-63 How many out there now... So that the audience here, people around, how many wants to be prayed for up here and--and--and wants God to heal you, and--and--and you--you're sick and you want God to heal you, and you don't have prayer cards and things, you want God to heal you? See, now just believe Him and watch what happens.
Then if He'd do that one time... When Moses, God told him what he was to do, and he went down there, and performed that sign before Israel, every one of them believed and marched out. Is that right? Now, we ought to believe too. It oughtn't to be just ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, everlasting. It should just be once and you say, "That's it." And we ought to gather ourselves together in this loving Christian Spirit that we're in, lay our hands on one another, and pray, get up out of our chair and say, "Thank You, dear Lord Jesus, I now go with a heart full of love with the assurance that You're Almighty God that keeps Your Word." That ought to settle it. See?
L-64 Now, I could take, maybe stand here until midnight; I'd probably get a hundred people through here, but--if I could live that long. They wouldn't let me stay, 'cause I'd be a week or two coming out of it. See? Now, it isn't when I'm out of it, or when I'm in it; it's between the times (See?), when you're just coming out. It's anointing, and if you wouldn't understand what that means, if you've never accepted Christ, and know what it means to be anointed, it's another dimension. It's another dimension or another sense. So I... Talking to the people, I realize there's a woman here. Now, if there's anything said about her, somebody has to say it besides me, 'cause I don't know the woman. Are we strangers to one another? We are strangers to each other. She's standing here, and that's all I know. She's just standing here.
L-65 And now... And she's lot younger than I am, so, she was borned after I was, and we--we don't--never seen each other before. Now, something's got to happen if... Now, if it's healing, if she wants healing, I-I'd like to do it, but I can't. Only thing I could do maybe, is by Divine gift like preaching the Word or another gift, prophecy, bring her faith up. If God will do it down this prayer line for a piece, will you all assure me tonight that you'll believe Jesus is here, and you'll just fellowship with Him then, will you do it? Now be in prayer out there.
Now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I take every spirit in my control for the glory of God. And let every one be seated just for the next ten or fifteen minutes, please. Don't get up and move around; just set still.
L-66 Now, sister, I want to talk to you, the first person here tonight, and I want to--to speak with you, because it's first to get the anointing started. Whether you have faith or not, I don't know; there's nothing we know now. See? We just have to wait to see what the Holy Spirit will say. But if He does reveal to me what you come here for, or something that you--that something that you--you know that I don't know nothing about, then you will receive it, will you? Now, sister, all I can do is just be a man. See? That's all I can; that's all I am, just a sinner and saved by grace.
And I perceive that you are a Christian? 'Cause you have a wonderful feeling to your Spirit as it comes meeting me. See? Now, if it wasn't, it would back off. You see, if you've ever been in a meeting, when sinners come, quickly, it's unwelcome. Critics, you know it right then. See? 'Cause it's spiritual. See? But this is supernatural, and you are a Christian; you believe me, you absolutely do. That's right. But now the next thing is, you could've been a critic, and I wouldn't knowed it (See?), naturally, but I know it now (See?), because the anointing of the Holy Spirit is here.
L-67 Now, you are here because you want to be prayed for. I see you; you're--you're a real nervous person, very upset. And I see you all the time holding your... It's a headache you have all the time. You're constantly bothered with a headache all the time. Now, that it true, isn't it? That's true. Now, every one of you ought to believe. Everyone ought to believe with all your heart. Do you do it? All right.
Now, you see, if I talked more to the lady, more would be said. I could either take one person, long time talk with them, and not bring so many through, but let them come swiftly and bring them all through. It depends on just whatever... Just I got so much strength; it'll go out, provision. And when that's over... See these man standing here at their post? They'll take me. I don't know when I am, and when I'm not. But you believe the Lord Jesus.
L-68 Let's you and I talk. You seem like a very nice person, since you're standing there. And I believe He's already told you what was your trouble or something. Now, you just look this way, just a moment. And you're--you're so easy to talk to, because I believe you have a real, real faith. That's right. I see you're not from this city; you're from a city by the side of water. But it's not this water; it's salt water. And that's way, away; you come from the northeast coming west to Chicago, and you're--you're in a city, I see a name called, it's Portland. And Maine is the--is the--the state, Portland, Maine.
And I see you got someone there you're interested in; it's an afflicted person. And with something like a muscular, a bone disease that's afflicted, and it's a relative, a nephew. And then you have a brother also. And you got two handkerchiefs in your hand; I seen you when you got them. And you--and you, one is for a brother who's suffering with a nervous condition, and the other one's for a nephew who's suffering. That's the truth, isn't it. All right. Do you believe now? All right, let me...
L-69 Heavenly Father, in the Name of Thy beloved Child, Jesus Christ, Who set at the well and told the woman, "Go, get your husband."
She said, "I have none."
You said, "That's right. You got five."
She said, "I perceive that You're a prophet, Sir. I know when Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things."
Jesus said, "I am He."
Father, tonight You promised us this fellowship, and here we are enjoying this fellowship. "The things that I do shall you also. I'll be with you, fellowshipping till the end of the world." Oh, we love You, Jesus, You're here, grant the requests of this woman as I bless her with these handkerchiefs, in Jesus Name. Amen. The Lord bless you, my sister, and give to you the desire of your heart. [John 4:16-19, 25-26], [John 14:12], [Matthew 28:20]
L-70 How do you do, sister? Supposing we are strange to each other also? We are. Jesus knows us both.
Got a back trouble, haven't you little lady setting there. That's right. Back and teeth, got something wrong with your teeth also. You believe Jesus can make you well? If you do it, you can have it (see?) okay. You really believe it, you got a good book laying on your lap, if you'll just keep reading that, well, I'll have confidence in you. Amen. God bless you.
Do you believe Him with all your heart now? Now, we're strange to each other, but not before Jesus. You see? He knows both of us. I just seen something moving. It was somebody moving. I thought it was... I have to follow a Light (See?), which is the Holy Spirit. God is a Light. They that dwell in God dwell in light. Is that right? You believe that?
L-71 This lady is standing here, if that the audience can hear my voice, I hope that they can at this time. She's--she's very sick. She's got a real nervous condition she's suffering with. And she's--she's had two nervous breakdowns. That's right. And you just had some kind of a--in your lung... It was pneumonia, and a virus. Yes, they had. And I... You've had a couple of major operations too. This's true. You believe that He's here to make you well now? Come here.
I want to ask you something, sister. You in the condition you're in, and Something's here now with me, I'm just a man you know, I don't know you. But there's Something here that knows you. It's working through this body somehow. He said, "These signs will follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick they'll get well." You have to do it, don't you? You believe it? Only one thing would be unbelief. Even God's Word tells you first. See? If you... Then He lovingly sends something else to encourage your faith. Isn't He wonderful? Now, go and get well, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. [Mark 16:17-18]
L-72 Thanks be to God. You believe, lady? You're very sick. Throat trouble. That's right. It's cancer in the throat too. That's right. 'Course you knew that. You believe that Jesus make you well, lady? The only hope you have is through Him. If you will believe, God will make you well. You do it? Come here.
Dear heavenly Father, some nineteen hundred years ago, up Calvary went an old rugged cross dragging out the bloody footprints of the Bearer. On His road up, His poor little weak body fell; He was bleeding, walking in blood. That's the trail, opening up the doors. His little weak physical body fell under the strain, and there stood Simon the Cyrene, a colored man, picked up the cross and put it on his shoulders and helped Him bear it on. What a dark hour, dark Calvary.
L-73 Here's one of His children tonight, standing here, standing in the shadows of death. O God, be merciful. You, devil that's killing this woman, in the light of Calvary, I charge thee by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that you leave her with my hands on her, my Lord's commandments, come out of her in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
"If thou canst believe, all things are possible." Are you believing? Just have faith.
Little lady, setting here with a little coat over her shoulders looking toward me, she suffers with a lung trouble. Setting right back over there in the last end of the row with her hand up, she has a coat over her shoulders. Lady, when I was praying for the colored lady just then, you were praying at the time. Isn't that right? And you suffer with a lung trouble. Jesus healed you even before He healed the woman. You're well now; your faith makes you whole. Amen.
Just have faith. See? No matter where you are. Believest thou this? It's her faith. You say, "Is that in the Bible?" Sure. Said to the woman, "Thy faith has saved thee." If thou canst believe... [Mark 9:23], [Mark 5:34]
L-74 Looking around the lady there, you believing that God would heal you of that gallbladder trouble and believe He'd make you well? You believe that He would? He did it. All right. God bless you. That's the way I like to see you believe. That's the way I like to see you come, that still, quiet faith. If thou canst believe.
How do you do, lady? Do you believe with all your heart? Well, I'm a stranger to you, lady. I never seen you in my life, but Jesus has knowed you 'fore you was born. He knowed you when He formed your spirit before the foundation of the world when you were created in the--back there in spirit form. Knowing that someday that you'd come on the scene and would stand here on this platform, that's my Lord, He knows all about it. [Mark 9:23]
L-75 Now, you know He's with you. You're not from this city, and you're not for yourself. You're standing here for a preacher. And that preacher is a woman. And she's got heart trouble, and she's a Pentecostal preacher. I see her raising her hands back and forth, and she's preaching hard. And something else, she's in the last few days she's been spitting up blood. Say, that's in a... That's not here; that's in Kentucky, near Covington. I see her go down through by the river there. That's right. Now, take that handkerchief and put it on her now for her healing, in Jesus' Name.
Bless be the tie that binds our hearts to Jesus Christ. If thou canst believe, all things are possible to them that believe. Oh, He is so sweet, so lovely, I just love Him with all my heart. I'm sure you do too. [Acts 9:23]
L-76 Got female trouble, setting out there on the end, lady. You believe that Jesus make you well? If you believe it with all your heart, you can have it; just don't doubt. Amen.
You're very sick, lady. A tumor in the stomach, but Jesus can make you well. You believe that? Come here.
Heavenly Father, be merciful to this woman, knowing that she's now resting under the shadows of death. But Thou can make her well. Grant it, dear God. May Thy everlasting love and blessings rest upon this woman as I bless her in Jesus' Name. And may she live many, many, happy years yet for Your glory. Amen. God bless you, sister, have faith and believe.
L-77 You believe? You don't look like anemia, but you are. You believe that Jesus Christ will heal and for the handkerchief, also? O dear Jesus, I pray that the Holy Ghost will come to this woman and will heal her and make her well. Amen. God bless you, sister.
A little grandchild, lady, that you're praying for there, that can't talk very well, kinda afflicted. You believe that Jesus is going to make that child well? You do? All right, just don't fear now; have faith. I seen the little fellow standing here a few minutes ago. So just have faith. I believe he's going to be all right. Amen.
Do you love Him? With all our heart.
L-78 Lady, you with your hair combed like this, a pink coat on, glasses on, with arthritis, setting there, you believe Jesus will make you well too? Setting right out the line from the lady there, do you believe with all your heart that Jesus would make you well? You believe Him? If you do, you can have what you ask for too. Amen. Oh, He's real if you can believe Him to be real. That's right. But you have to believe Him.
This lady setting here has sinus trouble. You believe, lady, that Jesus will make you well with the sinus trouble? Lady setting next to you with varicose veins, setting right back here, can't you see? Sure, that's right; there's your hand. Amen.
Oh, the sovereignty of God, trying to get to one person, call four. Isn't that--isn't He wonderful?
L-79 How do you do? We strange to each other, sir, are we? We're strangers to each other. You don't know... Hard of hearing, all right. Come here. Bow your head a minute.
O Jesus, Son of God, we don't have to see miracles to believe, Lord, the only thing we have to do is to know that our hearts are pure in Your sight. But will You open the ear of this man, so he can hear what I'm talking about? Grant it, Father. If You'll do this we'll be thankful. And now, Father, knowing he's a man, and he should have faith for himself, but in faith I challenge this devil. And I charge thee, thou deaf spirit, come out of the man, in Jesus' Name leave him.
L-80 You hear me now, don't you? You love Him with all your heart? Now, you've got your hearing. See? Isn't He wonderful? He sure is. Another thing, you g--I see you're got a tumor too, but Jesus Christ can heal you, can't He? You believe that with all your heart? See, all right. Your first name's Jerry, isn't it? Mann, is your last name, and you live in Gary, Indiana. Isn't this right, isn't it? Your number is 2689 or 87, 89 something like that. That's right, isn't it? Uh-huh. You believe now with all your heart? On Fulton Street... Now, you just go right on home rejoicing and be well, in Jesus Christ's Name.
Let's say "Praise the Lord." [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.]
Lady, you want to go eat your supper? Oh, the old ulcer's done gone from you. Just take off and say, "Thanks be to God."
L-81 You believe, sir? You know what? That old asthmatic condition will leave you quit coughing and be well if you'd just believe right now. You believe with all your heart? Then go and stop coughing, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Come, lady, this old lady is trouble, female that... Well you, it has been bothering you a long time, ever since way back in menopause. But... Is that's the truth, isn't it? All right, go home now and get over it, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
L-82 Let's say "Praise the Lord." [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.] Walk out there at the end of the road and say, "The arthritis is gone from me." Amen. And get well.
Let's say "Praise the Lord." [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.]
Go eat your supper; stomach trouble went away from you. Let's say, "Praise the Lord."
You believe? "All things are possible to them that believe." If you're a believer, you can receive it. How many wants to be healed, let's see your hand. "If thou canst believe." I believe right now. [Mark 9:23]
L-83 Don't bring the lady up here; she's standing by me. Well, look, let's just now... Yes, sir, God bless you up there in the balcony, setting looking towards me with that nervous condition. Hold your hand up. God bless... Yeah, colored man setting way back towards the back. That's right, sir, you were healed right then, Jesus Christ made you well.
Hallelujah. I challenge your faith to look and believe and have fellowship with Jesus Christ. Put your hands over on each other now, we'll settle the whole thing.
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour divine;
Now, hear me while I pray,
Take all my sins away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.

Jesus, Jesus, my Lord, my Lord, Jesus' Name heal every one of them, Lord. In Jesus Christ's Name may Your Spirit move over this audience just now and heal every person in here. Satan, you can't hold this crowd; come out of here. You're rebuked. In Jesus Christ's Name leave this audience, and may the Holy Ghost take charge and heal every person in here for God's glory, in Jesus Christ's Name.

55-1113 - Tent Meeting, San Fernando, CA (Paragraphs: 73 - 97)
L-74 And now, while their... [] In telling the person different things, that has nothing to do with their healing, that's rising their... But when you here it say THUS SAITH THE LORD, watch that and mark that down. That's what He's already done. Otherwise, He could tell you something, if He wished to, but something to raise your faith up to make it believe, that's all.
Now, I believe this woman here is the first one in the line. Are you? Is this the patient? All right. Would you come, lady.
Now, everybody real still. And keep your children near you. Just keep your children real near you on account of evil things.
Don't think I'm a fanatic. I'm not, friends. I'm very... If I am, God knows I don't know nothing about it. But I'm trying to be your brother in Jesus Christ. And I believe the Bible backs it up.
L-75 Now, a man can say anything he wants to. That doesn't make it right. But when God comes around and says, "That's right," you'll be sinning by disbelieving.
Now, I think they're going to change the mike right now from here to here. I don't know whether it'll work. And you watch it because this is another world; it's another dimension to you scientists.
I don't know this woman. Never seen her in my life. I don't know what she's here for; she knows that. But God does. And He knows what every one of you are here for. And you don't to have to have a prayer card to be here. You just believe out there where you are, without a prayer card, and see if the Holy Spirit don't do just exactly like He did when He was here on earth through our Lord Jesus; 'cause it's Him.
L-76 I... Let's just hum, just a moment, if you will, "Only Believe." Will you do it brother?
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe...

Jesus coming down one morning, a man brought a boy that was seriously vexed. He said, "Can you help him?"
He said, "If you can believe. All things are possible to them that believe."
Now, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, I ask for total reverence. And watch everything that's said. In the Name of the Lord Jesus obey what He says do.
Now, lady, come forward. Is there... There, that's all right. You and I being a stranger to each other, not knowing each other... But it's the same case, just like when our Lord was here. There was a woman and a Man in the case. Is that right? And our... Us being strangers to each other, you and I, never meeting each other before... [Mark 9:23]
L-77 Are we strangers and never met each other before? If it is, raise up your hand. We don't know one another. Is that right? We don't know one another? But Jesus knows why you're here. You've come here for some purpose. And I don't know. You know I don't. But He does.
Now, you're conscious that something's going on, but you don't know... It's kind of a real humble-like feeling. It's a... Did you ever see that picture of the Angel of the Lord? That's what's... That's just what It is between you and I. Now, you see It moving? It's a Light.
L-78 Now, He knows what you're here for. And if He will reveal to me what you're here for, like the woman come to the well with her trouble; go right to your trouble, will you accept Him as your... whatever it is, finances, or--or what... sickness, or your soul condition?
Remember, you can't hide your life from Him. He knows. But I know that you're a Christian, because your spirit is welcome. Now, you're having trouble, and the trouble is in the back. It's in a kidney. And that's diagnosed as cancer. And you're... that's... to die with this cancer. But you've come because that you believe that God would make you well. Is that true?
L-79 Now, there's Something here that knows you. Isn't that right? And He's able to tell you what it is. Do you believe that it's Him? Then if we'll pray... Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." Is that true? Then you come here just a moment. Shall we bow our heads.
Our heavenly Father, this shadow, darkness, hanging over the woman, death... But Thou art Life and Light. And as Your servant, I offer this petition to--in her behalf, that in the Name of Jesus the Son of God, Who is present now, that You will heal her. Yet, Lord, she cannot see You, but seeing the same works that You did... That's how they knowed You at Emmaus. You did something that no one else could do but You. And they recognized it to be You. And she recognizes the same, Lord, that it's not her humble brother standing here, but You. And as Your representative, I curse the disease in Jesus' Name, and ask that she would be made well. Amen. God bless you sister. Go happy.
Do you believe now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Have faith. Don't doubt. Just believe with all your heart. [Mark 16:17-18]
L-80 Oh, you have a wonderful faith... [] Oh, after the anointing once strikes, what a condition.
Now, sister, I want you to--to look here just a moment. As our Master said to a woman, "Bring Me a drink." And the apostle said to the man at the gate called Beautiful, "Look on me. Look on us," not that--not as they was. They wanted to worship the man a little later. And he said... []
And now, we...?... probably born many miles apart... [] The first time we've met...?... [] Holy Spirit reveal to me what you're here for, will you believe that I've told you the truth about His resurrection, and will accept Him as your Healer?
For you already are a Christian. Your spirit is welcome. See? If it was an unbeliever, It would know it right quick. But you got a welcome spirit.
Now, not knowing you... Then it would have to be a perfect miracle if God would reveal to me what you're--you're here for. Is that right? One...
L-81 Now, if the audience is still hearing my voice, the woman seems to be going away from me. I see her walking in her room. She has something in her hand. She drops it. Oh, she's nervous. It's a nervous condition she has. And I see a terrific fall. She's had a fall, and it hurt her neck. And she's slipped...
Doctors has said it's three vertebras, or the cushions in between the vertebras that's been gone out. And it's laying down against the... And it's pinching and hurting, and it's making her extremely nervous. And there's no hope for her outside of God the Creator to put the cushions back.
And I see she has another trouble. It's a tumor. And that tumor is in the female glands. She has tumor in the female glands. THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Those things are true, are they? I do not know what I told you. It wasn't me. That was another--another. Was it every bit true? Every word true. Then if God is telling I've told the truth, then Jesus has risen from the dead, hasn't He?
He said, "Whatever you ask the Father then in My Name, I'll do it." If He's risen from the dead, and nineteen hundred years still proving that He's here, raised from the dead; His Words are true, is it? "Ask what you will and it shall be done unto you." Will you believe this, sister? Then come forward. [John 14:13]
L-82 Our kind heavenly Father, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, realizing that we're standing in Divine Presence of the Almighty God Who made heavens and earth, and dwelt here in a Body called the Lord Jesus, when He testified Himself, "I do nothing except the Father shows Me. And these things that I do shall you also. Even more, because I go to the Father. I'll come again, be with you always, even to the end of the world."
Then I ask in Jesus' Name to the Father, that He will condemn ever what was wrong with this my sister. And I send her from here this afternoon in the Name of Jesus Christ to be well. Amen.
Go on your road rejoicing, sister. It's over. You're healed.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.] Do you believe? If you can believe (All right.), you can receive. Now, reverent, every one.
Oh, what a--what a time, friends. What a glorious time. Remember, we are... The audience looks fadey. God knows that I'm not a fanatic. I'm telling you the truth. But we are in the Presence of Him Who raised from the dead. He's here. Now, let the Mohammedan doubt. [John 5:19], [John 14:12], [Matthew 28:20]
L-83 What do you think about it, little lady with the red coat on, setting there? You're suffering from a heart trouble, aren't you, nervous condition? You believe the Lord Jesus would make you well? If you believe with all your heart... The Bible said, "If thou canst believe, thou shalt receive." But... If you can believe, and be made well...
You believe, lady? Are we strangers to each other? We are strangers. I've never seen you in my life.
L-84 Do you believe, sister? You believe that God would heal you? Setting there weeping, you had ulcers, but the Lord Jesus made you well right then. That's right, isn't it? Stand up on your feet. This lady setting right here with the white coat on, an Angel of God was right around where she was at. And you're healed now. Your ulcers won't bother you no more.
Would you do me a favor? There's a case of sinus setting right next to you. Lay your hand over there and pray too. Lord, Jesus, I pray that you'll heal him also of the sinus, and may he be well. Stand up, my brother, and give praise to God. Your faith makes you whole also. You are healed. Hallelujah.
Jesus the Son of God has raised from the dead. Do you believe back in there? Just have faith.
Oh, how wonderful. He never fails. He's Jesus the Son of God.
L-85 Now, sister, if you believe with all your heart and will look this a way and just believe... I couldn't heal you. If I could heal you and wouldn't do it, I'd be a brute. If there's anything I could do to help you and wouldn't do it... and you... If that's what you're here for. I do not know. It might be some other trouble. I can't say. But if I could help you and wouldn't do it, I'd be a horrible person, wouldn't I? And I'm your brother.
Now, you're conscious that something's going on, lady. I see something about an appointment you had. And that's to take place Wednesday. You're examined by a doctor, and it's something wrong with your breast. And you're to be operated on this coming Wednesday. That's right. And you believe that Jesus Christ is going to make you well? Come here just a minute then.
Our dear heavenly Father, I pray that in Jesus Name that You'll take away all the disease from our sister, she will recover and be a well person. I ask this in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go happy and rejoicing now, believing with all your heart.
L-86 Now look, audience, just a moment, don't move, please. You disturb... There's someone healed at this side. I couldn't see where it was at. See? Don't move, please. They'll--they'll take me away just in a minute. But don't move.
See, each one of you is a soul; your spirit's here. You're Christians. And we're working in a spiritual realm. The Bible said be reverent. "Be still and know that I am God," He said.
I'm sorry. It happened right in here, but I couldn't see it. Now, be real reverent, and have faith.
How do you do, lady? We're strangers to each other. I don't know you. You don't know me. And I've never seen you in my life. And perhaps, you've never seen me, 'less it was in a meeting somewhere just pass... You--you don't know me? This week's the first time you've ever seen me? Then we're total strangers, aren't we? I don't know you. [Psalms 46:10]
L-87 Now, audience, just a moment. Here's a lady; we've never met. She just seen me when she come here at the meeting. We've never met in our life. She's standing there, a healthy looking woman to me.
There's something wrong. I don't know; God does. But let her be the judge. If God will reveal to me what's wrong, will you believe the truth that Jesus raised from the dead? You'll believe it?
And remember, He's just as willing to heal you as He is to heal her. Don't make any difference. It's just the same. You see people here... You out there with, that's out in the audience; you're being healed. So it doesn't--it doesn't matter to God. If you'll just set and pray, God will grant it.
L-88 Now, be real reverent and see what the Holy Spirit will say. He might not say one word. I can't tell you. That's up to Him.
Now, sister, not knowing you and knowing that I... You'll have to admit that if the Holy Spirit reveals something to me, that you know that I don't know you, or nothing about you; you know it'll have to be supernatural power.
And now, it depends on what you determine it to be. If you determine it to be wrong, then you'll never receive nothing. But if you determine it to be right, you'll get what you ask for.
But you, you are not here for yourself. You're here for someone else. And it's a woman. And you're packing a handkerchief in your hand for the woman. And that woman is your sister. And she's not in California. She's in way away. I... She's from a place called Alabama. And she's suffering with high blood pressure and heart trouble. Is that right? Then believe.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I ask that this be granted through the mercies and merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom be praise and glory. Amen. God bless you.
Have faith in God. You can receive what you ask for if thou canst only believe.
L-89 Now, standing right here... To you who know it and seen the picture, here goes the Angel of the Lord, a vision. A woman with her head bowed, she's in prayer. And she's praying that God will speak to me. She's setting right here on the front row, and she's praying about a husband, that she wants him to have a deeper walk with God. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Rise up to you feet, sister, and accept it in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.
Does thou believe? If you can believe, you will receive what you ask for, for the Holy Ghost is here. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, and He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it? Have faith in God. [Hebrews 13:8]
L-90 Now, the lady standing before me... We are strangers, I suppose, to each other, lady. I have never seen you in my life. We are strangers, are we? If we are, raise up your hand to the audience. I do not know the lady. I have never seen her.
But you see the affect of the visions, look it here. See? It just seems like I'm passing out. See? You're going into another world, down with other people. It's another dimension. Daniel, the prophet, saw one vision and was troubled at his head for many days.
I'm sure you can appreciate this. And that audience just drawing like one great magnet. What is it? It's not from me. It's the Holy Spirit here. He sent me.
Not--not by my own self. It's Christ. He's here to show you that He's raised from the dead. It's not me; He's right there with you too. See? He's with us all. You just believe it with all your heart, and He will heal you. For you get what you ask for. If thou canst believe. But you must believe. [Mark 9:23]
L-91 Now, here's a total stranger. But the lady is a Christian. And the lady, being a Christian, she's very conscious that something's going on, because it's the moving of the Holy Spirit.
It was hanging over this lady setting right here. It's moved back to the woman here now. Some connection somewhere; I don't know.
But the woman is--is here because that she's extremely nervous. And she's suffering with a--a trouble in her neck, and it effects the shoulder, and in the back. And I see a surgery, an operation. But it was some time ago, long time ago. And this is the effects of that surgery that's causing these conditions. That's right. Do you believe now? You believe now with all your heart? The woman be the witness.
Now, you see, the more you talk to her, more would take place. But you see, we have to save a little strength for the audience. Just for this, let's talk to the woman just a moment. Would it make you believe more? Let me talk to her a moment if the Holy Spirit would show anything different. I don't know. I don't know what He's said to her. But ever what it was was truth. If it's truth, raise up your hand. It's truth. It's always truth. It can't be nothing else.
L-92 Now, what your trouble was, I don't know. But if the Holy Ghost will show me something else, would you then believe with all your heart? May He grant it.
I'm just His servant, His prophet, or, maybe I ought not to have said that: minister.
You're not from this city. You've come from another city. Say, and you're a preacher. You've come; you have a independent church that you're preaching in, in a little place. Isn't that right? Well, lady, you return home. You're well. Jesus Christ makes you well.
A glorious Light come all around the woman. Go on your road, my sister, and rejoice and be happy for Jesus heals you. Amen.
Let us say, "Praise the Lord." [Congregation says "Praise the Lord."--Ed.] Give Him glory all ye people.
L-93 Now, be reverent. Please, don't move. You're--you're--you're making it ten times worse on me. The... I'll go just in a few minutes if you'll promise to set still, just a moment or two. People are getting healed.
I know you have to hurry, and I guess maybe it's getting late. Yes. But the boys are watching me. That's what this man's standing here for, down here, my boy. He's watching me. He knows just how much farther I can go. Let's see if we can't speak, maybe the Holy Spirit to someone else and see what would take place.
L-94 Sir, do you believe? Come here just a minute. Put your hand over on mine. Now, you setting there thinking this is mental telepathy, and I'm reading their mind, I'll show you that it's not.
I'm a stranger to you. Am I sir? I don't know you. But if God can reveal to me what is your trouble, you'll believe, won't you? Then go home and eat your dinner; the stomach trouble left you. Amen. Oh, have faith in God. Just believe with all your heart.
All right, would you come, lady? You believe? Can you? Do you believe? Then you won't need your operation. Your tumor will just go right on away from you. You can go on your road and rejoice and be made well.
Let's say, "Praise be to God." All right. Do you believe with all your heart?
L-95 Sister, look here just a moment. The lady setting right here, looking right at me, right by that little girl. You're praying, aren't you, sister, 'cause you have female trouble that you want to get over. That is right. You prayed just a few minutes ago and said, "God, if you'll have him call me, I'll believe, and I'll be well." Isn't that right, sister?
You there with the gray coat on. You believe with all your heart now, setting here on the front row, and believe that you're... that Jesus Christ make you well? If you do, raise up your hand, and say, "I accept it." All right. You can go on your road and be made well now. Jesus healed you.
You're--you're the patient. I'm not beside myself, but I... it's... You understand. I don't know you. But I see you trying to get out of bed. It's a stiffening condition: arthritis. You believe that He makes you well? He does. Just go on your road rejoicing, and be thankful, and be happy. Amen.
Heart trouble's no more for God to heal than it is to take a drink of water. You believe that? Then go rejoicing, and be made well, through Jesus Name. Amen.
Do you believe? Just have faith. Have faith; believe. Don't...
L-96 Now, just a moment. Something happened. I seen a lady moving. Oh, I see a dark shadow. It's hanging over a lady. She's setting there with her hand up, praying. It's up against her mouth. Cancer, cancer of the head, you're in a dying condition. That's right, lady.
That's your husband setting by you. You're not from this place. I see great big tall trees where you come from. It's evergreen trees, like pines. You're from a... You're from a... either Portland... No, you're from Washington, the state of Washington. Your husband's a minister of the Gospel. His name is Jiggers, or Jagger, or Jaggers, or something like that. I heard somebody say... I believe his initials is U.S. Yeager. Put your hand over on her brother, and may she be healed in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Hallelujah. Praise be to our God.
Say, while the Holy Ghost is there, person setting right next to her has trouble with her jaw. They're praying and believing God would heal them. The Lord bless you, my brother, and make you well.
L-97 You setting there with the high blood pressure, you believe Jesus will make you well? Stand up on your feet. You also have a little funny feeling around your heart. It's gone. Jesus Christ heals you and makes you well. Do you believe?
Why, Jesus Christ can heal everybody in this aud--in the Presence right now. Do you believe it? He's here. He's raised from the dead. It must be my going time. Somebody's around me.
I ask you in Jesus Name to lay your hands over on each other, and believe with all your heart, while His Presence is here.
Go, your arthritis has left you, sister. Go on you road rejoicing. You was healed of that arthritis when you raised up there, setting in the chair. Stomp your feet up-and-down like this. See? There you are. Go on, you're all right now.
Put your hand on one another. In the Name of Jesus Christ, thou Satan, who's done evil to this audience. I condemn thee. Thou art a devil, and you're only deceiving the people. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. He's alive today, and you're exposed. You aggravating animal, you'll be punished for this evil that you do to God's children. I adjure thee by the Name of the living God, the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son, that you come out of the people, and leave this very day; and every person in here will be made well, through Jesus Christ's name...?...

55-1114 - Tent Meeting, San Fernando, CA (Paragraphs: 85 - 116)
L-86 Now, all right, as they line them up... How many people here who doesn't have a prayer card, raise up your hand, and you want God to heal you. Raise up your hand, way up high now, who doesn't have prayer cards that wants to be healed so I can get a general idea of where you are. All right. That's fine.
Now, be in prayer. Have faith. Now, shall we bow our heads just a moment.
Our heavenly Father, now the crucial moment has come where something... I have spoke of You, Father. Now, it's--it is Thy time, Lord. And I pray Thee that in Jesus' Name, that You'll speak, Lord, tonight. Grant it.
Let Thy mercy come. And now, as I have testified of Thee, testify, Lord, to the audience that I have told them the truth. I pray Thee to do this secretly now, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
L-87 Now, let everyone remain right in your seats. Be seated. Be reverent. Don't move around. I'm sorry; I was fifteen minutes late on the line to begin with. But we'll pray. Now, if they're not there...
Is everybody, the whole line's there? All right. Sometimes people can't get up, and sometimes they're deaf and dumb and they can't speak or hear. You watch your neighbor's card so that when it's called, it'll--it'll come.
L-88 Now, I'm going to ask you to do me a real good favor. Will you do it? Now, look. They won't let me stay too long here. Because got other nights, and other nights coming. Then after this meeting, I leave here and go right straight to another one, then right to another one, then overseas. And see, I just have to watch... they do. 'Cause just... If it--if God would do it one time, it ought to settle it.
Now, see, there's nothing I... Remember, I told you there's nothing in me or in no other man, that can help you, not one thing. And if anyone tells you there is, he's certainly out of Scripture. That's right. Jesus has already done it. Your healing... He was wounded for your transgressions; with His stripes you were healed already. And anything that He's already done, there's only one thing left for you to do: By faith accept it. Is that right?
L-89 So there isn't any virtue in any man. It all lays in Calvary. And any true minister of the Gospel will witness the same thing. See? It's not a hocus-pocus. No, sir. It's pure unadulterated, the Holy Spirit of God making manifest Jesus Christ.
Now, I want to ask you something. If Jesus has risen from the dead, won't He do the same things if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever? Will He do the same things? He said He would.
Now, what did He say when He was here on earth? He did nothing of Himself but what the Father showed Him. Is that true? Well then, everything that He did was by vision, is that right? He touched people and told them according to their faith. Their faith touched Him, and He told them back, what was wrong with them, and like the woman at the well.
L-90 See how the Father sent Him up there to the well? Instead of going down to Jericho, He went up around to Samaria, and just sit there and waited for the woman to come. Then the woman come. That's the one He'd seen. He got to talking to her. Then He found out what her trouble was.
She was not living right. She had five husbands. He said, "Go, get your husband." She said, "I have none." Just listen to this, while they're making ready.
L-91 Said, "Go, get your husband," after He'd talked to her, carried a conversation, like I will with this woman or anybody else. Carried a conversation while He was catching that human spirit... He said, "Go, get your husband."
She said, "I have none."
He said, "That's right. You got five."
Well, listen what she said. Now, listen closely. Said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. We know that when the Messiah cometh..." That's Jesus. She didn't know it was Jesus, the Messiah, didn't know He was the Messiah. Said, "When Messiah cometh, He will tell us all things, be able to tell us like You did there." [John 4:16-19]
L-92 See the conversation's on: how did He know what was wrong with her? Now, she said, "You must be a prophet. For I know that when Messiah cometh (we know that), that when Messiah cometh, He will tell us things like that. But Who are You?"
He said, "I'm He, that speaks to you."
And she run into the city and said, "Come, see a Man that told me what I'd done." Said, "Isn't this the very Christ?" That's Scripture, isn't it?
Now, if that was Jesus then, and He has raised from the dead, won't He do the same tonight? Then if He does, isn't that positive, supernatural proof, and not only supernatural, but natural proof, right here among us that He's raised from the dead? And if He is raised from the dead, His attitude towards you as just like it was then. And you ought to accept it. [John 4:26-29]
L-93 Now, every... Are you ready, brethren? Now, just once slowly, "Only Believe." Or let's sing it like this: Now, I Believe. Let's just sing it, Now, I Believe.
Now, I believe, now, I believe,
All things are possible, now, I believe;
Now, I believe, now, I believe,
All things are possible, now, I...

What is it we believe now? That Jesus has risen from the dead, living here among us, fulfilling the Words that He said, "These things that I do shall you also, and more than this shall you do, for I will go to My Father. Yet a little while, and the world (unbelievers), the world will see Me no more. Yet ye shall see Me."
L-94 Now, there's going to be some of the world, no matter what you... whatever took place, they will never see it again. They say, "I don't believe it. I don't believe it."
"But ye shall see Me," there's still ye's, "for I will be with you, even to the end of the world." Is that right?
The... "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel." How far? All the world, to the end of the age. "These signs shall follow them that believe." How long? To the end of the world. Wherever the Gospel has been preached... And two thirds of it's never heard of it yet. See what I mean? Not us as healers, but us as Christians, and Jesus working with them, confirming the Word, with signs following.
Now, if He's raised from the dead, He will do as He said. [Mark 16:15-17]
L-95 Now, the lady will come, if she will. Now, these people in this audience tonight, so far as I know, are strangers to me. I just looked, just for a moment. There's no one right present that I see now that I know. 'Course, I know this brother standing here, he's one of the ministers. I don't know the brother's name, but I know his face setting at the organ; my son's setting there.
Brother Arganbright's setting back in the back. I seen him and I'm not sure, but if that's Brother Wilson, I'm not sure, setting way back. I'm not positive. Brother Art Wilson, I believe it is, setting way back in the back. Just happened to recognize him walking by a few moments ago. Outside of that, it's as far as I know anyone.
L-96 What about these stretchers? Did any of you all have cards or anything that was called? No. No. Well, you don't have to have cards. See? You just look this way and believe. You just believe. Did it... It's--it's your faith in God. Just believe it with all your heart, see if God don't answer your prayer.
Be in prayer. Don't be... Just--just--just set quietly and say, "Now Lord, I believe the man has told the truth." He said, "If you get people to believe you, then be sincere when you pray, nothing will stand before the prayer."
I said, "They wouldn't believe me, Lord."
Said, "As Moses was given signs, so this will be. And when this is done, they will believe you."
It's been so far, this has been about nine years. I still think they believe. May the Lord bless.
L-97 Now, the little lady standing here is a perfect stranger to me, as far as I know. I never seen her in my life, as far as I know. And, but God does know her. I don't. But Jesus Christ knows you. That's... You know that. You're here for some cause. I don't know. But Jesus does know, doesn't He? He knows what you're here for.
And you know that I don't know what you're here for. But if Jesus will reveal to me through His Spirit, like He talked to the woman at the well... And you and I are just as He was then. See? He was talk... a man talking to a woman.
Now see, you're a woman. And--and you're... And I--and I'm man. Now, we're both--both natural human beings. But yet there's a spirit in you, and there's a spirit in me. And you are a Christian, 'cause there's--your spirit's welcome. You see?
L-98 But now, there may be something wrong with you. If there is something wrong you... Now, there's anointing of the Spirit. Me as your brother, I don't know. But there's a Spirit that comes down, and I just yield myself to It. And It tells through my lips, not me knowing, but It tells through me by a vision, what's the matter and your... whatever's about you.
Then you know it wouldn't be your brother. Then that's the Holy Spirit of God trying to get you to believe. See what I mean? Now, audience, do you understand that? And now, if the Holy Spirit will reveal to this woman, will you believe with all your heart now, that it's like the same, like the woman at the well?
L-99 Now, I can't make you believe, understand. You're the sick person. It's you're the patient. But it'll... I say this with reverence: it'll be your attitude towards what I'm telling you, will determine what will happen. That's right. So just remember that and pray.
And be in prayer. Don't move around. Just set reverent. Be real reverent and believe with all your heart. God will do the rest of it.
Now, I have to talk to you a minute, because in preaching, usually in the big campaigns, where the manager and them is around, the speaker, I--I just come right in under the anointing and go ahead and start with a prayer line. This way's speaking and making altar calls, it kinda throws it away from me a little, from one side to the other. Both the same Spirit, but it's... by the same... just another gift, you see what I mean?
L-100 But now, you standing there, and I here, as your brother, speaking to you, as strangers to one another... But there seems to be something strange about you, very strange. It--it is strange. You--you--you've just been healed. You--you've been healed. Yes. You've been healed. You--you were healed last night. That's right. But you're standing here for somebody else. And that is a--a person that's taking some kind of--something like shots or, it's insulin. And it's--it's diabetes. And that man's a preacher. And he's been taking these diabetes shots for a long, long time. Insulin is what it is. I see it as he gives it, insulin to himself, and then tests his own urine afterwards. You're standing for him, aren't you?
L-101 You being healed, you come because that's a friend of yours. Is that true? I'm not reading your mind, but that's the truth, isn't it? Now, the handkerchief that you got in your hand, that's of God. Go send it to him. And may the Lord heal him in Jesus Christ' Name. Amen.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus, may it leave him. Thank Him. Thank Him. Don't fear. Have faith.
Do you believe now? Have faith. Just believe with all your heart. God will grant it to you if thou canst believe. But first, you have to believe. Isn't that right? You have to believe.
L-102 Now, I believe this lady is Spanish. You speak English? She doesn't even speak my language. Is there someone here can interpret Spanish, that would come and knows Spanish language, that could interpret, just...? Can you interpret? Some. All right. If a Spanish interpreter... All right, here comes someone who can interpret.
How do you do, sir? Would you now, sir, just quote my voice to the lady? Would you do it? And so that she can understand and... See now, here I can't even talk the woman's language. Now, that's the way it is overseas when visions come. See?
Now, do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? She does. Do you believe me to be His servant? You know I... with all your heart... You--you know that I do not know you. But Jesus does know you. If He will tell me what's wrong, or what you want, or what your trouble is, will you believe that He raised from the dead and you'll accept Him as giving you what you have need of? She will? Does "si" mean "yes"? (Si, yeah, I see.)
L-103 You are here for someone else. And that person isn't even in--here. That person is east from here. And you cross California; you cross Arizona; you go into New Mexico. And it's a daughter. And that daughter is suffering... lungs with TB, having TB. Give me your handkerchief.
Lord Jesus, may her life be spared. I pray and bless this handkerchief, in Jesus Christ's Name, for her healing. Amen. Amen.
Send it to her. Send the handkerchief to her. Have no doubts. She'll get well.
Let us say, "Praise the Lord." [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.] Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Believe all things are possible to them that believe. Do you believe it? All right.
L-104 Lady, I believe you're Spanish too. You speak English? Well, fine. Then walk just a little closer, please. All right. We are strangers to each other. And we have never met in life. But maybe born many miles apart, many years apart, but yet Jesus knows both of us. Is that right?
Now, you know that I never seen you in my life. And... But I am saying that Jesus has knowed you before you were born. He knowed you before the world began. In His great knowledge He knew that you would be on this earth before the earth was made. So He knows all about us.
Now, He loves you. And He... You're here for some cause. I do not know. But I declare that He has risen from the dead. Now, if He was standing here, wearing this suit, well, He couldn't... If you're sick, He couldn't heal you, because He's already did it. But He--He might do something that'll cause you to believe it (You see?) and accept what He already done.
L-105 Now, if He will speak through me, like He did through His Son, at the... The promise, the same things that He did through His Son would be done through His Church. And if He will do the same thing here, then you will accept His Sacrifice as--and the atonement, for whatever you have need of. Will you do that?
Will the rest of the people... Every Spanish person in here ought to do it if--if God will do it.
Now, it's--it's difficult, but the Lord knows. Now, the woman is much probably older than I. And she's--she's a believer. I see that. She's a welcome spirit.
Now, if the audience can still hear my voice, the woman seems to be moving away. And I see her; she's in some kind of a condition, they're... It's something over her. No, they're operating on her. And she goes out and she comes back again. She had two operations and it's in the stomach.
L-106 And they had an ulcerate in the stomach. And the doctor's taking out the ulcerate, but it didn't do no good. The ulcer of the stomach still bothers the woman. And this is THUS SAITH THE LORD; she has a--a nervous condition that's causing it. The woman when she was younger, I see her as a young woman or a middle-aged woman, goes into a time of life, like ladies go through, the change of life and she become nervous. And she's been bothered ever since. That is THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. That was true. Whatever it was, was true. Is that right?
Now, He who... You know that there's something here anointing me as your brother, a knowing your life. Is that right? Do you believe it's what the Bible said, the Holy Spirit returned to do this? Do you accept Him now? Then in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I condemn the disease of this woman's body and pass her on for a healthy life, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Go rejoicing, happy. Now, look sister. I--I seldom say this to people, but as I prayed... before I prayed, it turned. It was real dark around you. Something that was on you, was going to kill you. I don't know what it was. But now it's gone. It's real light around you. And you know something's happened, hasn't it? Now, go on your road rejoicing and being happy.
L-107 Let's say, "Praise be to God."
And do you believe that while you were setting right there, that the Lord Jesus made you well? I... It was done while you were setting right there. You don't have to be prayed for. Your faith has already healed you. Go on your road rejoicing and saying, "Praise be to God."
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Real faith...
L-108 My sister, you setting right there, right behind this lady with a pink coat on, raise your hands, because Something struck you. And that's right. You've been suffering with a heart trouble. It's been bothering you, isn't that right?
Now, wave your hand back and forth like this, so... That's right. But the reason it's been bothering you is because you've had a real nervous condition. And the reason that is, your heart trouble is worse on you, especially after you eat and lay down, because that gas gets into your stomach and goes up against your heart. It's really not a heart trouble; it's a nervous trouble. And you drop things and so forth.
Now, your faith has made you whole. Jesus Christ heals you. Now, you can go home and be happy. God bless you. Amen.
L-109 If our Lord Jesus can take TB, anything, is just as easy for Him. Isn't that right? You were healed while you were setting in the chair, the TB left you. So you go on your road rejoicing and saying, "Thanks be to God." Amen.
Amen. You believe?
Now, here's two spirits calling one to another. I--I only wish that my lovely audience could only be in this dimension and see this. This woman standing here is suffering with the same thing that woman setting there with her hands crossed, right like that. Here's a dark line. Because the spirit that's on this woman is calling to this spirit for help. And it's both the same disease: arthritis to both. And now, you can go on your road. Stand up on your feet, lady, you with your handkerchief. There you are. It's gone from you. Now, go on your road rejoicing and being happy.
L-110 Let's say, "Praise the Lord." There He is. See, you don't need prayer cards. You're being healed without it. Thanks be to God.
All right. Come, lady. When you're trying to get around and your back's bad like that, and (See?) makes it kind of hard, doesn't it? And stepping down off the street, turning sideways like this sometimes to get down. You won't have to do that now. Your faith made you whole, while you were standing way back there in the prayer line. Go on your road rejoicing and staying happy. Thanks be to God.
L-111 Sister, do you believe with all your heart? And you--you believe that He'd heal you and make you well of the heart trouble and everything, just make you get well? He has. Now, just go happy and rejoicing. Your faith has made you well. All right.
Now, lady setting there with that--with that eczema, and you believe that Jesus will make you well? If you want to believe with all your heart, okay. God will heal you if thou canst only believe. Thanks be to God.
How do you do, sir? You believe with all your heart?
What do you think, sister? You believe Him?
Do you believe? Do you sir? With all your heart? Yes, sir. I believe that. What if I told you, you was healed while you was setting in that chair, would you believe it? You would. Let me tell you, just so that you know that I'm telling you the truth.
You have a habit you'd like to give up (That's right.), smoking cigarettes. Will you give them up? That you might know this too. You got a mother here tonight wants to be healed, haven't you? If I tell you what's wrong with her, setting out there in the audience, will you believe me? Gallbladder trouble. Is that right? Now, go on. You'll both be well. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, go.
L-112 Let's say, "Praise be to God, Who gives us the victory."
You're trying hard, lady. It's for that woman there, isn't it? I never seen you and you know that. But the Holy Spirit is here. He knows all things. You're not far from the Kingdom, lady, 'cause you're sick and I know that.
Now, here's something strange, audience. Don't think I'm beside myself. I'm not. But here comes, from this woman here, scoots over to that man setting out yonder, second person back in that seat there. Man setting back there, you got troubles of the liver, haven't you, sir? And that's your wife setting next to you. She has something wrong with her neck, doesn't she?
L-113 This lady is bothered with liver trouble too. That's right. See there. That demon calling, but he--he's going to lose the battle. Jesus Christ is here. That's right. This woman's dying with the liver trouble. Sir, it's over. Your faith did it, sir. And the devil trying to play a trick, but he lost the game.
Look, lady. You got liver trouble too. You believe me? I want to talk to you just a minute. You're going to die laying there; you know that. You can't live laying there, 'cause you're very sick.
And I see where there's an examination; you got water on the inside of you, up there that won't come down. You're sicker than what they tell you. That's right. You're very sick. Sure. You got complications of everything, setting there. You believe me? That's right, isn't it?
L-114 That's your daughter setting with you. Isn't that right? You believe me to be God's prophet? You do? What do you think about this? You believe it's the Lord Jesus? You do? You got your pocketbook in your lap, haven't you? But you got a letter in that pocketbook that come from my office. That's right. Don't they call you, "Thell," or something like that? That's right.
Now, put your hand over on your mother. Heavenly Father, this is the hour of her faith. She lays there, she'll die. Give her strength, Lord. Give her believing power. And now, as Your servant, I condemn that devil. Satan, you're trying to hold her but you've been exposed. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. And you are nothing but a bluff. I adjure thee by the living God, come out of the woman.
L-115 Lady, do you believe with all your heart? Then if you believe... All right, you believe Jesus is near you now? That's the truth, what's been told, is that right? You believe me as His prophet? Then in the Name of Jesus Christ, rise up, take your bed, go home. Come out. Don't fear. Raise out of the bed and come up in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. You can do it. God will give you strength as He did Georgie Carter and the rest of them. He'll grant it to you.
She's a rising up. Her daughter's a raising her. And here she comes out of the bed to be made whole. Let us bless God.
Anybody else in here wants to be healed? Raise your hands up to the Lord Jesus while we pray.
L-116 Heavenly Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, we come to Thee just now, and ask that You heal every person in Divine Presence. Satan, you are defeated. Come out of the people. Thou art an impostor. You're wrong. You're a deceiver. And Jesus Christ has raised from the dead and He's here. Leave the people in Jesus Christ's Name. Come out.
Every one of you raise your hands and give God praise and go home and be made well.

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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