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Prayer Line 54-15
54-pl-15, Prayer Line 54-15, 66 min

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54-0902 - St. Nicholas Arena, New York, NY (Paragraphs: 75 - 96)
L-76 How do you do, lady? Now, the lady standing here is a perfect stranger, totally strange. I've never seen her, know not one thing about her. Now, just as I was going to turn the Bible down and preach a text... Now, this is God's text to you to believe that I have told you the truth about His Son Jesus Christ, that He's raised from the dead and right here. Not up in heaven, He's right here, right here with you.
Now, if Jesus Christ has raised from the dead, and promised the things that He did we'd do also, standing talking to the woman... Now, as far as healing her, He could not do that. No, sir. He--He can't do one thing twice. I can't pay my fare overseas once and then go pay it over again the same trip. When He died for your sickness and sin at Calvary, that settled it right... Is that right? It was all over right there.
As far as she's sick, I don't know whether she's sick or not, but if she is sick, Jesus healed her when He died at Calvary. The only thing He could do standing here, would be tell her something another, that would make her faith believe that. Is that right?
L-77 If you all were sinners, and the only thing He could do would tell you all something another, preach through the Gospel, or something another that the Holy Spirit would let you know that He's the Son of God and you accept Him as your Saviour: same thing... Now, may He come, is my prayer.
And now, as the organ plays softly, no one moving, be reverent, keep quiet. And of course, now when the Lord is speaking to the patient, if He does, out there wherever it is, be alert. They're telling me, many times like this, because that this is the patient don't get the sound right quick. Be alert, be expecting God to call you. Then keep real reverent when He does. Then if you want to give Him praise, go ahead; that's all right. See? But while it's going on, listen to Him, give Him reverence while He's speaking.
L-78 Now, lady, I want to talk to you just a moment as--as my sister. And standing here, you and I strangers to each other, we do not know one another, never have met before in life, as far as I know. Is that true? That is true. We don't know each other. But the Lord Jesus knows us both, doesn't He? That's right, He knows us both.
Now, you're--you're aware that since I have turned around to talk to you, that something's going on. See? Now, if that's right, raise up your hand, if the audience can see. See? That's right. Now, between the woman and I, that the audience might know, there's a settling white Light. The same Light that's on this picture, is standing between me and that lady, right now.
L-79 The lady seems to be moving away from me. She's... I see a home, a place, and she's extremely nervous; she's upset, always disturbed. She walks and wrings her hands; sometimes she... But I--I see them taking her somewhere. It's a... It's in a--going under an operation. It--it's in a hospital. And I see you come one, two, three, four operations. And it was on the throat. They cut into the throat, 'cause they had you covered from here. It's in the throat. And they took out part of your throat or something another, and they put some kind of a thing back in your throat to breathe through the... Yeah, it's under your clothes. That's right. That's right, wasn't it, lady? That was Him. Let's bow our heads.
Lord Jesus, may Thy Spirit and power come and condemn the enemy, and may our sister get well now in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, believing now with all your heart.
L-80 Every person in here ought to believe right now with your whole heart. If thou canst believe, all things are possible. But you must believe. All right, bring the lady.
I wished I could just feel strong now. Just be quiet, in prayer. Don't move; just set still, please.
Now, it's this lady here, going to speak for her? You have faith now. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Do you believe He--God raised Him up from the dead, and now He's alive among us? If He is alive among us, then He knows us as He would if He was here in form of flesh. Do you believe that I am His servant? [Mark 9:23]
L-81 Now, audience, this is like overseas. You see? The way you have to do this (You see?), I have to get the person to believe me. The Angel of the Lord said. Not believe me as Him, but believe me that He sent Me. You understand, you audience? Now, the woman can't understand what I'm saying now. But I'm catching her spirit. Now, watch, I can't even speak her language, so how would I know anything of her. See? I'm trying to get her spirit. You see? Now, just be reverent now. Now, she is a Christian; she's a believer.
Now, if Jesus Christ was standing here where I am, and would be... He would be able to know what was your trouble, but His body has been taken up to the Father, and His Spirit is here now. Now, you're aware that something is going on. You know you're standing in the Presence of Something. If that's so, wave your hand so the audience will see it.
L-82 There's something going on. I can't mean just what it is; just a minute. Now, be reverent every one and be in prayer for me at this time. It seems like there's two people that I... It's moving. Yes. All right, lady, catch my voice right quick now when It goes in. You--you have come here for someone else. It's for a--it's for a boy. It's your son. And it's mentally. He's not a Christian. But you are a Christian. And there's some connection with you and that... That's your husband setting right there. That's how it was in the... do...?... You have asthma, don't you? Is that right? Come over here.
Lord Jesus, I pronounce this blessing upon this man and woman for their healing in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Go on your road rejoicing, my brother and sister. Tell them. God bless you. Amen. Praise be to God.
L-83 I could see the man, a boy; I couldn't tell what it was. It just moved, but it was her husband setting behind her, is what it was. And he was catching her spirit to his spirit coming the same time. Oh, isn't He wonderful? Our Lord Jesus, just watch Him, He's the great God of eternity, the great God of heaven, the One Who made the heavens and earth and all that in them is. Amen.
All right. Would you come, sir. Be real reverent; believe with all your heart, and just have faith. Don't doubt; believe with all your heart.
L-84 It keeps standing... Was this the couple was here just now? Is this the--the people that was here? It's still Light around them both. You understand English, sir? Not much. This Light is what's around you now. You have a blessing from the Lord. Now, in their native land, if It was there, the whole audience would get up out of wheelchairs and everything and walk away healed. That's the way it goes overseas. See?
The little lady setting behind the woman there, the lady there put her hand up on her chest there, you... You have an asthmatic condition that's been bothering you; this man has the same thing, asthma. All right, you can both go now and get healed. Jesus Christ makes you well. God bless you, brother...?...
L-85 Your little friend setting there next to you, there, you believe me to be God's prophet? I mean the little lady in the back with the green dress on, setting next to the lady that... Raise up just a minute, lady. There's so many people believing. You right there, It's hanging over you. I thought It was on the little lady here with her hand reaching towards me. Stand up. He's wanting to tell you something, but I... There's so many people praying and such faith moving in the building.
You're--you're real nervous for one thing. And you have trouble with your head, a head trouble. Isn't that right? And you, I see you writing or reading, isn't your name Amelia...?... Your address is number one Columbia Avenue, Hartsdale, New York. Your head trouble is finished, sister; your faith has healed you. Jesus Christ has made you whole. God bless you.
L-86 You believe these things? You want to go eat? Get well? You believe with all your heart? You can go. God bless, this our sister, and make her well, through Jesus, the Son, I ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. Have faith in God and believe.
You believe with all your heart? You believe the Lord Jesus would make you well? He's lovely, isn't He? How old are you, lady? Twenty-eight. Are you Spanish? It's a white girl I seen.
Mother, setting back there weeping, you're weeping over a lost daughter, aren't you? That's who it was. Stand up on your feet just a minute. It kept seeing a white girl and this is Spanish.
O Jesus, Son of God, send that lost girl back home to her mother. I pray, God, that You'll grant it through Thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
L-87 God bless you. You're healed too, sister, be on your road rejoicing and thanking God.
It's for your baby, lady? Uh-huh. Stomach trouble. Strange, wasn't it? A little fellow like that would have that. But you believe that Jesus Christ is going to heal it?
Lord God, I bless both babe and mother in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for their healing. Amen. That's right, sister. Just thank the Lord Jesus and go right ahead and believe with all your heart.
L-88 Would you come, lady. Oh, He's so wonderful, so glorious. You believe that condition in your back has gone, the kidney trouble left you? It did. God bless you. Go on your road and be thankful and rejoice at this time...?...
You believe the Lord Jesus is going to heal you of that cancer back there, sir? You that's come away from here, you're from Connecticut. You believe that God's going to make you well and heal you? You do? Stand up on your feet. I seen you rubbing your face then. You're going to get well. Don't fear, sir. God bless you.
You believe you're over the arthritis now, to stay? You are. God bless you. It's gone from you.
L-89 You believe with all your heart you're in His Presence? Then the kidney trouble has gone from you; you can go on and be made well in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Have faith in God. Don't doubt; believe with all your heart. You shall have what you ask for.
Got heart trouble, haven't you, ma'am, Setting right back there, next to the back row, the...? Yeah. You believe Jesus Christ makes you well? Amen. Stand up; your faith has healed you. It's over now. The Lord bless you, my sister.
You setting right... was so shocked by it there, setting there with arthritis, He healed you also, setting this way. God bless you. Amen. You can go be made well. [Mark 11:22]
L-90 Oh, to the glory of our resurrected Lord Jesus. Shall we give Him praise and just say, "We thank Thee Lord Jesus for Thy goodness and Thy mercy to us, the unworthy one. And Thou art blessed forever. Oh, how we praise Thee, how we adore Thee, Thou matchless One. Thou has been so good to us. Now, we worship Thee with all of our heart. Receive us, we pray, Father. Through Thy Son, the Lord Jesus, we give praise. Amen."
Oh, my, what a feeling. I--I wish the whole audience could feel just the way it is right here now. Everybody seems like's in love and everything's wonderful. Oh, I wonder if this will be the way it'll be out in the great millennium that's coming up, where there'll be no sickness and no sorrows, no heartaches.
'Course, you know I'm talking, trying to shake myself just a little. I want to pray for more people. You--you love Him with all your heart? Oh, He's so marvelous, and so good to us, and we're so unworthy, we poor, unworthy, wretched, creatures as we are.
L-91 Little Spanish lady, setting...?... there with a white looking little blouse on (ever what it is), setting there, you're having trouble with your eyes, aren't you, sister? You believe that the Lord heals you now? All right, you can go home and be well then. Jesus makes you well. God bless you. Have faith in God. Just don't doubt; just have faith. That's all.
Oh, how wonderful. You're beginning to believe, aren't you, sir? God bless you. Just what could happen now if everybody with one accord, with one faith. There would be no need for any more prayer line: would be over.
L-92 Is this the patient, Billy? Or brother? Now, I want to talk to you just a moment. We're strange to each other, I suppose. I do not know you; you do not know me. And you believe the Lord Jesus' Presence is near? Had some trouble in the lung. I see some sort of a... Oh, you've had a operation and a lung has been removed. They took a lung away. You're not doing very well. But you come that I might bless you in the Name of Jesus Christ for your healing. You're already blessed. But come here that I might lay hands on you.
Dear God, I bless this, my sister, in the Name of Your Son, the Lord Jesus, that You heal her and make her well. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go...?... now and you'll be all right.
Oh, how good He is to we unworthy ones.
L-93 You believe, sir? With all your heart you believe? I am--I am a stranger unto you. I--I don't know you, but there's Somebody here who does know us both, doesn't He?
My, just out over that audience, It's just pulling everywhere now. Just seems like there's just a great pull, just like that, just a moving me. The whole audience is believing. Oh, why didn't you have this faith to begin with?
Now, let's see, you--you and I are--are--are strangers to each other. But our Lord Jesus knows you. Yes, He does. You're suffering with a nervous condition, that's real nervous. You've been getting nervous. It's been bothering you. And then you got something about your side. It's in your side. You have, I believe, been operated on for it. I see two times, you've been. And it doesn't clear up just right. Now, there, that's... But it's going to clear up now, come here just a minute.
L-94 Lord Jesus, I lay hands upon our brother, this demon has bound him. Satan, you've hid from the doctor, but you can't hide from God. Come out of him. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee to leave him. God, bless this for his loved one. In the Name of Jesus Christ. I know he will be--be healed, you just put it on. Amen.
Have faith in God. Believe with all your heart.
How do you do. You believe with all your heart? You believe me to be His servant? You're standing for someone else. And that's a person that's--that's real, real nervous. And I see a battle or something another. It's your husband. He's a soldier. And he's like, battle fatigued. He's all tore up, and I see him at a place called, it's Veteran's Administration. And you've come to stand for him, for he's too nervous to come. [Mark 11:22]
L-95 Almighty God, to that man who is worthy of the blessing, I condemn the devil and ask that the man be made well, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Don't fear, sister. Have faith; believe with all your heart.
Amen. That's right. Jesus Christ the Son of God lives and reigns today supremely. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, how I love Him.
You believe? We are strange to each other, I suppose. I don't know you. But there's Somebody here with me Who knows you. That's my Friend, the Lord Jesus. He's my Father, my all that I have is He. It's in Him that my faith is built and my trust is. It's in Him. You come to me because me being His servant to help you. You are a Christian. And you're facing an operation. And that's an organ in your body. I see from an examination by the female, that something has dropped down. They was thinking about putting a brace to hold it up, but it--it's a bladder, a dropped, fallen bladder that's fell down. And the doctor's wants to operate for it.
L-96 I see a young lady standing by you; it's your daughter. And she's suffering with a tumor. And that tumor's on the breast. Don't fear, sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I condemn the devil and ask for deliverance. Amen.
His great Majesty, the King of eternity, the King of heaven, the King of heavens of heaven, the King of the earth, the King of the saints, the glorious One, the Alpha, Omega, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, the Morning Star, the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the great and mighty One stands in the midst of the people tonight to do the exceedingly abundantly.
Rise and adore Him and give Him praise. I now pronounce healing blessing go to every mortal suffering person in this building. And in the Name of Jesus Christ, I charge every devil to leave the people and come out of them...

54-1205 - Faith Tabernacle, Binghamton, NY (Paragraphs: 41 - 42)
L-42 Dear heavenly Father, let Thy love rest now in upon this the congregation of the people. And Thou bear me record, my Father, that I have told this audience that it's Your grace to them, and It's sent for them, that they might believe that You are God, and Jesus Christ is Your Son, and that You love them, and has redeemed them with His Blood to Your own self, a peculiar people; but glorious in Thy sight, that they might have courage to go on believing.
And, Father, alone, that is my cry, and believing that You let these things happen like this to glorify You... So I go forward now, asking that You'll send that Angel that spoke to me that night and anoint Your servant for I'm just a man, that it might be known that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. I go forward now, for the sake of the people and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to meet the enemy in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Now, if everyone be reverent just a moment. And don't... Just be in--just silently in prayer. Don't... You don't have to bow your head, 'less I tell you to. Watch, whatever It says; do it, for being just a man, I don't know what He's going to do. I know one thing, that He's here. He's just come in just now from my right hand side here.
And at this time, after I feel His anointing and know that He Who has been with me since a baby, I take every spirit in here under my control in the Name of Jesus Christ for the glory of God.

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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