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Prayer Line 52-03
52-pl-03, Prayer Line 52-03, 67 min

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52-0718 - Civic Center, Hammond, IN (Paragraphs: 38 - 56)
L-39 Now, God help us tonight to believe. Help us to lay aside every shadowy weight, and just move right in now with perfect virgin, unadulterated faith, Lord, and be healed, every one. For we ask it in His Name. Amen. []
Symptoms arise, see it's all by feeling then. Next morning when the symptoms arise, you say, "Oh, I--I've lost my healing. That's the way it is." See, but when you know where you're standing, you got a platform. You can reach right back to Jesus said to Satan, "It is written..." It ain't according to your feelings. Jesus never did say, "Did you feeled it?" He said, "Did you believe it?" Believe it, accept it, believe it.
Brother Bosworth, I guess you're just as much of a veteran as there is in the United States on Divine healing. Is that the truth? That's the truth, isn't it? The way that Diving healing is, you have to believe it by the Word of God.
Now, last night I believe we called up to fifty, last night. Was that right? I believe it was up to fifty. Now, let's start from fifty and go the other way tonight. And that just makes it equal each way. All right, and tomorrow night, if the good Lord will, and I'm going to find out about this report here. I'm going to do this if I possibly can in the next two--two or three meetings that I have; I'm going to try to throw my whole life right into the meetings, and--for I got two days of rest before starting in Zion. []...
L-40 Tribune packed two or three pages of it, you remember it...?... I believe the "Colliers" packed an article of it or something of that meeting. There it was, that there wasn't a feeble one left. Now, if you tonight can get in that same spiritual attitude. All with one accord, the Spirit moving, and every person, oh something's just got to happen. All right, maybe a little later I can tell you about what lit--what things that happen to me. Something later on see, I know just now. I... Do--do you believe me? With...
L-41 Now how many have seen that picture there of the Angel of the Lord. Has seen it now, and read the copyright on it, and everything and what George J. Lacy... Now the books is right back there, if you wish them. And you can send and get a picture of it if you wan... Have to send to the Douglas Studios 'cause I haven't got nothing to do with it. That belongs to the American Photographers Association. I have nothing to do with it, see. And there is for the first time in all the world's history, a supernatural Being photographed on a mechanical lens. Think of it, that's the best FBI agent there is on fingerprint and so forth, that researched it. The best there is in the United States; he signed his name to it. There's a photostatic copy, that absolutely the light was standing there, "and is not psychology," he said. The light was standing there whirling, and the light struck the negative. There you are, so the science can't say today... That infidel says, "There is no God. Prove to me there is a God." I can produce the scientific evidence there is a God...?... Scientifically prove it. Amen.
L-42 Oh, ho--wha--how happy I am. If I was dying right here in this building right now, and this would be my last service, my testimony is true. The church knows it, millions, many millions of people around the world. And how they searched in and tried; and agnostics, and unbelievers, and science, and laws, and everything else has went through it everywhere and tried to tear it apart, and every time God comes right back and vindicates it in power. And then the scientific world went in to find it and God pictured it yonder and showed it to him. And there they are tonight and stands as a memorial to ring out as long as there's a Christian civilization. There it is, hanging yonder now in Washington, DC.
What do I say about it? I am a man. If you'll notice in the write-up, I had that put in there. The picture cannot be sold without that. I am not nothing but just a man, like you are; a sinner saved by grace. But it--what it is that I'm trying to tell you what is truth; that Jesus Christ purchased your healing every one of you at Calvary, and He's right now already got your healing ready for you. It's ready to hand to you when you'll reach up and get it. Oh how simple, how wonderful!
And the Angel of God Who I speak of, isn't standing three feet from me now. Now, that is true, surely I couldn't tell you nothing wrong. Surely God has proven to you that my words are truth. Not because I'm saying them, but because they are true, see. He's near, right now. Now He is God's messenger, I'm just His mouthpiece. I only say what He tells me.
L-43 All right, everyone be reverent. Now lady, I want you to come up here just a little closer.
I get this microphone down. [Brother Branham adjusts microphone--Ed.] Can you hear me when I'm standing back this way? Can you hear good?...?... There's something wrong, maybe I get this up a little bit closer here. Can you hear better now? [Audience says "Yes."--Ed.] All right, that's fine. Now, sometimes... now Billy, or some of you watch. It's--if it gets anointing and I get away, well you move it up close, see. When you're in a vision you can't tell what you're talking abou... you know you're talking. But you can't know just how loud you're talking or something, you just... I--I just can't explain it.
But now, lady, I--you are Christian. I see that now, see, just as soon as you walked forward. If you wasn't, there would be a resentment there, see and I'd know that you wasn't a Christian; or something in your life that was holding you back, some evil something that in your soul, something that you could correct in some way. But it's... I believe that you are a--a Christian, or your sin's under the Blood. And I... If it wasn't, in His Presence now it would be different. See? I'd say, "Now, there's something wrong, somewhere." But no doubt, but what you're a sincere believer. And now, I'm your brother. I--I know nothing about you, never seen you in my life. I couldn't know one thing about you; it's all just has to be come down from God.
L-44 Now, the reason that I believe that He will, is because gifts and callings are without repentance. See? God gives the gifts. He won't take that away, but if I use it wrong, then He will deal with me for it. See? Now, that's the reason I'm trying to just say all that I can, and you hear me bragging on Jesus, always about Jesus. Jesus always, never myself, it's Jesus. You see? It's Him, it's Him, it's Him. I have nothing to do with it. I'm just His mouthpiece.
Just as if the president of the United States would make me an ambassador to Germany. See? My words then, in Germany, would be just exactly what the president told me to say. And if I said them, what he told me to say, then everything that's in the United States is behind them words. Is that right? Is that right, audience? He will have to back up, if I'm an ambassador. [Romans 11:29]
L-45 Then if I be a minister sent from God, as this, and what I pronounce here, and if it be coming from God, everything that's in heaven is to back that Word up. Is that right? Because it's giving right straight, fresh off of the throne, to say what it is, and to do about it. Is that right?
Now, if that was at my leisure, you know what I'd do now? If that was at my leisure, to do with just... in my hand, to do whatever I could, I'd walk right down. I'd see... I'd say, "How many people here has got heart trouble?" I'd bring all them up first, and heal every one of them. Then I'd say, "Bring all the TB up, and all the cancers up, they're going to die first." Then I'd look around see these people crippled; I'd say, "They want to get up and walk around." Though they may live a normal life. They may live for years, and years being crippled, but them heart troubles is going to die right away, if something isn't done. See? Cancer and so forth, they're eat up, and gone. So, get them. Then the next, I'd go down, and get all these crippled people, I'd heal every one of them. Wouldn't that be wonderful? But it's not for me to do. See? I can't do it. Now, the only thing I can do, is to make you believe, and--or try my best to get you to believe in the Lord Jesus.
L-46 I've talked a long time to you, because that I'm waiting to... I seen there's someone setting right behind you there, it's breaking in. If you would turn like this, just a little bit better, it would be better. See? Human beings, each one is possessed with a spirit. See? And--and then, your spirit and my spirit... Then if I have an anointing of a different spirit, anointing here of the Holy Spirit, which is a gift of God, coming from God, to do something for you, and in you would happen to be an evil one, like a cancer, or tumor, or some growth, something that's got life in it besides your life, well then, them two goes to dueling. You see? One will say, "You'll have to come."
The other one say, "Don't you believe it."
The other one say, "He will have to come."
The other one say, "Don't believe it."
L-47 See? And I'm talking to you, just to see what takes place. Then when it happened, there it is. You see? It depends on your faith, and what I'm speaking of Jesus Christ. See? That's... see the story?
Now, wouldn't you like to go home, and eat again, and have a good, sound meal? That stomach's bothered you so long, hasn't it? Isn't that right? Now, you go ahead, and do what you want to. And God bless you...?... Amen. Let's say, "Praise be to God!" Everybody be reverent.
Now, I say this with all my heart. While speaking to the little lady, 'fore I forget the vision, what it was: poor little woman's had a time. And there was more wrong with the woman than what she thought there was. See? But she did have a stomach trouble, which she's a nervous; she's an upset person. And she's one of those people that always has got in her mind, something way back there she's thinking about all the time. Isn't that about your nature, lady? And you've been suffering other things too. See? And I just didn't want to say it, but with all my heart and soul, woman, I believe you'll never suffer no more. You're going to get well. See? I believe it.
L-48 Now, you come, lady, and stand right around this a way, if you will, so I can talk to you just a moment. Now, do you believe these things that I have said? Do you believe it to be truly sent from God? Do you, with all your heart, you believe that? Well, I--I'm happy that you do, for I can only say... Now, the only thing that I could do, was just be see what was wrong with you. See? Just like, or--or, if it was in the line of sin, I might be able to know that. And if you've confessed it, well, probably I... It's under the Blood then (You see?), and that's done.
He, when you confess a sin, He puts it in the sea of forgetfulness, to remember it against you no more. It's just... Did you--you know what this bleach is, that you use for your washing, clorox, ever what it is? Well, you take just one drop of ink, and drop it into that tub of bleach, what would happen to that drop of ink? You couldn't find it, could you? It would just--it would just be bleach. Is that right?
L-49 Well that's the way sin does when it hits the Blood of Jesus Christ. It's just no more. He don't know what happens to it. It's... You couldn't get it out of there if you had to any more, she's just done. That's right.
Color, there's color of black ink, but it ain't black no more. See? It's gone. The black has become white, and the black is gone somewhere, and you don't know where it's went. Is that right? That's the way sin is.
Now, if you will accept Jesus as your Healer, that heart trouble that you've been suffering with will be just as the ink was when he hit the water. Do you do it? All right. You had a smothering heart, blockage of the heart. Is that right. And now, it's been causing you trouble for some time.
L-50 But now, you go on your road, and sister, in the Name of our Master, Jesus Christ, Who has sent His Angel to vindicate these things, that I, His servant, speak the truth, may He bless you. In Christ Jesus' Name. Amen. Now, go believing, sister, and be over the rest of your...?... All right...?... sir.
Now, you believe with all your heart, sir? I believe you do, sir. And now, you had the same thing she has, all right. But do you believe He's healed you now? All right, sir. Then in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may you go off this platform and get sound and well. Amen. God bless you. Let's say, "Praise be to God."
L-51 Those heart troubles, a pressure moving, heart trouble, heart trouble, everywhere. Here, just a moment. What made you jump then? You have heart trouble, too, or you did have. Isn't that right? The little lady, sit... isn't that true? Stand upon your feet. Yes, you with the white hat on, you the one suffering with heart trouble. Isn't that right? All right, you're healed, so is she.
And the lady setting next to you there with cancer, she can get healed too, if she'll just raise up and believe it. Do you believe it? Do you believe the cancer leaves you? You do? If you do, raise up your hand. All right. You can go home also. God bless you. Go on your road, rejoicing.
Now, here He is. Oh, what could happen; what will happen! That lays within you, not within me; within you!
L-52 Howdy do, sir. God bless you, Reverend. How you getting along? All right. Yes, sir, you want to be well? Well, in the Name of Jesus Christ, receive your healing. God bless you. Go eat now what you wish to. All right. Let's say, "Praise the Lord."
Do you believe with all your heart? God bless you, mother. That's the way. Come, go in, right off the platform, saying, "Thank you, Jesus, for healing me."
Lord Jesus, as these poor, old mothers come, their lives battered down, their suitcases packed, ready to cross the river, God, bless them, and make their days happy. In Jesus' Name, heal this woman. Amen. God bless you, mother. Go on your road, rejoicing, happy, believing with all your heart.
L-53 All right, sister. Do you believe? With all your heart? Would you like to walk real close to Him, love Him with all your heart? Do you believe He'd make your eyes get well, then? He will. All right, sir, you shall have it.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, God, grant to this woman, the desire of her heart, for it's for Your glory I ask it. Amen.
God bless you. Go, believing now. Let's say, "Praise be to God." [Congregation says, "Praise be to God."--Ed.]
Thanks be to God. Praise God. You could be healed of that rupture, if you would just believe it with all your heart, sir. Do you believe it? Then stand up, and say, "I accept my healing now." All right, that's good. Thank you, brother. That's the way to do it. Yeah.
L-54 What's the matter, your wife there, moving around? Look over this way, sister. You believe with your heart too? Like to get over that arthritis? You like to be made well? If you would, stand up on your feet then, say, "I accept my healing now, in the Name of Jesus Christ." That's the way to do it.
You also, sister, go off the platform, saying, "Thank you, Jesus," and made--made well. Let's say, "Praise be to God." [Congregation says, "Praise be to God."--Ed.]
All right, let's bow our heads, just a moment. Father, in heaven, heal this woman, and make her completely well.
Satan, leave her. I say, in Jesus Christ's Name, come from the woman.
You believe? Believe He makes you well now? Hear me all right? Can you hear me now? All right. And you are healed. You can go off the platform and be made well. Let's say, "Praise be to God." [Congregation says, "Praise be to God!"--Ed.]
L-55 Oh, my, how I just see them people out there, just seems like it becomes a mass to me. And how that I think that Satan just... oh, if I could just break that spirit above you right now. That's all, Satan waving his black wings around there, trying his best to get you to keep from you believing. If there's some way that that could move away, then there would be nothing between you and the glory land of God, which would fall upon you and heal every person here. Believe with all your heart.
All right, a little boy. Well, God bless your little heart. Howdy do, sonny boy. Ah, glad to meet you. Now, this is just a lad. Now, he doesn't understand what these things are. So, let's talk to him just a minute. Now, laddie boy, do--do you believe that when Jesus was here on earth... You go to Sunday school? You do. You like to go to Sunday school. You like to read about Jesus? Now, when Jesus was here on earth, and--and He'd picked up little fellows like you, and He'd put His hands on them and bless them. And He said, "Suffer little children to come to Me, forbid them not: for such is the Kingdom." See?
L-56 Now, if He was here tonight, and was down here in Hammond, somewhere, and, why, you'd go to Him, and He'd lay His hands upon you, and--and you'd get well (See?), now, because He would be Jesus. Now, He has--He's gone up to His Father's house, up in glory. And He sets up there, at the right hand of His Father, tonight, on His Father's throne, to make intercessions for us. Maybe you don't... in--in other wise, when we pray, or ask Him anything, He stands before the Father and shows the Blood. "Father, I--I died for that purpose." See? And then, they, then it happens.
Now, if He was here, here's one thing that He went up there, but He sent back the Holy Spirit. See? And the Holy Spirit is here tonight. And He sent me, His servant, to help you. Do you believe that? You do. I know you do.

52-0719 - Civic Center, Hammond, IN (Paragraphs: 22 - 37)
L-23 But talking to you now, looking at you, and speaking to you. Now, you believe our Lord. And you believe that He is the same today. Now, He promised that in this day that He would be with us in all ages. And He'd be just the same in every age that He was then: "I'll be with you always, even to the end of the world." Was that His commission? Well, if He's our Lord, He could not say anything that was wrong and be our Lord and be God. He couldn't be. Then He absolutely is the same.
Now, when He was here on earth, He didn't claim to heal people. He said, "I can do nothing till My Father shows Me." Is that right? But He could sure... What the Father showed Him, and He called the Pharisees, ''hypocrites" and "whited walls," and everything else, why, then He told them all about their sins and things, then He's the same today.
He told the woman at the well, after talking to her awhile... That's why I'm talking to you, till He tells me what is wrong. And you look healthy; you look strong; but God knows; I don't. But He... Now, you are aware right now, that something's taking place, aren't you?
Now, that--friends, I just wish the whole audience could feel that...?... Not by feeling: It isn't feeling, it's a faith. But when that Angel of God moves near, there i... when a person is standing close, they have to feel it. Now, the woman's a Christian. You'd believe her, wouldn't you, if she's a Christian confess... Is it so, lady? Raise you hand that you realize there's something coming in near, coming from this side, moving in. That's right.
L-24 Now, He's the One Who knows you. I do not. You've had lots of trouble: turning dark all around you. And I know what that means to me, by interpretation of vision, that there's trouble near you somewhere. Yes. It is a tumor. Isn't that right? It's a tumorous condition. Say, that's a... That must... It was--it was at the head. Wasn't that right? Isn't that right? Is that--You've had an operation for it. I see someone, mask over their face, operating. Isn't that true? The--the a tumor at the... Yes, yes. Now, you're--what you're studying about, the physician wants to place a something another back. I see him holding something in his hand and--and you're not willing to do it. You want to accept God as healing you. Is that right? It's broke from me. Was--was those things right? Was it true? Ever--every bit true? Now, you heard me speaking, didn't you? But that wasn't me, sister. That was Someone else. See? It was my voice, but It was Someone else speaking. You believe it. Come here, just a minute.
Father, I pray Thee, in the Name of Your holy Son, Jesus, to this poor woman. Thou knowest all of her conditions and troubles. And I ask for mercy for her. God, as Your servant, a mortal that's got to leave out of this world someday, I ask in the Name of Jesus Christ, as I try to fulfill the commission that was given: "They shall lay their hands on the sick and they shall recover." Almighty God, I beg for this woman's healing; in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Now, sister, with all my heart I believe you're blessed of God now. You can go home. Not because I prayed for you, but because you believe. No, ma'am. I don't think... I think it's all over. Now, God bless you. That's all. God bless you. She says she's going to send the written testimony.
L-25 Now the anointing of the Holy Spirit is on me. See? Now It is. I don't know how long I'm going to stand tonight, because it--that weakened me. But now there isn't a thing but what our heavenly Father could not reveal at this minute, friend. That's exactly true. All right. Bring the--bring the lady on and let her--let her come. All right.
The first thing, I want you to believe with all your heart that God is here present to make known His deeds among the people. You believe now? All right. The woman... There's a deaf spirit moving against me, it's... Let me... No, it's on her. Yeah. You? Deaf, that's what it was. All right, bow your head. I thought I heard her talking but she might've been talking but not hearing. Bow your head, just a minute. Almighty God, great Jehovah Who went down into the fiery furnace... The children of Israel down there in that hot place and moved in and talked to the people. I pray Thee, in Jesus Christ's Name, that You help this poor woman who's standing here. Give mercy unto her, O God, by opening her ears, and giving her hearing tonight. And as it is written in the Bible, that when the deaf spirit went out of a man he could hear. And God, I pray that You'll give faith that this poor woman might be healed tonight. And now, as Your servant, help me, God, to have faith that this woman's ears will be open so I can talk to her.
Now, Thou deaf spirit, you are a devil, a demon, that has entered this woman's ears to stop them up. And I come as a servant of Jesus Christ, as His representative here to His people, to represent Him to the people. And He spoiled principalities; He robbed Satan of all of his powers at Calvary; and He robbed you of your hold on this woman. And I represent Him tonight in a way of prayer. And it is written in the Scripture, as my Lord said to you that day, "It is written... In My Name they shall cast out devils." And I say, in the Name of Jesus Christ, leave the woman. Come out of her.
Hear me? Hear me? Can you hear me now? Say, "Amen." "Amen." Now, I'm just whispering. Now you're healed. Go on your road rejoicing and give God praise. Will you do that? Look. Got a strange belief: you're Orthodox. Will you accept Jesus Christ now as the great Healer? You will? Would you like to receive the baptism of His Spirit? Go, and may God give it to you, woman, in in the Name of Jesus Christ. Every one, reverent. Be real reverent. Believe with all your heart.
L-26 Now, I--I'm stranger to you, I believe, sir. Is that right? I--I am a stranger. I--I--I--I do not know you. And only God knows you; I do not. That's right. And I... The only way that I'll have of knowing you...
Just a moment. That second lady, setting in there, that's got high blood pressure, setting right there in that row, if you want to, you can stand up: Christ just healed you just then. Rise up. That's right. That's right. That's fine, thank you. And the lady setting right in front of you, she had the same thing. Isn't that right? There the gray headed lady setting right there in front of you, she had the same thing. Yes, ma'am. That's right, you both can stand up. You're healed of that high blood pressure you had. I seen a--a line, something like a mercury running up like that, and it kept holding by both of them women. Over the top of this man I see it running up and the Holy Spirit said to me, "Now's the time for their healing." God bless you. Go home. Jehovah God be with you.
L-27 Isn't He wonderful? Have faith. All right. Do you believe me to be His prophet, sir? []...?... Water's running on the road, or something like that. Isn't that right? Is that true? Sir? Is... That's right. Just what they can't understand, here it is: it's caused from a nervous condition. It's putting forth water in your lungs. That's a demon power that a doctor would never find in the world. And he cannot do nothing for it. If he had something he could lay his hands on, he could work. I do not disregard the doctor. He's a man; God sent him here to help. But he's working by knowledge; this is the Holy Spirit. See? That is a remedy; this is a cure. See? Do you believe me? You accept Him as your Healer, believing that them nerves will quieten and them lungs will go away and dry up and be a normal lung? You believe that? Come forward then to be blessed.
Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Who made the lungs in this man. As You said to Moses who said, "I cannot speak well." You said, "Who made man's mouth?" Thou did put words in this man's mouth. You did make his body. And Lord God, who am I to say, knowing maybe this has come to this hour. "All things work to good of--for the good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose." I pray, God, with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, just now, that You'll let Your healing grace come upon this man; and may this condition leave his lungs and may we have his testimony back that others will be able to see this and see what God has done. And may he give his testimony that they can't find a trace of it. And while speaking with the doctor he'll happily say, "I trusted the Lord Jesus, doctor, and He's done this for me." Grant it, God, that there might be a testimony to the doctor, which we know that they believe, that Thou art the Great Physician; they only work under You and Your supervision. God, bless our brother and heal him; in Jesus' Name. Amen. That's right. I believe, my brother, with all my heart, your relief is at hand. God bless you.
L-28 O God, have pity on the sick and the needy. How that He would--His mercy endureth.
Howdy do, sir? All right. Now, I am a stranger to you. Is that right, sir? I--I--I don't know you; I... You're a stranger to me, so I just... As far as I know, I've never seen you. I--if I have I--I don't--I'm not acquainted with you. Or... But the... There is Someone Who knows us both. Isn't that right, sir? He knows us both. And--and you've come here tonight to be healed or whatever is wrong. And there's no way at all for me to know anything in the world about you only less God would reveal it in some way. You believe that? You--you do? And--and the... Will you, with sincerity of heart, do you believe that what you have heard about Jesus Christ being the Son of God is the truth? You do. And do you believe that what the claim that I have made concerning His--being His prophet by a vision to this end, I was born... Do you believe that's the truth? You believe it, even though I would not say a thing what is wrong with you or nothing, but just pray for you and pass on, you'd believe it anyhow, wouldn't you?
L-29 Maybe He might be able to explain. Yes, sir. As soon as the Holy Spirit, which you're--are sure that there's something near... You're not accustomed to this feeling. You're a--a--a nervous person. Say, I see you coming from a distance. You've come from somewhere here. Isn't that right? You're not--you're--you've--you've come from some other place, coming here. You was away and come here. Somebody has brought you here or told you to come here. And you've not... You have... You're here to be delivered of a--something that's--you do. Isn't that right? It's something that's ruining your life and wrecking your life. Is that right? Which is drinking. You're an alcoholic. And somebody has told you--and if I'm not mistaken, you was north and come south, coming here. Is that right? You accept Him as your Saviour now? Believe that from this hour He's the only Thing that can take this thing away from you? All right. You now accept Him as your Saviour. You now believe that He is the Son of God, that He died at Calvary to take away your sin. And you don't want to do that: you're only ruining yourself, sending yourself to a devil's hell and a sinner's grave, and--and you don't want it to be that way. And it's got you all nervous and shook up. Is that right? Now, you accept Him as your Saviour. And now, do you believe then, if I'll ask God that that devil will leave you?
L-30 What I'm's thinking about... There's been somebody's healed, and I believe I see her setting up there, a--a little alcoholic was healed here not long ago, setting right up there in the meeting somewhere. If I turned around and felt... Is that right? If it is, stand up, lady. Or, there's somewhere... That's right, exactly. You was setting there praying for that man. That's right, isn't it, lady? I'm not reading your mind, but I seen you setting there. Haven't you been healed on this platform of the same thing? Your spirits happened to get lined together. Say, somebody else you're praying for. Isn't that your dad setting near you there? Is that right? Is that right? He's hard of hearing, isn't he? Lay your hand over on him. You accept Jesus as your Saviour too, dad? All right, go home, both of you, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, my brother. Go home. It sent my daddy to a grave, brother. Go home tonight and never drink another drop and you're going to be all right. Let us say, "Praise be to Almighty God Who made the heavens and the earth."
Sir, join yourself with some good full Gospel church now. Live for Christ the rest of your days. God will use you. Not only you, but He'll cause others that like you to come out and walk in this lovely light and someday, meet me yonder where--where we shake hands yonder at the other side. You'll remember; I'll call to your attention on the platform tonight, where God delivered you of the drinking habit, where you accepted Him as your Saviour. Oh, my, people, why don't you believe our Lord Jesus Christ? Be reverent.
L-31 Howdy do? I seen you flash before me, but with those glasses on, but it seemed like... Or, no, that's all right. It was a--a--a younger woman that was standing there first, I... Was no one else on the platform. Now, that's strange. A young red-headed woman was standing right here. May the Lord God of heaven show it to me. There she sets right up there in the balcony, and the girl is wiping her eyes, and there's something wrong with her eyes. Is that right, young lady? If it is, stand up. The red-headed girl, standing there by that... All right, young lady, you were going blind. I seen you stand here, and I seen the glasses on the woman; I seen it was something wrong with your eyes. Do you believe me to be His prophet now? You accept Jesus as your Healer? Go home and be well in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Do you believe me, as God's prophet? If there's anything wrong with you, God will reveal it to me. You believe that? With all your heart? Yes, lady. You know what I'm fixing to say right now, 'cause you're thinking about it. Not because you're thinking about it, but you're here to be delivered from something. Isn't that right? You're all nervous and shook up. Isn't that right? And it's caused from a very bad habit, a habit that's a--one of the lowest habits that women ever taken up: smoking cigarettes. Is that right? Is it right? Do you believe me to be His prophet? You accept Him as your Saviour: deliver from this? You prayed to Him now, through God the Father, through Jesus Christ's Name. He forgive you of every sin, and you'll throw cigarettes down and never touch them again the rest of your life? God bless you, my sister. Go home and may the Lord Jesus deliver you. I curse this habit of tobacco in the Name of Jesus Christ. Go, go home now and be a Christian the rest of your days.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
You can say, "You can do it and be a Christian if you want to." But the Holy Spirit said, "Don't do it." Now, you want to brand me a fanatic, you brand Him the fanatic; I only speak as He speaks.
L-32 Come, lady. I ain't going to be able to stand much longer. No. It's getting awful hard. No. You believe me to be God's prophet? You believe that God sent me to--to--to pray for you? No way in the world that I have of having any connection with you. I don't know you, never seen you in my life. You're just a stranger to me. Is that right? You believe now if I'd--if God will let me know what is wrong with you, that you will accept Jesus as your Healer? You will, with all your heart? All right You've tried everything that could be thought of to get rid of it. But you got a stomach trouble. Is that right? And it's an ulcer, and it's laying right in the pit of the stomach, that whatever you eat burns, hurts you, and you have sour stomach, upset, acid if you eat. Is that right? Exactly. All right. Almighty God, Author of Life, I now curse this stomach trouble; in the Name of Jesus Christ, may it come out of her and leave her. God bless you, sister. Now, go on and eat anything you want to. God bless you.
Now, lady, while sitting there, wondering, and that woman was healed with stomach trouble, you were healed with the same thing. You had stomach trouble too. That's what you was healed of. All right, you can go now and eat if you want to. Do whatever you want to do...?...
L-33 You believe, down that line, with all your heart, with all your soul? How many down there believes? Right down in that line, you believe with all your heart, with all your soul? Look. You've never got down into this prayer line. You're just standing there. That the audience might know that God has sent me to be His prophet, I want you to... Reverend Cox, to go along and surrender those prayer cards, take the prayer cards up. I want you to look this a way to me. I want you to believe with all your heart, every one of you. I'm going to ask you something. And now, you look this a way, every one. Do you solemnly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
L-34 You're half laying. That's all right, sir. Just... Say, by the way, you... Stand out there, that's all right, let your hat lay there. Put it in your hand. Walk up this way a little bit. Walk this way just a little bit. Look here to me just a minute. Do you believe me to be God's prophet? You do. I have no way at all of knowing nothing wrong with you. I do not know you. I never seen you in my life. But you're hungering and thirsting after God. Say, aren't you a Catholic by faith? Haven't you belonged to the Catholic church? Is that right, raise up your hand? I see you with them prayer beads. And you've--you've been going to another kind of a church. And that's some kind of a--I believe it's a Christian Science church, or something. Some kind of a reader or something was setting before you, and they told you that you was hoaxed, or something another wrong with you; that something had happen to you. But in your heart, you belong to the Catholic church. And will you accept Jesus tonight as your Healer? If you will, raise your hands way high. Put your hands way up, if you'll believe Jesus as your Healer. There's a rebound on this here and he can't hear me. The vision's broke from me. That's right. All right. Let me take this over here by him. The things that I told you are true, and you know they are, sir. Your life has been a misery to you, because Satan has tried to do this to you. There's nothing wrong. God has mercy on you. And now, He's revealed to me your life... [] God will make you well. You believe Him now? You're healed. God bless you...?... caused from...?... on and be healed. Almighty God...?... I ask You to heal this man. O God, take every sin away. Make him...?... I pray. And I pray that You bless and heal him; in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. You are welcome, sir. Go on your road now and sin no more. Be good. God bless you.
L-35 Have faith in God. Believe with all your heart. God will make you well. You believe that? That lady setting there with diabetes could be healed, setting there, if she wants to... Just have to have faith in God. [Mark 11:22]
All at once it's becoming black. Now, just a minute. Just a minute. I can't seem to see you no more, sister, it's all blurry out there. You believe? Everybody? How about these people in here on the cots. Aren't you just tired of laying there? Sure you are. Folks, I--I wish I could stay a little longer, but this is three weeks straight meeting, and I--I'm just about to go down. I--I must go aside, just a few minutes for rest. Let's bow our heads, everywhere.
Every one of you, repeat this prayer after me. Do you believe that--that I know our Lord? I know the Words that defeat Satan. I'll say this and you repeat it. [The congregation repeats each phrase--Ed.] Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, Giver of every good gift, send Your mercies upon me tonight. I believe truly, God the Father, Almighty, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe in the church, that in this church God has set some: prophets, teachers, evangelists. Almighty God, I now believe that I am in the Presence of that Church. And I now accept the message of Divine healing to myself. From this night hence I shall trust You. I am going to believe that You healed me now; for I accept my healing in Your finished work at Calvary. In the Name of Jesus Christ I receive it.
L-36 Reverent now. It's in your--it's in your mouth, your confession now. Just stand over this side a minute. Let me pray for you now. If God has give me power to break devils up on this platform, to set the neurotics free, to make the dope fiends and dope addicts and cancers leave, surely I speak that which is truth. You've confessed Jesus as your Healer...?... You believe with all your heart now. And then, all the strength that I have, I'll go forward to charge and challenge this darkness that hangs just above you.
L-37 O God, my Father, Who separated me from my mother's womb and called me for this purpose, ordaining this, that I bring this message to the people, before the foundation of the world, that they might know that Thou art the only true God, and Jesus Christ Thy Son. And as I stand here, Lord, tonight, around eighteen straight nights, being led here by the Holy Spirit, O Father of Spirit, hear my prayer. Hear my prayer as I call to You as my physical body is weakening and my strength is sappening from me. And there are those here, hundreds of them, who are in need of healing. God, I know that You've sent Jesus Christ to die and to be wounded for our transgressions and with His stripes we were healed. O Lord, I believe that. I believe these people are reaching forward through that mist yonder, on beyond that little dark spell, over that cloud, just beyond that star yonder, until their prayers are climbing now around the throne of God. And then, Lord, as Your prophet, standing between the living and the dead, anointed by the Holy Spirit, I go forward to challenge any spirit of doubt that would be here, that the children of God might be healed.

52-0720e - Civic Center, Hammond, IN (Paragraphs: 33 - 49)
L-34 Now, if this man be here... Now, look around to this audience. Sir, I do not know you. I never seen you in my life. You're just a man. Now, if this... You just drew a prayer card, or they gave you a prayer card, and you came up here. Now, if I be God's prophet, then if there's anything in--in your life, that I--God would reveal to me something, and us being strangers, it'd have to come through the supernatural. Do you believe that? If that's right, just raise up your hand. That is right.
Now, how many of you out there, that believes that if God would--will do this, that you'd accept Jesus Christ? If this man... You are a Christian, a believer. Now, this man is a Christian, he's standing here with his hand up, knows that I know not one thing about him, nothing at all. Now, if Jesus Christ will reveal this, will you accept Jesus to be the same yesterday, today, and for ever? Would it be the same Holy Spirit if it--if it--Jesus does this? You'll know it's supernatural, but we might pass it on, say, "Well, mental telepathy," or something like that, or throw it over to one side. But friend, if you do, then that's between you and God. It's not between me and God. I'm declaring to you the Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
L-35 You say why don't I heal that little girl? If it was me, I would. See? Why'd He leave... Why'd He pass by that little spastic child, and those crippled, and lame, and halt, there at the pool of Bethesda, and moved right on by them, passed up, many of them standing there, the Bible said halt, lame, blind. What about that blind man screaming for mercy to put him in the pool, and Jesus come right by him, and He was Emmanuel. Is that right?
What about that lame, afflicted, great multitude, maybe ten thousand of them laying there, screaming for somebody to get them in the water. Why did He--why didn't He heal them? He passed right by. He had compassion; He was the Son of God. Is that right? He went right over to a... one man, that had diabetes or something, heart trouble, or some disease he'd had for thirty-eight years. He could walk. He said, "While I'm coming down at the water, somebody else steps before me." Is that right? And He healed that one man, and walked away and left that multitude. How many knows that's the Bible? Raise your hands.
And when the Jew's questioned Him, He said, "I can do nothing, till the Father shows Me." [John 4:1-19]
L-36 Now, the man can't hide his life from me, 'cause that's a Divine gift. But whether he's healed or not, that'll be up to God. See? I--I have nothing to do with it. See? I can pray for him, that's all.
Now, sir, now stand right around this way, if you will, so I can just talk to you, just to look at you, just a few moments. And you and I will talk, just like Jesus and the woman at the well. See? We'll begin talking, and then--and then, after while, you'll begin to recognize that something's taking place. And when you do, it'll be His Presence, then your human spirit and my human spirit will be coming in contact, and then it'll be something, ever what's wrong with you, and this Angel of the Lord, standing here, there'll be two more Beings (See?) speaking. Now, depends on... I have faith to believe that He will. If I can get you to have faith, it'll happen. If it doesn't, well I--I can't--I can't do it. You see? I can't do a thing, but just tell you what He shows me.
L-37 Now, do you--do you like Indiana? I... Just a conversation with you (See?) to get your mind off... You're all keyed-up now, nervous. You see? I want to get your mind off of it. I don't want you to think nothing about what--what's your troubles or nothing. I want you to think about something else. Is your--is you... Do you like Indiana? It's a wonderful state. It's a... I've spoke of it around the world. See? Jeffersonville, Indiana. Little old... Was you ever in Jeffersonville? No? It's a little, bitty, old city down there of about seventeen thousand population, but... Well, it's called "little Chicago." Ha-ha-ha. Much gambling, you know, there's much gambling. And... But there's a lot of good people lives there. There is everywhere. You believe that, don't you? God has people all over the world. See? We just have to... Someday He will take them all up, and we'll all be together then. Is... Won't that be wonderful? It sure will.
Now, sir, you're aware that something's moving now. Now, if that is right, raise your hand, sir. Now, friends, not psychology, George J. Lacy, and the picture back there, will prove that. Something's moving in this platform, just now, just like a wave, coming in, like, "whew," the Angel of the Lord, flaming, licking, flashing. This man's aware of it.
L-38 Now, sir, that won't hurt you. That's the only thing that can help you now. He's sent from the Presence of God. Now, did you ever see His picture back there in the book? Did you ever see... Well, you've actually seen it. Yes. You've seen that copyright, and you've seen on there, what this, the best inspector they had in the world said: "The only Im--Immortal Being was ever photographed." Now, that's what is the results, that you're feeling right now. That's His Presence.
You--you have many things wrong with you. Isn't that right? I just see it all mixing up together. And, say, you've--you just had an operation too. Isn't that right? Now, I see a room. It was--it was a tumor. Is that right? Say, aren't you taking some kind of a treatment for that now. Isn't that right, some kind of treatment to kill the... is that right? Now, just a moment, It--It left me. Was what I said was right? Turn around to the audience. Was that right, sir? Now, come here. I can pray for you. That's all I can do. Dear Lord, You are here tonight. And I pray that You'll heal this man. May he get well. He wants too, Lord. He realizes this is malignancy. And I pray, God, that You'll heal him and make him well. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may he live. Amen. Sir, it is malignancy you have. You're--but you're--you're going to get all right now. God bless you. Go on your road, rejoice. Let us say, "Praise be to God!"
L-39 'Course, that man had a prayer card. He was brought up here at the platform. See? He was... Come here... How many out there hasn't got a prayer card (let's see your hands) and believes that God will heal you and make you well? Raise up your hands. Just say, "I believe...?... with all my heart."
Come. Howdy do? Are you a stranger to me, lady? I don't believe I've ever seen you. I've never seen you, no ma'am. All right then, if you be a stranger to me, and... But I realize that you're a Christian. Now, is that... How would I know you was a Christian. You're just a lady standing there. How would I know that you's a Christian? Is that the same Spirit that said to Nathanael, "Behold an Israelite, indeed, in whom there's no guile"? Do you believe that? You're acquainted, you know that something's happening. You're not only a Christian, but you're a minister of the Christian Word. Is that right? Don't you come from a place where there's a lot of palm trees or something? I see you moving on a street. Now, it's either Florida or California. I believe California. Is that right? All right. And say, you've had a... There's something wrong in your back. It's--it's down in your back. You're stiffening. Yes, you're limbs in your back is getting stiff. Is that right? Say, wasn't that caused from an automobile accident? Is that right? [Woman speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Is it... Yes, ma'am. All right. Jesus Christ bless you, my sister. Lord God, bless this woman and make her well, through Jesus Christ's' Name. Return happy and rejoicing, and go... All right. God bless you. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Oh, my! When I feel the Spirit of God cry out in my soul, to the people... Why not believe Him? Why not have faith in Him? All right, lady; you. Are we strangers? I don't know you. I never seen you in my life, as I know of. Is that true? You believe God is with me? You believe this is God, what you feel now, that moving of the Spirit. You believe that's it?
Now, look sister, you have cancer. I don't know whether you knew that or not. It's cancer and it's at the opening in your throat. Is that right? That's right. Come here just a minute. Cancer, cursed be you, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Come out of this child of God; turn her loose. God bless you, lady. Go... See, that... God bless you, sister...?...
L-40 Come here. Everybody's got cancer could be healed right now, if you want to. Have faith in God. Believe God with all your heart. God shall bring it to pass. You believe it? Amen. Have faith. Some of you out there, get praying now. You people I prayed for, to have faith. While the anointing of the Holy Spirit is moving in here now, you have faith in God.
L-41 Are you the patient, lady?...?... Excuse me, sometimes I get just a little bit, kinda beside myself, on account of the anointing. Now, you come here to me. Do you believe me to be God's servant? First thing, right quick. It's nervous trouble, isn't it? That's right. Yes, you're upset. And one of the main things you need is Jesus Christ. Isn't that right? You don't... I'm... You can't hide your life from me. I know what it is. See? Will you accept Him as your personal Saviour right now? You been thinking about that anyhow for a few days, especially since you've been in this meeting. I'm not reading your mind, but that's the truth. Is it? If it is, raise your hand. Sinner, but you want to come to Christ now. Do you?
O Father, have mercy on the woman. God, we realize it's Satan that did this. He'd take the woman's life if he could...?... But she's, somehow, she come into the building tonight. She's come here to be healed. And God, she realizes that the Holy Spirit would not let sin pass over the platform in His Presence, without revealing it. God, in Jesus Christ' Name, I pray that You heal the woman. Grant it. Save her from every sin; forgive every sin that she did, as she stood here before these many thousand people, with their hands up, that she's believes and accepts You, as her Saviour. We know at this very moment, her name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, for she's confessed You before men. You said, "I will confess you before My Father, and the Holy Angels."
And now, satan, you had a right to hold her, as long as she was a sinner, but you don't have any right now. Come out of the woman, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Now, lady, I don't... You've--you just... You're saved now. You've accepted Him as your Saviour. You've been having all kinds of trouble, mental trouble, and then Satan has set into you to take you to an insane institution. That's on--on a nervous breakdown. And now, you can go home, and be well, and serve God all your life, reverently. Now, if God let me know what was wrong with you, He will let me know what will be and what was for you. But you done the greatest thing that you ever done in your life, when you got to the platform. Now, not because I was here, but because that you accepted Jesus Christ. God bless you. Go now, and the Lord bless...?... Hallelujah!
L-42 All right, lady. And what do you think about the meetings? Wonderful. I'm just so happy to hear that. Now, we're strangers, are we? You don't know me, and I don't know you. No, ma'am. Till this service. Well, that--that's... I'm happy that we get to meet one another. Now, if there's anything wrong with you, then our heavenly Father would reveal it to me. Do you believe that? Just in order, to let you...
You haven't got a prayer card have you, lady, setting there? Yes. You haven't got a prayer card? You have a prayer card. Well, maybe you'll be called in a few minutes, but... All right. That kidney trouble you had, that's been bothered with... Is that right? All right. You stand up. He--He healed you anyhow. So you don't have to come in the prayer line to use it.
All right. Look, lady. Your trouble is a female trouble. It's in the female glands, in the womb. And it's a tumor. Isn't that right? And don't you have a... You've had a--a bunch of children, haven't you? Yes. Say, don't you come from Kentucky, the state of Ken...? Is that right? Raise your hand up. God bless you. Go home, your tumor's gone. In the name of the Lord...?... go home...
L-43 You believe, my brother? With all your heart? All right. Come here. In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, may you go home and be well. [Brother Branham speaks to the man--Ed.]... won't heal up right at the bottom of it. He never did say nothing about it when you passed by. I... You wondered why I didn't tell you that...?... Ain't that right? Come here...?... Just so that you might know the glory of God, the man passed up here at the platform and I prayed for him. I seen he was going to get well, so I just passed him on. When he went by, he was wondering in his mind, why I didn't tell him what was wrong with him. I turned him around. Now... I turned the man back around, because he was thinking of it. Not as I'm a mind reader, but Jesus Christ perceived their thoughts. Is that right? All right. And he wanted to know why I didn't tell... And I turned him around, I said, "You're wondering, brother, why I didn't tell you what was the matter with you." And I said, "You've just had an appendicitis operation, and the lower part of the incision won't heal up." Is that right, sir? All right. You go... You're going to be healed up now. God's going to make you well...?...
L-44 Come, lady. Do you believe, with all your heart? Do you believe me to be His prophet? You believe that what I would ask God, God would do? Not because it's me, but because it's--it's Him. Is that right? You're pending an operation. Is that right? You was examined, and you have tumor. Is that right? Isn't that tumor found in the stomach? Is that right? Raise your hand. And you're have... supposed to be operated on for that. Isn't that right? Isn't He wonderful? Come here. Father, in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus, I bless this poor, little woman. May she go home and be healed tonight, and may that tumor just disappear. I curse it in the Name of Jesus Christ, as Your representative. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go on your road rejoicing, happy.
L-45 I keep seeing a lady appear before me, right along in here somewhere. It's the colored lady setting there. You got kidney trouble. Is that right, lady? That's right. You're healed. You can go home now. You don't have a prayer card, do you? You don't have any prayer card. L? Well, that's way back in the first of the meeting. All right.
All right. What do you think of it, setting up here, lady? You have a prayer card? You do. Well, I--I maybe you'll get... Is it a prayer card for tonight? What number is it? What? Oh, it's nights gone by. You see her setting there believing, trying to believe with all your heart, and that's the reason... Maybe you'll get called into the line. Do you believe me as God's prophet, if I stand here, and tell you what's wrong with you? Stand up on your feet just a minute. Look on me just a minute. There's another lady setting right there in front of you, crying...?... A bladder trouble, is that right? Raise your hand, if that's right. All right. Go home now and be well.
L-46 All right, sister, the Lord bless you. Father, I pray that You'll make her every whit whole. May she go home now and be healed in Jesus' Name. Amen. Let's say, "Thanks be to God." You been wondering about your heart trouble, but it's gone...?... is gone. God bless you. You're a preacher (see?); you come by and God be merciful, and make the woman to have confirmed of this faith in Jesus' Name. God bless you, sister.
All right. You come. "Only believe, all things are possible only believe." You believe, lady? With all your heart? Do you believe I'd be God's servant? You do? All right. If you believe, and accept Jesus Christ as your Healer now? You do? Now, if I never say what's wrong with you, you believe anyhow. Is that right? I say this, so that you'll have a--a better foundation of faith. You got a stomach trouble that's been bothering you. Is that right? Wave your hand, like this. All right. You can go home and eat now. Jesus Christ makes you well.
L-47 Do you believe, sister? Have faith in God. I see a colored lady setting here, had a lot of trouble, a lot of operations. You haven't got a prayer card, have you? You have a prayer card. What number is it? Is it going to be called? What--what--what number--N? Well, that was way back some other time in the week. Look. Look this way to me. Do you believe me as God's prophet? You've--you've had an operation, two or three, about, yeah, about four or five of them. Is that right? And isn't that operation on the... it's... it's a eye... it's in the... it's on the spine. It's in your rectum or spine. And you've had kind of a fistula like, in the... Is that right? Is that true? That's right. All right, lady. God bless you. Go home, you're going to get well...?....
L-48 You believe you're going to get over that tumor? You do? You believe you are now? All right, there, go home then, and may the Lord bless you and make you well.
Do you believe? With all your heart? What your trouble is your blood; you're anemia. Isn't that right? Have smotherings too, like with heart trouble, which it is. That's right. Nervous heart. Which you're nervous to begin with, but you're anemia, without blood. Let us go to Calvary tonight for a transfusion, will you, sister? Come here. I'm a man; I'm your brother. I will pray for you; you believe what I pray. Will you? Almighty God, I bless this poor, little, dying woman here. May we now by faith look up there and see the stream Thy flowing wound supplied, and may she--this anemia condition leave, and may she be a healthy, well woman. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go rejoicing now and be happy.
L-49 Come, lady... [] You believe with all of your heart? Have faith, have faith. That lady sitting right up above where that man was healed, that had heart trouble. You believe? If you do, stand up on your feet. See it? You believe with all your heart, raise your hand. How many more in here's got heart trouble? Raise your hands. Satan's calling for help. Something's fixing to happen, friends. Some of you believe me with heart trouble. Here it is. Almighty God, in Jesus Christ's Name, heal every one with heart trouble, Lord. Every one of you...?... stand on your feet, quickly, quickly, right quick. Raise up your hands, accept it right now, while He's... Almighty God Author of Life, giver of every good gift send Thy blessings upon the people, Lord. O...?... devil, thou...?... spirit...?... I appeal to you by Jesus the Son of God, come out of them. Raise up. Stand up. Hallelujah! Accept your healing everybody...?... everybody...?...

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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