The Junction Of Time
56-0115, The Junction Of Time, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 116 min

L-1 I want the recorders to hold this just a moment before you record, if you will.
And good morning, friends. I trust that everybody is feeling real... [] singer, regular dedication, "Bring Them In." Everybody together now. Bring the little ones.
Amen. Don't you think there's something real sweet about a little old baby? A little fellow, them little bright eyes looking at me, and there's something about them that's real, real sweet. And they're just innocent little fellows, know nothing about the things of the world. God has given... And you know, there's something about a child in a home that binds the home together; is a binding about a child.
And good morning, friends. I trust that everybody is feeling real... [] singer, regular dedication, "Bring Them In." Everybody together now. Bring the little ones.
Bring them in, bring them in,
Bring them in from the fields of sin;
Bring them in, bring them in,
Bring the little ones to Jesus.
Bring them in from the fields of sin;
Bring them in, bring them in,
Bring the little ones to Jesus.
Amen. Don't you think there's something real sweet about a little old baby? A little fellow, them little bright eyes looking at me, and there's something about them that's real, real sweet. And they're just innocent little fellows, know nothing about the things of the world. God has given... And you know, there's something about a child in a home that binds the home together; is a binding about a child.
L-2 Now, wish we had more time to speak on--on those things, about the little ones and about different things. But we... Our time, we're pressing hard for time, and we must go straight to the Word now. All right to the recorders, if they wish to record the message this morning. And may God richly bless each and every one.
Now, today I think there's nothing like the Word, the reading of God's Word. Wished it was in every home, where God's Word would be read.
And I want each one of you this morning, if you possibly can, even when the little ones come from their Sunday school rooms, to be just as reverent as possible, stay quiet and listen as I try, by the help of God, to deliver a message that was given me in the late hours last night for the church today.
Now, today I think there's nothing like the Word, the reading of God's Word. Wished it was in every home, where God's Word would be read.
And I want each one of you this morning, if you possibly can, even when the little ones come from their Sunday school rooms, to be just as reverent as possible, stay quiet and listen as I try, by the help of God, to deliver a message that was given me in the late hours last night for the church today.
L-3 Now, our Scripture reading is found in Joel 2 and Acts 2. Joel 2:28 and Acts, we begin at 2:15. Isn't it strange that how this prophet speaking the 2nd chapter of Joel and the 2nd chapter of Acts: former and the latter rain. Joel spoke of it in this same chapter. For... Speaking from the Acts, the 2nd chapter, the 15th verse and down a portion of the Scripture, we read this:
For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it's but the third hour of the day.
But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: your sons and your daughters shall prophesy... your young man shall see visions, and on the old men shall dream dreams:
And on my servants and on my handmaidens will I pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
And I will shew wonders in the heavens above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. [Acts 2:15-21]
[Joel 2:28-32]But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: your sons and your daughters shall prophesy... your young man shall see visions, and on the old men shall dream dreams:
And on my servants and on my handmaidens will I pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
And I will shew wonders in the heavens above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. [Acts 2:15-21]
L-4 Shall we bow our heads just a moment for prayer. Our kind heavenly Father, as like a great sheet across this building this morning, every head going down to the dust of the earth. In humility we bow our heads and our hearts in Thy Presence. And we pray, heavenly Father, that the Holy Spirit will come now, get into the Word, and present It to every heart just as it has place, and lodging place. May It bring forth a hundred-fold.
God, we pray that unbelievers today may become believers. And that the Christians will take a new hope, those who are weary in the road. May the saints be encouraged and may the sick be healed. Speak, Father, and may we fellowship around Thy Word just now, for we ask it in the Name of the beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ. Amen.
God, we pray that unbelievers today may become believers. And that the Christians will take a new hope, those who are weary in the road. May the saints be encouraged and may the sick be healed. Speak, Father, and may we fellowship around Thy Word just now, for we ask it in the Name of the beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ. Amen.
L-5 My subject this morning, if we should call it such, will be, the message to the church, is, "The Junction of Time." And always in the days gone by, the dispensations has always come to their end, and we hit a--a junction. There's junctions on the highways. They junction on the roads that we travel in this world. They junction on this grand old highway that we travel to glory.
And always it takes the miraculous to speak of omnipotence. Omnipotence is the all-powerful, and it takes the miraculous to vindicate the omnipotence. And only the miraculous can do that. Teaching of the Word is a very fine thing. And we--it comes, faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word. But it always takes the miraculous to vindicate that the omnipotent still lives and reigns. We must have the miraculous. [Romans 10:17]
And always it takes the miraculous to speak of omnipotence. Omnipotence is the all-powerful, and it takes the miraculous to vindicate the omnipotence. And only the miraculous can do that. Teaching of the Word is a very fine thing. And we--it comes, faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word. But it always takes the miraculous to vindicate that the omnipotent still lives and reigns. We must have the miraculous. [Romans 10:17]
L-6 And I believe that the church is now standing on the threshold of the greatest vindication of omnipotence that the world has ever known. There has been in my searching of the Scripture for quite awhile, I have found seven great junctions in God's Word. And seven is God's complete number. We... He--He completes in seven. He worked six days and the seventh rested. The world exists in its reign over the earth here, the church labors for six thousand years, the seventh is the millennium. And all these mathematics and--of the Bible are perfect. [Genesis 2:2-3], [Exodus 20:11], [Exodus 31:17]
And God always is on time. Sometimes that we are a little bit late or a little--thinking a little different, but that's always done for a purpose. But God is always on time with His message.
And God always is on time. Sometimes that we are a little bit late or a little--thinking a little different, but that's always done for a purpose. But God is always on time with His message.
L-7 And so today, I believe that we're facing a great something that the church should know and understand, that we ought to know what all this is about, and find it in God's Word. For I believe that if--if it isn't in the Word, I'm just a little doubtful of it. But if God's Word speaks of it, then God, no matter how indifferent it might seem to our custom of teaching, it's God working out His Word. Many times it's contrary to our way of thinking, or maybe the way we have been taught to think.
But we have to recognize the omnipotence of God when it's performed before us.
But we have to recognize the omnipotence of God when it's performed before us.
L-8 Now, let's go back for a little while in our minds and study just a few minutes, for the past few years what's been taking place.
I believe as a minister of the Gospel that we are living just at the near appearing of the second time of the coming of the Lord Jesus. The second return, or second coming. The first time He came as a baby. This time He's coming as King of glory to take vengeance upon all who obey not the Word of God. And we are believing with all this great turmoil that we're living in today, as we look around on every hand, and pick up the newspapers, and just stand still, and drop our everyday hustle and bustle of this neurotic age, and look out and face facts, we see beyond any shadow of doubt that something's just about to happen.
I believe as a minister of the Gospel that we are living just at the near appearing of the second time of the coming of the Lord Jesus. The second return, or second coming. The first time He came as a baby. This time He's coming as King of glory to take vengeance upon all who obey not the Word of God. And we are believing with all this great turmoil that we're living in today, as we look around on every hand, and pick up the newspapers, and just stand still, and drop our everyday hustle and bustle of this neurotic age, and look out and face facts, we see beyond any shadow of doubt that something's just about to happen.
L-9 And I believe that God never at any time, nothing miraculous or nothing ever taken place unless God foreshowed it by His Word, revealed it, placed it, so that man who fail to walk in it, couldn't--would have to stand before Him, and he would have to be--stand without an excuse, because God makes it so plain, that if a man is concerned enough about it, he will find it. If you're concerned...
You wouldn't eat soup with a fly in it. No, sir. You--you wouldn't--you wouldn't be--you'd be afraid to eat food that didn't look just right and was contaminated, because you know it might give you a--a ptomaine poison, or something, and would kill you in a little bit. And you watch about this body. But that soul, you let it feast on things of the world, which you know is contaminated and can only do one thing: take you to destruction. And no matter how well you treat this body and how good a food or how it lives, it's got to go to the dust of the earth; but that soul will live forever somewhere. I would rather eat contaminated soup, then contaminate my soul with the things of the world--at any time.
You wouldn't eat soup with a fly in it. No, sir. You--you wouldn't--you wouldn't be--you'd be afraid to eat food that didn't look just right and was contaminated, because you know it might give you a--a ptomaine poison, or something, and would kill you in a little bit. And you watch about this body. But that soul, you let it feast on things of the world, which you know is contaminated and can only do one thing: take you to destruction. And no matter how well you treat this body and how good a food or how it lives, it's got to go to the dust of the earth; but that soul will live forever somewhere. I would rather eat contaminated soup, then contaminate my soul with the things of the world--at any time.
L-10 The junction, God always, before these great junctions comes or ending off time where He starts something new, junctions with the old to the new, with one dispensation to another, He always shows forth His power. Men, through the ages, always breaks down, and teaches away, and explains away, and gets away from the real, living God. But just before He junctions and enters a new dispensation, He appears on the scene with great miraculous signs and wonders. He's always done it.
Look at the first destruction of the world, the first junction. After the world was formed and God placed man on earth, the Bible said that they begin to build cities. Great building programs went on in the world. Look at it today. Jesus plainly said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man." Same thing... [Luke 17:26]
Look at the first destruction of the world, the first junction. After the world was formed and God placed man on earth, the Bible said that they begin to build cities. Great building programs went on in the world. Look at it today. Jesus plainly said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man." Same thing... [Luke 17:26]
L-11 You notice they'd found a way to work with copper; they'd found a way to work with brass and with iron, just before the antediluvian destruction. Look at the day we're living in now, how the buildings... It said people multiplied upon the face of the earth.
Look around our--even our little city and compare this little city a few years ago of fourteen thousand, now around twenty-seven thousand or more. Even you can't find a place hardly big enough to hunt rabbits on any more. It's all housing projects. That's right. Building, increasing, multiplying... And He said when they begin to multiply then sin and wickedness set in. That's one of the great signposts that we're at the end of the road, one of the great signs.
Look around our--even our little city and compare this little city a few years ago of fourteen thousand, now around twenty-seven thousand or more. Even you can't find a place hardly big enough to hunt rabbits on any more. It's all housing projects. That's right. Building, increasing, multiplying... And He said when they begin to multiply then sin and wickedness set in. That's one of the great signposts that we're at the end of the road, one of the great signs.
L-12 Notice, during that time there was a man by the name of Nimrod, who went out and built the big city of Babylon and confederated all the rounding cities, that they'd all confederate together. And they'd be one big city, and that would be Babylon. And how that God despised that federation of world order. Look at it today, the same thing: confederations of labor, men binding themselves together by unions, and by--by different fetters, and by church denomination that winds them all together, breaks down the barrier, breaks down the--the fellowship between different brethren. Confederation, one of the great signs that God give in the first destruction, we see it appearing here in the last destruction. You see it? [Genesis 10:8-9]
L-13 Notice. And another thing that He did back there. We notice that during the time of this great turmoil, when men's heart begin to wax cold and away from God, women became such a idol. When the sons of God seen the daughters of men that they were fair, become a sexual order. Look at it today, what we're living in. Not speaking against honorable women, no, sir; they're God's instrument. But those who cared not for themselves, how there's so many on the opposite side, going about marrying and given in marriage. God said so in the Bible. Jesus said before Noah's time at the end, they were marrying and given in marriage.
How the great turmoil is in the world today. And we realize that a--one thing that caused that, the Bible said that the spirits, great spirits came down, evil spirits, and got into these people and done these things. And we see the same evil spirits working in our day.
And now, notice again, that not only that, when all hell turns loose, all heaven turns loose also. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God raises up a standard against it. And these two forces has always showed at the junction. [Genesis 6:2], [Matthew 24:38], [Isaiah 59:19], [Luke 17:26-27]
How the great turmoil is in the world today. And we realize that a--one thing that caused that, the Bible said that the spirits, great spirits came down, evil spirits, and got into these people and done these things. And we see the same evil spirits working in our day.
And now, notice again, that not only that, when all hell turns loose, all heaven turns loose also. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God raises up a standard against it. And these two forces has always showed at the junction. [Genesis 6:2], [Matthew 24:38], [Isaiah 59:19], [Luke 17:26-27]
L-14 Now, as we see that the time that Nimrod had brought all the confederations together, and made all people come to Babylon, and come into this great confederation, and at the time of all the evil going on between the women, sexually and so forth, at the same time God had a witness on the earth: Enoch, who walked with God blameless. And at the same time that evil was appearing, angels appeared on the earth. Angelic beings moved in to men. Very beautiful type of today, also; as the evil is appearing, so is good appearing. [Genesis 10:8-9], [Genesis 5:24], [Hebrews 11:5]
And notice, back there in that evil day just before the destruction, when God had a man out preaching the Gospel, a poor man, humble man, not very much of the world, but a man who had a heart to listen to God: Noah. There was Noah and Enoch preaching at the same time. And if you notice over in Revelations 11, it said, "I'll give power unto My two witnesses in the last day." Two witnesses again in the last day, Revelations 11... And they performed signs and wonders among the people. [Revelation 11:3]
And notice, back there in that evil day just before the destruction, when God had a man out preaching the Gospel, a poor man, humble man, not very much of the world, but a man who had a heart to listen to God: Noah. There was Noah and Enoch preaching at the same time. And if you notice over in Revelations 11, it said, "I'll give power unto My two witnesses in the last day." Two witnesses again in the last day, Revelations 11... And they performed signs and wonders among the people. [Revelation 11:3]
L-15 Look back there then, as Noah and Enoch was preaching, and Noah was preaching a message that seemed so crazy to the world. And Noah... Here it is now. Noah was preparing an ark, making a place of safety. And that was a miracle in its own. How that a man upon dry land where water had never come, was preparing an ark to float on a mighty sea that would be there, and say it was coming down out of the skies. And where was it at? But by faith, which is a miracle itself, Noah warned of God, prepared an ark. You see it? No matter how foolish it seemed, how fanatical it seemed to the people, it was a miracle in itself to see a man hammering away, that something seemed fanatically.
It's repeated again today, when men, pounding away at the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, preaching the baptism of the Holy Spirit, getting a people ready for the coming judgment, or a shield from it. And a modern church people laughing, and making fun, and saying there is nothing of it, and the days of miracles is passed. It's a miracle, a signpost at the junction. [Hebrews 11:5, 7], [Genesis 5:24]
It's repeated again today, when men, pounding away at the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, preaching the baptism of the Holy Spirit, getting a people ready for the coming judgment, or a shield from it. And a modern church people laughing, and making fun, and saying there is nothing of it, and the days of miracles is passed. It's a miracle, a signpost at the junction. [Hebrews 11:5, 7], [Genesis 5:24]
L-16 Noah working away, not only was he had--performing a miracle, or look--he was looking also for a miracle. And the church today as it's laboring away under the task of preaching the Gospel, with signs and wonders a following, they are preparing for a miracle: the rapture of the church and the going home. Preparing people, getting them light, unburdened from the things of the world, and getting their souls set in the Presence of God, that when Jesus does appear the second time in glory, those who are ready will rapture and be caught up together to meet Him in the air and be with Him.
As it was in Noah's time, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man. Eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage: all those things that you see going on open up... God grant the day that you open--God opens your understanding that you can see these are signposts. And supernatural miracles hanging right before us today of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and we're at the junction. [Matthew 24:38], [Hebrews 11:7], [Genesis 5:24]
As it was in Noah's time, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man. Eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage: all those things that you see going on open up... God grant the day that you open--God opens your understanding that you can see these are signposts. And supernatural miracles hanging right before us today of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and we're at the junction. [Matthew 24:38], [Hebrews 11:7], [Genesis 5:24]
L-17 Notice. And as Noah begin to warn the people and preach, many of them laughed at him, scoffed at him, because his message seemed entirely out of reason. And today, how could people today, when they say we got the best doctors in the world, we got the best clinics we ever had, we got all this, that and the other, why do we need... Listen. Today we need Divine healing worse then we ever needed it. And as the days go on, on and on, so will it be more and more needed. And it'll come to pass after while, that unless a man is sealed with the Holy Ghost, his heart, until he's laid hisself open to all kinds of things. Come not nigh, any of those who has the seal of God in their forehead, when them tremendous plagues begin to fall. We're at the junction, the crossroads now. [Hebrews 11:7]
L-18 As we notice and seen Noah, how he went about warning the people, saying there was coming a rain. The people didn't even know what the rain meant. It had never rained. And there's people in the world today, after two thousand years of Gospel preaching, don't know what it means to be borned again of the Spirit of God. They don't know what omnipotence means, what that God in His great omnipotent power, that can transform a soul from a--a street sinner to a angelic position in God's Kingdom as a son and daughter of God. They don't understand it. They're too in--taken up, infatuated with the things of the world: glaring, flirting with the world, and don't realize that that's a evil spirit, and a great marking signpost for the people of this day to watch and be ready.
Jesus said, "When these things begin to come to pass, lift up your head; your redemption's drawing nigh." Not only that, but God showed signs through Enoch. He showed signs through Noah, and the world laughed at it. But one day there come a thunder and lightning. There come fire out of heaven. A lightning and thunders begin to roar. That was a miracle in itself. And rain begin to fall. [Genesis 7:4], [Luke 21:28], [Hebrews 11:7]
Jesus said, "When these things begin to come to pass, lift up your head; your redemption's drawing nigh." Not only that, but God showed signs through Enoch. He showed signs through Noah, and the world laughed at it. But one day there come a thunder and lightning. There come fire out of heaven. A lightning and thunders begin to roar. That was a miracle in itself. And rain begin to fall. [Genesis 7:4], [Luke 21:28], [Hebrews 11:7]
L-19 But here is the great miracle: the miracle was of how God had His believing child tucked away in the ark of safety. All the time the thunder was going on, the rain was falling, Noah was resting in the ark of God, predestinated, foreordained to walk into that ark. When the plagues was falling, Noah was at rest in safety. Who had been laughed at, had then entered into the rest.
Those who they laugh and make fun of today because you desire to live a full surrendered life to the Lord Jesus; they don't realize is you are tucked away under His everlasting arms. Don't realize that you are resting just as safely as you can be in the omnipotence and nothing can harm you.
The ark begin to... water begin to come and the people begin to scream, and cry, and holler, and carry on. And instead of the ark staying there, it floated right above, all the time packing Noah and cradling him along in the waves. Sure, it was a signpost. God swept the world clean of sin. He was going to start a new one. The signs and wonders appearing before He did it. [Hebrews 11:7]
Those who they laugh and make fun of today because you desire to live a full surrendered life to the Lord Jesus; they don't realize is you are tucked away under His everlasting arms. Don't realize that you are resting just as safely as you can be in the omnipotence and nothing can harm you.
The ark begin to... water begin to come and the people begin to scream, and cry, and holler, and carry on. And instead of the ark staying there, it floated right above, all the time packing Noah and cradling him along in the waves. Sure, it was a signpost. God swept the world clean of sin. He was going to start a new one. The signs and wonders appearing before He did it. [Hebrews 11:7]
L-20 Notice, at the coming out, when God liberated Israel who was in bondage down in Egypt... Before God turned one finger to Israel, the first thing He done was perform a supernatural sign to show that He was omnipotent, that He still lived. The priest and the rabbis of so forth of that day, thought that God had went out of existence, just like they do today. But God still is omnipotent, and He still performs the miraculous. And they thought that He had gone out of existence. But right in that midst of the time, God came down to a lowly humble family of Levi and brought forth a son, which was a deliverer. And how that little Moses was tucked away in this ark. Wish we had time to go into it and explain it, how they had took him out on the river there. And there in the midst of the crocodiles and everything else, performed the miraculous. How He preserved Moses right in the time, probably, when they thought all the days of miracles was passed.
But they were at the junction. They had the Word. They had Joseph's bones. Them was all right. They were signs, yes, that God still lived and reigned and was in one day. But not only that, but still besides the Word, they had the omnipotent God Who cannot fail, Who's the same yesterday, today and forever, Who stood in the midst of them all. [Hebrews 13:8], [Hebrews 11:23], [Exodus 2:1-10]
But they were at the junction. They had the Word. They had Joseph's bones. Them was all right. They were signs, yes, that God still lived and reigned and was in one day. But not only that, but still besides the Word, they had the omnipotent God Who cannot fail, Who's the same yesterday, today and forever, Who stood in the midst of them all. [Hebrews 13:8], [Hebrews 11:23], [Exodus 2:1-10]
L-21 At the age of forty when Moses was standing by the riverside, or the desert side, God came down in the form of an Angel. And God, before He destroyed Egypt and pulled His children out, and changed the whole dispensation, He appeared on the earth and sent Angels to the poor and the needy. He performed signs and wonders, and He showed Moses His glory. How that he could take a stick and perform a miracle. How he could put his hands in his bosom and heal it with leprosy.
What was it? Was at the change in time, was at the junction roads. And the great unchanging God, Who was in--in--unchangeable, Who performed those things at the junctions of time in the past, how much more will He do now when all hell is set arrayed and the end time is here. He's the same. He doesn't fail. Omnipotence meets the miraculous. Certainly.
What was it? Was at the change in time, was at the junction roads. And the great unchanging God, Who was in--in--unchangeable, Who performed those things at the junctions of time in the past, how much more will He do now when all hell is set arrayed and the end time is here. He's the same. He doesn't fail. Omnipotence meets the miraculous. Certainly.
L-22 The un--unsearchable, the unreasonable thinking of man can never comprehend the miraculous. You have to come in contact with omnipotence. Then when you do that, you're in contact with the supernatural. Your life change, your thinking's change, your mind change, you're made different. Your sickness is finished. God's great power moves in.
Moses at the bush. He saw and heard the omnipotent, and he seen the miraculous. God wasn't satisfied with giving Moses just a message to go down and preach along to the Egyptians and to preach to the Israelites. God the omnipotent and the miraculous God wasn't a--a God if He just reveal it to one man. But He said, "Take these signs." Hallelujah. "Take these signs and show them down there; I'll be with you."
Change, the junction had come, time for something to take place. But before that thing takes place, God gives His warning. "I'm still Jehovah. I still live. And I'm omnipotent. I'm the miraculous God." [Exodus 3:2], [Exodus 4:3, 12]
Moses at the bush. He saw and heard the omnipotent, and he seen the miraculous. God wasn't satisfied with giving Moses just a message to go down and preach along to the Egyptians and to preach to the Israelites. God the omnipotent and the miraculous God wasn't a--a God if He just reveal it to one man. But He said, "Take these signs." Hallelujah. "Take these signs and show them down there; I'll be with you."
Change, the junction had come, time for something to take place. But before that thing takes place, God gives His warning. "I'm still Jehovah. I still live. And I'm omnipotent. I'm the miraculous God." [Exodus 3:2], [Exodus 4:3, 12]
L-23 And as he goes down into Egypt, he took his stick, and cast it down, and healed his hand with leprosy, and done those things, then I want you to notice every time the miraculous was done, Satan's always there to counterfeit it. And as he was counterfeiting it that day, he's still the same counterfeiter today. Even his counterfeits only point to the end time at the junction. He had some old soothsayers and--down there by the name of Jambres and Jannes, who stood up and they could throw their rods down, turn them to serpents and so forth and do just like they did. But God vindicated who was God's. They could bring plagues, but they could not perform Divine healing. So God alone can heal. And they could bring a boil, but they couldn't take it away. God stood in His power there to show that real Divine healing was His miraculous to prove the omnipotent at the junction road.
The Egyptians called the boils but they broke out themselves. But God's servant could take them away. Why? They can counterfeit. We're taught in this last days, that there'd be the same thing: "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these resist the truth, men of reprobate mind concerning the faith." How that they would do... Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than God, truce-breakers, incontinent, having a form of godliness. Oh, well, I'll just tell you the day we are living at the junction road, at the end of the road, the end of the age. God's a proving it. What a marvelous day to be living. [Exodus 4:6-7], [Exodus 7:11], [Exodus 9:11], [II Timothy 3:4-5, 8]
The Egyptians called the boils but they broke out themselves. But God's servant could take them away. Why? They can counterfeit. We're taught in this last days, that there'd be the same thing: "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these resist the truth, men of reprobate mind concerning the faith." How that they would do... Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than God, truce-breakers, incontinent, having a form of godliness. Oh, well, I'll just tell you the day we are living at the junction road, at the end of the road, the end of the age. God's a proving it. What a marvelous day to be living. [Exodus 4:6-7], [Exodus 7:11], [Exodus 9:11], [II Timothy 3:4-5, 8]
L-24 God proved to them and a vindicated Himself and got glory. How that He went down there in Egypt and smote the nation. How that He brought Israel out on the eagles wing and performed signs and wonders, because He is omnipotent, and He does the miraculous. Before He sunk Pharaoh's chariot, He give every kind of a sign. He give signs of Divine healing. He give signs and all vindications of His power: how He could save a elder son or take a elder son; how He could destroy; how He could save life. How He could perform miracles, He could do the miraculous... And how the sun and moon turned dark, how the hail swept the ground, how the lightning swept over the country and killed the cattle and so forth, just like it did in the days of Noah.
And it said in the last days, the moon shall fail to give her light, and the sun won't shine and shall turn black as sackcloth and look like blood. When she hides her face, and weeps herself, and sweats out bloody drops of grief, God will be on the earth, omnipotent, doing the miraculous. Certainly, He can. He is omnipotent.
Think of it there down there in Egypt, how He performed those signs and wonders and the things that He had done. He's God. None can take His place.
And it said in the last days, the moon shall fail to give her light, and the sun won't shine and shall turn black as sackcloth and look like blood. When she hides her face, and weeps herself, and sweats out bloody drops of grief, God will be on the earth, omnipotent, doing the miraculous. Certainly, He can. He is omnipotent.
Think of it there down there in Egypt, how He performed those signs and wonders and the things that He had done. He's God. None can take His place.
L-25 Notice, God performed His miracles. And He give Pharaoh a chance. And Pharaoh failed and refused to take his chance. There was nothing left. When a man spurns the mercy of God, there's only one thing left; that's judgment. And my dear friend today, God helping us, when you see the end of this text come, and if you've spurned the mercy that's offered you by Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, there'll be nothing left but Divine judgment. There can't be nothing left.
Pharaoh finally sinned away his day of grace, and there wasn't nothing left, 'cause the junction was at hand. God junctioned the time.
Pharaoh finally sinned away his day of grace, and there wasn't nothing left, 'cause the junction was at hand. God junctioned the time.
L-26 When Lot and Abraham, another time... When Abraham was to be the ruler of the world, his seed was to scatter over the earth. He had Lot, his nephew with him, which was a relative. And what a beautiful picture today of the cold, formal, indifferent church to the Spirit born, elected, called out, separated Church of the living God. They dwelled together on the same plain. But it finally come to a time to where Lot took his great group and went down into Sodom and Gomorrah, where they'd be popular, where they would take the choice of the land. And Abraham stayed in the will of God and took the poor of the land. Sarah, his beautiful wife, and Abraham stayed on the poor of the ground in order that they could serve the Lord.
God doesn't promise a flower bed of Eden. Don't falsify a Christian, and don't falsify the message by telling that everything's going to be all right, there nothing going to harm you, there's nothing going--ain't no trials or nothing. That's wrong. As a poet said, "Must I be carried home to heaven on a flower bed of ease, while others fought to win the prize and sailed through bloody seas?" No, sir. God doesn't promise ease and prosperity. But He promises grace to endure in every trial. It's the grace that we look to. [Genesis 14:11-12]
God doesn't promise a flower bed of Eden. Don't falsify a Christian, and don't falsify the message by telling that everything's going to be all right, there nothing going to harm you, there's nothing going--ain't no trials or nothing. That's wrong. As a poet said, "Must I be carried home to heaven on a flower bed of ease, while others fought to win the prize and sailed through bloody seas?" No, sir. God doesn't promise ease and prosperity. But He promises grace to endure in every trial. It's the grace that we look to. [Genesis 14:11-12]
L-27 Abraham chose the way of God. He stayed on the mountain top though they wasn't much grass for his cattle. But Lot: a type of the backslidden world, the church who doesn't believe in the miraculous...
Then it finally come till those things wound around into God, until there had to come a junction. There had to be a time, for Abraham was the heir of the land. Oh God, why can't Christians see? Blessed are the pure in heart; they shall see God. Blessed are the meek; they shall inherit the earth. The junction time is at hand for Father to show that we're at the end time. See? [Genesis 14:12], [Matthew 5:6], [Psalms 37:11]
Then it finally come till those things wound around into God, until there had to come a junction. There had to be a time, for Abraham was the heir of the land. Oh God, why can't Christians see? Blessed are the pure in heart; they shall see God. Blessed are the meek; they shall inherit the earth. The junction time is at hand for Father to show that we're at the end time. See? [Genesis 14:12], [Matthew 5:6], [Psalms 37:11]
L-28 The miraculous, the supernatural, the omnipotent doing the miraculous. Look at Him, as during the time of Abraham. Just before the end time, look what taken place in the world. Down in Sodom, in the big city... Abraham lived in a tent, who was heir of all things, lived in a tent. So don't wonder the poet can say, "A tent or a cottage, why should I care?" You're heir of all things if you're in Christ. God has give him the earth, and He's the King, and we're in Him and heir of all things. The omnipotence, the miraculous, and at the junction time...
Notice closely now as we move on into this. Watch how God did just before the end time. Lot down in sodom, perversion was on the increase. Men become homosexuals, perverted, changing the natural course of human nature into perverted ways. Look at the world today. The whole thing is becoming a perverted dispensation. [Genesis 13:15-18]
Notice closely now as we move on into this. Watch how God did just before the end time. Lot down in sodom, perversion was on the increase. Men become homosexuals, perverted, changing the natural course of human nature into perverted ways. Look at the world today. The whole thing is becoming a perverted dispensation. [Genesis 13:15-18]
L-29 Great places where man go to study religion, and great schools... And I've talked it and knowed it, where men are not allowed to marry women. But it's so horrible. And out of these schools today and these modern churches out there, how this great pain, men has drink, and smoke, and stimulated the passions, and run down young girls and so forth, and start in their infancy till their real course of life is perverted. God give them over to destructions. And their lives has been mingled until they're not natural men and women no more; devil has so caught them.
Look at the junction there with Sodom and Gomorrah. Look at the junction in the days of Noah: marrying and giving in marriage. You see the signpost? What happened? At the same time, God had a prophet on the earth, before the end time... Here it is. Listen. Always before the end time when Satan turns loose his impersonators, God sends His prophets. And we are told in the Bible, that in the last days your young men shall see visions and upon my handmaidens and maidservants, prophets will appear again on the earth. Vision seers will appear on the earth, at the end time. We're there. We're at the junction. [Matthew 24:38], [Acts 2:17]
Look at the junction there with Sodom and Gomorrah. Look at the junction in the days of Noah: marrying and giving in marriage. You see the signpost? What happened? At the same time, God had a prophet on the earth, before the end time... Here it is. Listen. Always before the end time when Satan turns loose his impersonators, God sends His prophets. And we are told in the Bible, that in the last days your young men shall see visions and upon my handmaidens and maidservants, prophets will appear again on the earth. Vision seers will appear on the earth, at the end time. We're there. We're at the junction. [Matthew 24:38], [Acts 2:17]
L-30 It's been prophesied by all the holy prophets down through the age and foretold by God's sacred Word, the end time: How the Lord would; how His blessings would be, and what the devil would do in those days. What would take place, the end time. God holiness cannot stand the wickedness of the world. But before He brings it to the junction, He sends out the red flashes of warning.
Not only that, but before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, He also sent Angels to the earth, that mingle themselves among men. And before the end time, God promised He would send Angels. And we are seeing them. They are coming with the messages of Almighty God. [Genesis 19:1-26], [Luke 17:28-30]
Not only that, but before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, He also sent Angels to the earth, that mingle themselves among men. And before the end time, God promised He would send Angels. And we are seeing them. They are coming with the messages of Almighty God. [Genesis 19:1-26], [Luke 17:28-30]
L-31 The junction time. No more then three weeks ago, to see that mighty One standing there Who stood since I was a little boy and talked. I'm not a fanatic; you know that. But it's to fulfill the Scriptures. I think this church ought to know truth and the sign where we are at, that you won't be slothful, that you'll be up and doing, that the differences will be settled, and you'll walk like real Godly men and women, your hearts set on Christ. And don't look into these paltry things of the earth, 'cause it is of the devil. All these quarrels, and wars, and strifes, and different, look away from them; we're at the end.
And remember, you may not have another week to do it in. We don't know. Only God knows. We're here at the end.
And remember, you may not have another week to do it in. We don't know. Only God knows. We're here at the end.
L-32 There was Noah in his time. Here's Israel in their time. Here's Abraham at the next junction between the--the world, the natural and the supernatural. Angels came down, that looked like men. Glory. And stood by Abraham, the prophet, and told him, "Abraham, God will perform the supernatural. About this time next year according to life, I'll visit you, your wife a hundred years old, and you'll bring forth a child. I'll show you My power of Divine healing. I'll change you and turn you back to a young man again, and I'll change Sarah and make her a different person, and make her a young woman. I'm the Miraculous; I'm Omnipotent. I do the miraculous." Amen. "I'll show you My power. Abraham, we're at the junction time." The evil spirits are down yonder in Sodom, yes. They're working among the world down there. They're working here today: gaiety, and glamour, and crack wild jokes and all the dirty things on radio, television, not even censored or nothing else, and perverting, sometimes, the Gospel to a social affair. The whole world has become perverted. But the same time the world has become perverted, the believers become converted in the Lord in the power of God, by the working and appearing of omnipotence. How that God in His mercy is showing forth these things... [Genesis 18:10]
L-33 Said Abraham, while his prophet sat under his tent an old man, up in the barren land... What did he care, a tent or a cottage, what it'd make any difference to him? He was heir of all of it. Everything belonged to him, and he knew it. So does the believer know today. What do we care about these earthly things? That's why I quit the meetings not long ago, because I would not pinch the people for offerings. I don't care what people say; I believe that God's big enough to supply everything He has need of. Yes, sir. I'd rather eat soda crackers and drink branch water, and preach the Gospel, then to have the fine things of the world. Matter, if we can him to commit ourselves into His hands and look for the omnipotence. That's right. Watch where it's at.
And we see him as he follows on, as Abraham setting under his tent and these angels appeared to him. They went on down in Sodom and Gomorrah, and we find out that God in that day, performed miracles. He brought fire out of the skies and swept away the city, and cleaned off the land, and give it all to Abraham. And Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt, because she looked back at the memorial of disgrace, who was a great lady amongst the societies of the city of Gomorrah and Sodom. And all the valleys was swept out when God performed the miraculous, with fire and brimstone from heaven. [Genesis 18:2], [Genesis 19:26]
And we see him as he follows on, as Abraham setting under his tent and these angels appeared to him. They went on down in Sodom and Gomorrah, and we find out that God in that day, performed miracles. He brought fire out of the skies and swept away the city, and cleaned off the land, and give it all to Abraham. And Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt, because she looked back at the memorial of disgrace, who was a great lady amongst the societies of the city of Gomorrah and Sodom. And all the valleys was swept out when God performed the miraculous, with fire and brimstone from heaven. [Genesis 18:2], [Genesis 19:26]
L-34 What a marvelous time. What a great time to live. God, in His omnipotence, there came a junction again. I'm thinking I'm pressed for time; I'll have to hurry.
There come an omnipotence, a--Presence again. There was a fellow named Ahab married a girl named Jezebel, who was a believer at the beginning. Ahab born a Jew, circumcised the eighth day according to the law, and was brought up in a religious home to believe on Jehovah, but fell in love with some little flappy-eyed thing of an idolater. That's right.
And today, fine Christian men are falling under the sway of such nonsense and glamour because that heart hasn't been stable in Christ Jesus. Yes. What a day we're living in; what a time. This signpost looking here in the face. [I Kings 16:31]
There come an omnipotence, a--Presence again. There was a fellow named Ahab married a girl named Jezebel, who was a believer at the beginning. Ahab born a Jew, circumcised the eighth day according to the law, and was brought up in a religious home to believe on Jehovah, but fell in love with some little flappy-eyed thing of an idolater. That's right.
And today, fine Christian men are falling under the sway of such nonsense and glamour because that heart hasn't been stable in Christ Jesus. Yes. What a day we're living in; what a time. This signpost looking here in the face. [I Kings 16:31]
L-35 But then, just before that God brought the showdown to show Who was God, there come a time that there was a prophet came into the land by the name of Elijah, who was anointed with the message of God. And he performed the miraculous and proved that omnipotence still was miraculous. The prophet stood out there and closed the heavens, that it didn't rain in the days of his ministry. And he brought the rains down out of the heavens and give the earth. And Angels appeared on the scene (Hallelujah.), baked him some corn bread, that kept him forty days alive while he was out there in the wilderness with God.
Angels appear in the end time. All the prophets and the signposts point, saying this day that Angels will appear, prophets will arise, signs and wonders. And if God did that for those little junctions back there, what will He do now when all hell turned loose? All heaven will turn loose. Angels appearing, signs and wonders on the earth, the counterfeits arising, God proving which is right and wrong. Amen. [I Kings 19:6]
Angels appear in the end time. All the prophets and the signposts point, saying this day that Angels will appear, prophets will arise, signs and wonders. And if God did that for those little junctions back there, what will He do now when all hell turned loose? All heaven will turn loose. Angels appearing, signs and wonders on the earth, the counterfeits arising, God proving which is right and wrong. Amen. [I Kings 19:6]
L-36 Oh, I love Him. I'm sure you do, too. I don't mean to yell at you, but it's burning in my soul. Thinking how this day...
Just before He delivered them, he done all kinds of signs and wonders. They sent a bunch of people up there to take this prophet by force. He said, "If I be a man of God, let fire come from heaven." Watch how a fire comes each time. Watch how a prophets come each time. Watch how the miraculous is done each time. Watch how God vindicates Himself in healing and powers each time, just at the crossroads, never before, right at the crossroads, at the junctions, change in dispensation, change in time. [I Kings 18:36-38]
Just before He delivered them, he done all kinds of signs and wonders. They sent a bunch of people up there to take this prophet by force. He said, "If I be a man of God, let fire come from heaven." Watch how a fire comes each time. Watch how a prophets come each time. Watch how the miraculous is done each time. Watch how God vindicates Himself in healing and powers each time, just at the crossroads, never before, right at the crossroads, at the junctions, change in dispensation, change in time. [I Kings 18:36-38]
L-37 Now, for a few closing texts. Watch a minute. We'll go now into the--the fifth great junction and one of the main junctions 'cause fifth is five: J-E-S-U-S. Amen. There's coming a time when the sin question had to be settled. There's coming a time when the miraculous would make Himself fully understood. There's coming a time when men's hearts had to be changed, 'cause laws and judges and so forth cannot do it. The blood of bulls and goats could not take it away. And just before that great junction come, there come the devil out amongst the preachers. Said, "The days of miracles is past. There is no such a thing."
And at that same time, God sent Angels to the earth. There was a old man down there, who had a house in order by the name of Zacharias. He was praying one day, while he was at the altar waving his incense, making intercessions for the people; there appeared over on his right side a great Angel, proving that the junction time was at hand. He told him that he'd bring forth a boy from his wife which is old, stricken in age, and his name would be John. [Luke 1:6, 13, 18]
And at that same time, God sent Angels to the earth. There was a old man down there, who had a house in order by the name of Zacharias. He was praying one day, while he was at the altar waving his incense, making intercessions for the people; there appeared over on his right side a great Angel, proving that the junction time was at hand. He told him that he'd bring forth a boy from his wife which is old, stricken in age, and his name would be John. [Luke 1:6, 13, 18]
L-38 John came forth claiming the miraculous. John was a prophet. The Bible said, Jesus said Himself, there never was a man born on the earth like him till that time. Hallelujah. Why? He was a prophet, the greatest there was till that time, because this was the greatest junction that God ever made with the devil, when their paths crossed, and there He would strip him and rob him of everything he had. Hallelujah.
John was a prophet. Gabriel was the Angel. They're appearing at junction time. Glory to God. About thirty-three years before it happened, God started in plenty time to forewarn them, that the junction time was at hand. The unbelievers waxed worse, and downed it, and fussed at it, and tried to get away with it, and finally killed everyone that said anything, but God moved on in the miraculous just the same, for He's omnipotent. He has to; He's God. [Matthew 11:11]
John was a prophet. Gabriel was the Angel. They're appearing at junction time. Glory to God. About thirty-three years before it happened, God started in plenty time to forewarn them, that the junction time was at hand. The unbelievers waxed worse, and downed it, and fussed at it, and tried to get away with it, and finally killed everyone that said anything, but God moved on in the miraculous just the same, for He's omnipotent. He has to; He's God. [Matthew 11:11]
L-39 Look what taken place now, as we move up into this--this episode here. As we come up, we see John coming on the river, preaching. He's telling about One that was coming, that's mightier than he. Begin to preach, after while, there appeared none less than omnipotent Himself, wrapped up in a little bundle of flesh. Great Jehovah God revealed Himself in His Son Christ Jesus. The Omnipotence was made flesh and dwelled among us, walked among us. Hallelujah.
As He walked on the sea of Galilee one night laying yonder, the little old boat tossed about, He act like He didn't even pay any attention. He was tired. But it come a junction time; something had to happen. Put His foot on the brail of the boat and looked up and said, "Peace. Be still." I tell you, the very Creator of heavens and earth laid in that boat and the nature had to obey it. When Omnipotence speaks, miraculous takes place. Amen. [Matthew 3:11], [John 1:14], [Mark 4:38-39]
As He walked on the sea of Galilee one night laying yonder, the little old boat tossed about, He act like He didn't even pay any attention. He was tired. But it come a junction time; something had to happen. Put His foot on the brail of the boat and looked up and said, "Peace. Be still." I tell you, the very Creator of heavens and earth laid in that boat and the nature had to obey it. When Omnipotence speaks, miraculous takes place. Amen. [Matthew 3:11], [John 1:14], [Mark 4:38-39]
L-40 A leper, full of leprosies, went to Him one day, said, "Lord, Thou can if Thou will can make me clean."
He touched him, said, "I will. Be thou clean."
And when Omnipotence speaks, miraculous takes place. Hallelujah. His leprosy vanished like a sun flying behind a cloud. Sure. Omnipotence speaks. He promised in this last days that He'd speak again. When Omnipotent speaks, the miraculous happens. Yes, sir.
Notice. He healed the sick; He raised the dead; He opened the eyes of the blind. What was it? Who would do a people at the junction was there? "I have power to lay My Life down; I have power to take it up again. No man take it away from Me." [Matthew 8:2-3], [John 10:18]
He touched him, said, "I will. Be thou clean."
And when Omnipotence speaks, miraculous takes place. Hallelujah. His leprosy vanished like a sun flying behind a cloud. Sure. Omnipotence speaks. He promised in this last days that He'd speak again. When Omnipotent speaks, the miraculous happens. Yes, sir.
Notice. He healed the sick; He raised the dead; He opened the eyes of the blind. What was it? Who would do a people at the junction was there? "I have power to lay My Life down; I have power to take it up again. No man take it away from Me." [Matthew 8:2-3], [John 10:18]
L-41 One day in John 17, He looked up and said, "Father, the hour has come." Hallelujah. The junction is here. All things are finished now; all things are getting ready. The crossroads is come; the world's warned. How will know any of these apostles, when they've done signs and wonders. We've pass through the land; we've combed back and forth. The time is here. The time is come.
Brother, as a Gospel preacher this morning, I believe that the Holy Ghost speaking through mortal lips today, anointed ministers are speaking, "The time has come. Time is here." And Omnipotence has answered. The miraculous is taking place. Has to with the junction. [John 17:1]
Brother, as a Gospel preacher this morning, I believe that the Holy Ghost speaking through mortal lips today, anointed ministers are speaking, "The time has come. Time is here." And Omnipotence has answered. The miraculous is taking place. Has to with the junction. [John 17:1]
L-42 And there, when He done all the miraculous while omnipotence, God manifested in flesh. "Speak the word, Lord, and my servant will heal. My servant won't--be--will live." He knew; that Roman Centurion knowed he was a man under authority, that he knowed that whatever is under him had--whatever he said, they had to do it. "And so I say to this man, 'Come,' and he comes and that man, 'Go,' and he goes." Said, "I'm a man of authority. And everything under my authority obeys me. And Lord, I am not worthy that You come in my house. Just speak the word." Hallelujah. He knowed that was Omnipotence. He knowed when Omnipotence spoke, miraculous would take place. Oh, my.
There He stood at the grave of Lazarus, crying like a man in His flesh. Martha said, "Lord, if You'd only have been here, my brother not died. But even now, Omnipotence speaks. Whatever You ask God, God will do it. Whatever You say, He will do it." [Luke 7:6-8], [John 11:21-22]
There He stood at the grave of Lazarus, crying like a man in His flesh. Martha said, "Lord, if You'd only have been here, my brother not died. But even now, Omnipotence speaks. Whatever You ask God, God will do it. Whatever You say, He will do it." [Luke 7:6-8], [John 11:21-22]
L-43 There He walked to the grave, Omnipotence manifesting here among us, living with us, God in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Here He lived with us, God proving Himself through His Son, Christ Jesus, He was omnipotent and miraculous. And if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He said, "I'll never leave you. I'll never forsake you. I'll be with you to the end of the world." How can we look for anything else, but when He speaks, for the miraculous to happen. How can we expect anything else?
So here He goes down to the grave a weeping. And then Omnipotence gathered Itself together, and He spoke, "Lazarus, come forth." And a man that was already rottening; the nose had fell from his face in four days; the skin worms had done set in. Corruption knew its master. Hallelujah. He give back the life of this dead man, and a man that was once dead stood on his feet and lived again, the miraculous. "I am the Resurrection and the Life," saith God. "He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." [Hebrews 13:5, 8], [Matthew 28:20], [John 11:25, 43]
So here He goes down to the grave a weeping. And then Omnipotence gathered Itself together, and He spoke, "Lazarus, come forth." And a man that was already rottening; the nose had fell from his face in four days; the skin worms had done set in. Corruption knew its master. Hallelujah. He give back the life of this dead man, and a man that was once dead stood on his feet and lived again, the miraculous. "I am the Resurrection and the Life," saith God. "He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." [Hebrews 13:5, 8], [Matthew 28:20], [John 11:25, 43]
L-44 Speak, omnipotence; miraculous will take place. And You always do it at the junction. And we're at the junction. Be alarmed when you see these things happening; we're at the end time. Omnipotence speaks and a dead man, dead and lived again, stood on his feet and went to a banquet and eat supper with Him. Oh, my. What happened? Some glorious day, while we who were once dead in sin and trespasses, Omnipotence spoke. We were going to hell, and Omnipotence spoke. We've raised from hell to glory and someday we'll eat the banquet supper at the last days. Omnipotence speaks. God's Word is omnipotent. We believe it. And raised from death unto life. "He that heareth My words and believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." Omnipotence...
We're like Noah, building away on the ark. The miraculous will take place someday when the rapture comes and Jesus comes. We're at the junction now. When you see these things happen, raise up your head; your redemption's drawing nigh. Omnipotence speaks, and the miraculous is done. Said, "We are at the junction, Father. I must prove Who You are." And He raised the dead; He healed the sick. When the hour finally come for Him to go, He walked humbly to the cross and was nailed there, suspended; He wasn't of heaven; He was rejected of heaven. He was rejected on earth. [John 5:24], [Luke 21:28]
We're like Noah, building away on the ark. The miraculous will take place someday when the rapture comes and Jesus comes. We're at the junction now. When you see these things happen, raise up your head; your redemption's drawing nigh. Omnipotence speaks, and the miraculous is done. Said, "We are at the junction, Father. I must prove Who You are." And He raised the dead; He healed the sick. When the hour finally come for Him to go, He walked humbly to the cross and was nailed there, suspended; He wasn't of heaven; He was rejected of heaven. He was rejected on earth. [John 5:24], [Luke 21:28]
L-45 After the people seeing the signs and wonders He done, they mocked at Him and scoffed at Him, the sinful, ungodly world...?... But as the judgments lifted him--lifted up the ark, the judgment of water, so did Jesus when God's judgment poured out upon Him; He died in our stead and was lifted up. And the believer rests in Him like Noah in the ark. Let the judgment sweep; what difference does it make? Sure. What--what, even death itself has no barriers, has no pain. "Oh, death, where is thy sting? Grave, where is thy victory?" Never scares me to pass a graveyard. I can shout the praises of God. I know that we are alive in Him forever more. Certainly.
Omnipotence has spoke. It spoke to my heart; it spoke to your heart. The miraculous was done. Once a little cowardly sinner, maybe a...?... you did, a drunkard, or a cigarette smoker, or a runner to dances, and carrying on like that. Omnipotence spoke, and you received it, and miraculous was done. And you changed from death unto life and forsaken your sinful ways. Omnipotence spoke and the miraculous was done. Certainly. [I Corinthians 15:55]
Omnipotence has spoke. It spoke to my heart; it spoke to your heart. The miraculous was done. Once a little cowardly sinner, maybe a...?... you did, a drunkard, or a cigarette smoker, or a runner to dances, and carrying on like that. Omnipotence spoke, and you received it, and miraculous was done. And you changed from death unto life and forsaken your sinful ways. Omnipotence spoke and the miraculous was done. Certainly. [I Corinthians 15:55]
L-46 There's people setting in this church this morning, a few years ago was bound with cancer, dying. There's those who's setting here that was crippled, and lame, and halt, and withered. And Omnipotence spoke, and the miraculous was done. Certainly, sure. What is the sign we're at the junction? We're at the crossroads now. We're fixing to enter the millennium.
Now, watch. We moved up and when they did, when He was standing between the heavens and earth, heaven could not receive Him. The sin of the world was laying upon Him. And the world rejected Him as their king. There was no place left for Him to die. He couldn't come to heaven, for He had the sins of the world on Him. He was hated, and despised, and spit on, and rejected, and refused of the earth. But He stood between heavens and earth and bridged the way. And every man or woman that desires to, may come through that Blood stream from His side to glory. Omnipotence... [Mark 14:65]
Now, watch. We moved up and when they did, when He was standing between the heavens and earth, heaven could not receive Him. The sin of the world was laying upon Him. And the world rejected Him as their king. There was no place left for Him to die. He couldn't come to heaven, for He had the sins of the world on Him. He was hated, and despised, and spit on, and rejected, and refused of the earth. But He stood between heavens and earth and bridged the way. And every man or woman that desires to, may come through that Blood stream from His side to glory. Omnipotence... [Mark 14:65]
L-47 What happened? Signs and wonders took place. What happened? The moon begin to cry. The sun closed its eyes and begin to weep. And it went in such distress, till it had convulsions and turned like dripping blood. Sure it did. When it seen the Creator of heavens and earth refused by the earth, and so much sin He couldn't get into heaven and dying as a Mediator between God and man, stand between heavens and earth. The sun couldn't stand it, said, "I will not shine no more...?..."
The stars, "I can't look at this."
The earth said, "I can't stand it." And it had a nervous prostration and belched forth rocks out of the earth. Then miraculous took place...?... It was the end of the road. Sin had reigned until the cross, but sin was paid for there. Oh, my. The earth shook so hard till it throwed rocks out of its ground, a hung into the hills. Even shook so hard till the dead rose out of the grave. Talk about a nervous prostration... And the sun begin to have convulsions and went out. Miraculous took place (Hallelujah.), always does at the junction.
The stars, "I can't look at this."
The earth said, "I can't stand it." And it had a nervous prostration and belched forth rocks out of the earth. Then miraculous took place...?... It was the end of the road. Sin had reigned until the cross, but sin was paid for there. Oh, my. The earth shook so hard till it throwed rocks out of its ground, a hung into the hills. Even shook so hard till the dead rose out of the grave. Talk about a nervous prostration... And the sun begin to have convulsions and went out. Miraculous took place (Hallelujah.), always does at the junction.
L-48 Look what taken place with that. And that was only preparing for this. They went out into dark ages, fifteen-hundred years. Wish we had time, but we're pressed. I want to get out at twelve.
And notice. At... Coming through there in the dark ages... Wish we had time to go into the time, what happened in the time of Wesley and Luther, that sixth time that there was a change come, when the church was liberated from darkness and was brought into the marvelous light of the Gospel again. Signs and wonders... Oh, God, how I know men stood and Divine healing, and signs and wonders took place. It was between the sacrifice and the second coming. And look what taken place then. When John Wesley preached the Gospel, he was kicked out of churches and things, until people fell in the floor and they poured water in their face, didn't know what was the matter with them, fainting under the power of the Holy Ghost. Signs, and wonders, and miracles, and healings took place.
And notice. At... Coming through there in the dark ages... Wish we had time to go into the time, what happened in the time of Wesley and Luther, that sixth time that there was a change come, when the church was liberated from darkness and was brought into the marvelous light of the Gospel again. Signs and wonders... Oh, God, how I know men stood and Divine healing, and signs and wonders took place. It was between the sacrifice and the second coming. And look what taken place then. When John Wesley preached the Gospel, he was kicked out of churches and things, until people fell in the floor and they poured water in their face, didn't know what was the matter with them, fainting under the power of the Holy Ghost. Signs, and wonders, and miracles, and healings took place.
L-49 Now, brother, sister, listen. What's taken place now? We're at the end time. We're going into the millennium. Every hand pointing that way. The old clock's ticking away about two minutes till midnight. Omnipotence is speaking. Angels are appearing. Prophets are coming. Prophets are prophesying; visions are being poured out upon your...?... The Gospel's being preached; the sick's being raised up; the blind sees; the deaf hear; the devils are raging; impersonators, Jannes and Jambres, are here. But Omnipotence speaks. Hallelujah. We're in the last day. We're at the junction.
Men's hearts are failing for fear, perplexed of time, distress between the nations. The earth's getting so nervous, till it's bursting forth earthquakes everywhere. Jesus said it would be that way. There'll be earthquakes in divers places. What's the matter? The earth knows she's doomed. She's nervous. The world's nervous. But the church is rising in the Gospel, tucked away with security. "He that cometh to Me, I'll in no wise cast out." Hallelujah. [Luke 21:26]
Men's hearts are failing for fear, perplexed of time, distress between the nations. The earth's getting so nervous, till it's bursting forth earthquakes everywhere. Jesus said it would be that way. There'll be earthquakes in divers places. What's the matter? The earth knows she's doomed. She's nervous. The world's nervous. But the church is rising in the Gospel, tucked away with security. "He that cometh to Me, I'll in no wise cast out." Hallelujah. [Luke 21:26]
L-50 Except a man be borned of water and Spirit, he won't enter the Kingdom. In the Kingdom you got God's seal of approval: the Holy Spirit in your heart. Let the waves ride wherever they want to. The times are getting worse. Omnipotence is arising. The impersonators are trying to act like it. And all kinds of things are trying to do this. And the Bible said that great final impersonator would rise up yonder and set on seven hills; he'd wear a triple crown, and he'd give power and have power, even so much as to make fire come down out of heaven in the presence of the people. He would do all of that, all of that in the last days.
And how that they'd stand and impersonating people, bowing at shrines of dead people and everything, and rubbing bones and everything. But while they're rubbing bones and bowing their shrines, Omnipotence speaks and the miraculous takes place. If there's a bunch of nonsense, but the church is growing. Great healing revivals all over the country. Signs and wonders are going everywhere. Angels are appearing to people. Signs and wonders are here. [Matthew 24:27], [John 6:37], [John 3:3]
And how that they'd stand and impersonating people, bowing at shrines of dead people and everything, and rubbing bones and everything. But while they're rubbing bones and bowing their shrines, Omnipotence speaks and the miraculous takes place. If there's a bunch of nonsense, but the church is growing. Great healing revivals all over the country. Signs and wonders are going everywhere. Angels are appearing to people. Signs and wonders are here. [Matthew 24:27], [John 6:37], [John 3:3]
L-51 What is it, friends? We're at the end time. We're at the junction. "Lift up your head," He said, "your redemption's drawing nigh." You see what I mean? The junction time? "And it shall come to pass," saith God, "in the last days I'll pour out My Spirit; your sons and daughters shall prophesy." Prophets promised. "Your young men shall see visions, and I'll show wonders in the heavens above." Flying saucers and everything, great distress. And the earth will be shaken with divers--big earthquakes will be coming, and great volcanics will take place, and great troubles and distress between the world. The nations will be trying to find peace with a knife behind their back; they'll be troubled in everywhere: all these things. And men shall grow worse and worse. "And when the enemy comes in like a flood, I'll raise up a standard against it...?... God. The junction time, the end of the road...
Africa is a roaring with a big healing meeting, signs and wonders appearing, all around the world, everywhere. What is it? The junction time, the end time. [Luke 21:28], [Acts 2:17], [Isaiah 59:19]
Africa is a roaring with a big healing meeting, signs and wonders appearing, all around the world, everywhere. What is it? The junction time, the end time. [Luke 21:28], [Acts 2:17], [Isaiah 59:19]
L-52 Horseless carriages go jostling through the broad ways. All these different things He said: The daughters of Zion, how they dress and walk, how that homosexuals and different things would appear. How perversions... Men would be given over to strong delusions and all such things as that, how to be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, truce breakers, false accusers. And some of these days, may dear brother, Jesus will come. And those who are hammering away at what they call fanaticism today, to believe in the old fashion Gospel of Christ and the Omnipotence speaking and miraculous taken place, He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. In My Name, they'll cast out devils, speak with new tongues, or take up serpents, or drink deadly things it wouldn't harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover. These things that I did so will you; I'll be with you always, even to the end. When these things begin to appear, lift up your head, your redemption's drawing nigh." [Nahum 2:4], [II Timothy 3:4-5], [Mark 16:17-18], [Matthew 28:20], [Luke 21:28]
L-53 You see, friends? Just as it was in the days of Noah in the coming of the Son of man, so is it in the days of the delivering of Israel. So is it the Son of man at the cross. So are we at the junction. God always shows the miraculous, does great signs and wonders: heals the sick, raises the dead, casts out devils, great revival spirits, signs in the heaven, and on earth, distress between nations. We're at the junction.
What's the next thing? Jesus Christ shall come again the second time in glory to receive all those who are dead in Christ and alive in God. God will bring every one with Him. And the meek shall inherit the earth and the great millennium will set in, and there'll be no more war. They'll stack their arms and mold their--their spears into pruning hooks and plowshares and so forth; and nation shall not raise up sword against nation any more, and neither will there be any more sickness, will there be any more trouble, will there be any more heartache, but there we will live in His Presence here forever and forever. And all these signs and things, we're at the junction. We're at the end road. [Psalms 37:11], [Micah 4:3]
What's the next thing? Jesus Christ shall come again the second time in glory to receive all those who are dead in Christ and alive in God. God will bring every one with Him. And the meek shall inherit the earth and the great millennium will set in, and there'll be no more war. They'll stack their arms and mold their--their spears into pruning hooks and plowshares and so forth; and nation shall not raise up sword against nation any more, and neither will there be any more sickness, will there be any more trouble, will there be any more heartache, but there we will live in His Presence here forever and forever. And all these signs and things, we're at the junction. We're at the end road. [Psalms 37:11], [Micah 4:3]
L-54 I'm so happy today to know that in Christ Jesus I have anchored my soul in a haven of rest. I'm so glad to see God in His holy Word, performing and giving signs and wonders, and to know that today before my little church here, that I'm able to say this as I did before I went forth the other time, "You shall see the great noble power of Almighty God in that omnipotent miraculous power that'll do the exceedingly abundantly above all that we have ever thought or believed, standing right at the door now, and you see it vindicated right through your own church door, here." So my dear little friends, don't you never let down on Christ. You live...?... lift up your voice and hold holy hands to God. And if the church, anything, starts this way, that way, or people talk and say this, don't pay any attention to it. Keep your heart single on the cross and Christ and live for Him. God grant it to you. We're at the junction, the crossroad.
Shall we bow our heads just a moment for a word of prayer. I wonder if sister would play this grand old song, "My Faith Looks Up To Thee." One eighty-nine--eighty-four... [Ephesians 3:20]
Shall we bow our heads just a moment for a word of prayer. I wonder if sister would play this grand old song, "My Faith Looks Up To Thee." One eighty-nine--eighty-four... [Ephesians 3:20]
L-55 While we're in prayer, I wonder with your heads bowed... We're at the junction, friend. We're there. All these things, this perversion amongst women and men, this great distress that you see. What is it? I've proved it by the Bible; it's been every time the junction, never before the junction, always at the junction. Just before... See men has got away now; they've got off in theology, and the days of miracles is passed. Do you see they did it in every other age?
But just before the change time, God came down in omnipotence and done the miraculous. That's why people talk about me and say the things they do. That's why they talk about all Christians that believe that. But you see what happened to them back there who believed? They was secured. Abraham was just as safe as he could be (Amen.), so was Moses. No plagues bothered him or Israel. Neither did it bother Noah. Enoch was taken up before it ever happened, stand up on the banisters of glory, watching it go on.
But just before the change time, God came down in omnipotence and done the miraculous. That's why people talk about me and say the things they do. That's why they talk about all Christians that believe that. But you see what happened to them back there who believed? They was secured. Abraham was just as safe as he could be (Amen.), so was Moses. No plagues bothered him or Israel. Neither did it bother Noah. Enoch was taken up before it ever happened, stand up on the banisters of glory, watching it go on.
L-56 If you're here this morning without Christ, know that your soul's not right, while you have your heads bowed, I wish you would to God... I don't know when I'll ever speak to you again. But we're at the junction. If you want to be remembered in prayer to God, would you just raise your hand to Him now? God bless you, sir. God bless you, sir. You, you, yes. God bless you. Many of you, dozens of hands.
Now, while you keep your head bowed, we want the church to softly hum this. If you desire, we got a open altar here. Come and offer just a word of prayer with me to God for your soul. I'll be glad to do it, pray with you.
Now, while you keep your head bowed, we want the church to softly hum this. If you desire, we got a open altar here. Come and offer just a word of prayer with me to God for your soul. I'll be glad to do it, pray with you.
My faith looks up to Thee (Nothing else but Thee),
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour Divine;
Now, hear me while I pray,
Take all my sin away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine.
May Thy rich grace
(Are you praying, are you asking Him to be merciful to You? Repent, sinner friend, right now and give Him your life.)
My zeal inspire;
As Thou has died for me,
O may my love to Thee,
Pure, warm, and changeless be,
A living fire!
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour Divine;
Now, hear me while I pray,
Take all my sin away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine.
May Thy rich grace
(Are you praying, are you asking Him to be merciful to You? Repent, sinner friend, right now and give Him your life.)
My zeal inspire;
As Thou has died for me,
O may my love to Thee,
Pure, warm, and changeless be,
A living fire!
L-57 While she chords another verse, let's be in prayer. Now, heavenly Father, well, we're not much to begin with, Lord. We just come here because You spoke us into existence. You fed us and kept us. We who've accepted You, are very thankful, Lord, to know this, that someday that we're going to be changed. This old vile body of humiliation that we live in will be changed and fashioned and made like unto Your body. We rest safely in this ark. And by Thy Word this morning, by the Holy Spirit, that He has brought to the people the signpost. We're at the end, the change. Signs and wonders are appearing, great things taken place. We know, Lord, that we're at the end. That's why these things are here. Most any time we shall see the Lord coming.
And God I pray, You knowing the hearts of the people, I give unto them this offer, this invitation. They can come, Lord, accepting now. You said, "He that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out. He that heareth My words and believeth on Him that sent Me has Everlasting Life, and shall not come into judgment, already passed to Everlasting Life." [John 6:37], [John 5:24]
And God I pray, You knowing the hearts of the people, I give unto them this offer, this invitation. They can come, Lord, accepting now. You said, "He that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out. He that heareth My words and believeth on Him that sent Me has Everlasting Life, and shall not come into judgment, already passed to Everlasting Life." [John 6:37], [John 5:24]
L-58 I pray Father You'd deal with the hearts of the people today. Not giving them persuading, I believe the day of that's passed. Just what few You got left, Lord, must come soberly, sanely, upon their confession, believing, accepting Christ, and claiming that God has come to their heart and spoke. I pray, God, if You've knocked at hearts before, that this will be the knock again today, if it's the final, give it, Father. Thy Word is truth. We present it to Thee now, Lord, that the Holy Spirit will now deal with every heart while we sing the last verse.
With your heads bowed, if you desire to come to the altar to pray, sinner friend, come on now as you accept Christ. Or you that's backslid, come right now, and stand at the altar. We'll pray right with you. All right.
With your heads bowed, if you desire to come to the altar to pray, sinner friend, come on now as you accept Christ. Or you that's backslid, come right now, and stand at the altar. We'll pray right with you. All right.
... life's dark maze I tread (that's what you are doing),
And grief around me spread (death, sickness, sorrow),
Be Thou my Guide; (O God)
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow's tears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
And grief around me spread (death, sickness, sorrow),
Be Thou my Guide; (O God)
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow's tears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
L-59 With your heads bowed... Brother Wood, I want you to raise your head a minute. Brother Cox, you in the building, Brother Fleeman, I want you to raise your head, just you men. You see what I told you? "Verily, verily I say unto you that a prophet within his own country among his own..."
Now, kind heavenly Father, we present this message unto Thee, Lord, the seeds that's sown deep into the hearts of the people, that some glorious day Jesus shall come and will find all the saints (which He will) and every one shall be raptured and taken to glory. And what a day of rejoicing that will be when Jesus, our Lord, returns. We realize that we're so thankful to be living in this day. And God, I repent of everything a knowing that we could not live in ourselves, Lord, but we're--we're sinners to begin with. And daily I trust in Thee, knowing that daily I sin, knowing that daily things happen to me and in my life, that You would not be pleased with. Now, I confess my wrong and accept Thee, my Lord, as my own soul lays at the altar this morning of this little tabernacle, prostrate here, Lord. [Mark 6:4]
Now, kind heavenly Father, we present this message unto Thee, Lord, the seeds that's sown deep into the hearts of the people, that some glorious day Jesus shall come and will find all the saints (which He will) and every one shall be raptured and taken to glory. And what a day of rejoicing that will be when Jesus, our Lord, returns. We realize that we're so thankful to be living in this day. And God, I repent of everything a knowing that we could not live in ourselves, Lord, but we're--we're sinners to begin with. And daily I trust in Thee, knowing that daily I sin, knowing that daily things happen to me and in my life, that You would not be pleased with. Now, I confess my wrong and accept Thee, my Lord, as my own soul lays at the altar this morning of this little tabernacle, prostrate here, Lord. [Mark 6:4]
L-60 O God, I failed You back down there with those Divine gifts, as You showed so miraculously yonder the other night. And I'm sorry. I repented to You in the vision and now in my right--in this dimension that I live in now, I repent unto Thee, my Lord, and ask You that You'll forgive me and will help me, and by Your grace that You have already told me that these things was going to take place in the future now. Knowing that they will; therefore, Lord, I ask that You sanctify my soul and my heart as I give it to You.
O God, shake not only the earth but the heavens again. Lord, let us go into the fields yonder where the millions are waiting, Lord, and hungering, and thirsting, and crying, and begging, and heathens are dying in darkness. O God shake this great adulterated nation of America, who's fell in folly and a modern Sodom and Gomorrah. "Oh, thou son of the morning, how come that you fell. You did run well. What happened to you?" But, "Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem how oft would He have hovered you." [Galatians 5:7], [Luke 13:34]
O God, shake not only the earth but the heavens again. Lord, let us go into the fields yonder where the millions are waiting, Lord, and hungering, and thirsting, and crying, and begging, and heathens are dying in darkness. O God shake this great adulterated nation of America, who's fell in folly and a modern Sodom and Gomorrah. "Oh, thou son of the morning, how come that you fell. You did run well. What happened to you?" But, "Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem how oft would He have hovered you." [Galatians 5:7], [Luke 13:34]
L-61 And so is it with America today, as the Holy Ghost cries in my heart. "How oft would I made you a flaming torch to the nations and to the world, but you accepted Hollywood. You accepted the fashions of the world. And now, you've been given over to a Jambres and Jannes and how your--how your day has come. How that mighty men has swept the nations. How they have combed through for what they could get. Now, you're pulling away and leaving to other nations."
O God, she set in the ashes of her own ruin. She set upon her own barrel of glamour. And some glorious day the Son of God in His holy righteousness, will be revealed from heaven. Then where will we stand? O God, grant today that our hearts be established in Thee. Forgive us of our many sins.
O God, she set in the ashes of her own ruin. She set upon her own barrel of glamour. And some glorious day the Son of God in His holy righteousness, will be revealed from heaven. Then where will we stand? O God, grant today that our hearts be established in Thee. Forgive us of our many sins.
L-62 And Father, bless these ministers who are here this morning, Gospel preachers. O God may they go out today with this message on their hearts and saying, "I see now the end time, the post signs, and I know we're at the junction, and that's what all this is about. I wondered why my heart was so--been so stirred for these last few years." Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. May they see it. May their eyes be opened, they look around here and say, "Yes, here it is. I see all these evil things are signs. They're supernatural signs from the enemy. Why, he's doing great wonders. He's doing great things, insomuch as to make fire fall from heaven. Yes, they're having satellites all around the earth, and--and they're natural things, the enemy bringing fire signs and everything else. The false moons and false suns and all the other things.
L-63 But God, you said there'd be signs up there, too, that they wouldn't understand. And we're living to see it. I'm so thankful, Lord, so thankful for Christ. And I pray that You will, by Your humble servant, as penitence with tears on my cheeks, God, I give my life to Thee afresh today. And will You help me, dear God, to stay humble and keep around me humble men that will serve you, dear God, and will do the work of God until, Jesus, You let death set me free from this tabernacle of humiliations. And then, Father, I want to be with You.
Bless this dear little church. God, bless our beloved pastor here, our Brother Neville, our dear beloved friend, who stands here whether it's cold or hot, whether it's going easy or strong and still claims this unadulterated Gospel of the Lord Jesus. God bless him and his little wife and children. O God, may he burn the Gospel into the hearts of the people until Jesus comes. Bless him, God. Give him great strength. We love him and know he's a humble man and works for You. And I'm thankful for him, Lord, to leave him with this little--this little sheepfold here, that I once had (and in here). And God I just pray that You'll help him to bring in many other sheep to the fold. Grant it.
Bless this dear little church. God, bless our beloved pastor here, our Brother Neville, our dear beloved friend, who stands here whether it's cold or hot, whether it's going easy or strong and still claims this unadulterated Gospel of the Lord Jesus. God bless him and his little wife and children. O God, may he burn the Gospel into the hearts of the people until Jesus comes. Bless him, God. Give him great strength. We love him and know he's a humble man and works for You. And I'm thankful for him, Lord, to leave him with this little--this little sheepfold here, that I once had (and in here). And God I just pray that You'll help him to bring in many other sheep to the fold. Grant it.
L-64 Do that for ever minister that's present, and not only here, Lord, but throughout the world, for we know the day is needy; the signs are here; the devil has gone about like a roaring lion falsely accusing, and impersonations, and... But God You're raising up a standard against it by the Holy Ghost. And we're thankful.
Now, bless us together. And today, Father, as we go to pray for the sick, may You anoint every minister in here afresh. Grant it, Lord. And may every believer in here be anointed and every sick person anointed. And may, when we go out of here, may every person be made solid well, and the glory of God of--over our souls as we pray, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Now, bless us together. And today, Father, as we go to pray for the sick, may You anoint every minister in here afresh. Grant it, Lord. And may every believer in here be anointed and every sick person anointed. And may, when we go out of here, may every person be made solid well, and the glory of God of--over our souls as we pray, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
L-65 My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Oh, Saviour (Let's raise your hands as we sing.) Divine;
Now, hear me while I pray,
Take all my sins away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine...?...
Oh, Saviour (Let's raise your hands as we sing.) Divine;
Now, hear me while I pray,
Take all my sins away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine...?...
L-66 "Abide With Me" With our heads bowed, we commit all things unto Thee, ourselves, our lives, our service. Use us all, Lord. May every one go inspired today. May this be a day that we'll long remember because of the Holy Spirit being with us and blessing us.
Now, give to the sick, Lord, their needs today. Grant it, Lord. Be merciful, Father. Do this for Jesus' sake, we pray.
And now, great Teacher, You taught us all one day. You taught Your disciples as an example for all of us. You said, "After this manner pray ye:"
Now, give to the sick, Lord, their needs today. Grant it, Lord. Be merciful, Father. Do this for Jesus' sake, we pray.
And now, great Teacher, You taught us all one day. You taught Your disciples as an example for all of us. You said, "After this manner pray ye:"
"Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." [Matthew 6:9-13]
Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." [Matthew 6:9-13]
L-67 "Only Believe," if you will, sister. How many's to be prayed for, could we see your hands, that wants to be prayed for? I wonder if you'd line up over on the right side here, as many as can. And then, if on this side lines the middle aisle, here, if we can. Those in this aisle, line over on this side on the ones in the middle aisle here. All right. Let's sing now.
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
L-68 How many has never been in a meeting before, a healing service, let's see your hands? All of us have. Oh, my. Omnipotence, the miraculous... I wonder, I... Just something comes to me, changes my mind about something right now. I see the prayer line probably take us to three o'clock for you to get out of here.
Where's Brother Tom Meredith? Is he still here? Brother Junior Jackson, these other ministers... You ministers, Gospel preachers that believe in Divine healing, come here just a minute.
Where's Brother Tom Meredith? Is he still here? Brother Junior Jackson, these other ministers... You ministers, Gospel preachers that believe in Divine healing, come here just a minute.
... only believe.
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
L-69 Just a moment; I want to ask you something. The Brother Potts and many of you here know that this part of the week, I told you I didn't want a healing service this morning here. But I had some friends that called me, but in honor of what? Brother Hall was holding a revival a healing service over at Brother Durbin's, and Brother Hall... And so I made an announcement last week of his services. That's the reason I--I made that announcement, because he is our brother and holding services. And why... Why, Brother Hall, is that you, Brother Hall? Brother Hall is with us. All right.
Brother Hall, are you closing tonight at Brother Ashton's? Brother Durbin's, across the river. They're having healing service. I know Brother Hall, a fine brother, anointed servant of the Lord.
Brother Hall, are you closing tonight at Brother Ashton's? Brother Durbin's, across the river. They're having healing service. I know Brother Hall, a fine brother, anointed servant of the Lord.
L-70 I wonder, Brother Hall, go--if it would not be off to team up, would you stand with us this morning for prayer for the sick, would you? I hate to put a minister that's been praying like that... Would you just stand here, and your presence with us here, to pray for the sick. Let's say, "Thank the Lord for Brother Hall." He's having a service over at Brother Durbin's this week. Many of you has attended it, no doubt. I--I learn to love Brother Hall when he was here the other time. And then him having a--so much success. The Lord was giving him great success in praying for the sick. And I believe he's been around quite a bit, praying for the sick. And...
Brother Hall, would want to say a word to the folks, anything on your mind? All right. Had a good meeting this week, Brother Hall? We're so happy for you to be here.
Brother Hall, would want to say a word to the folks, anything on your mind? All right. Had a good meeting this week, Brother Hall? We're so happy for you to be here.
L-71 And now to you sick people, not only that, these ministers here. We're all lined together as a fortress, believing in omnipotence. We believe that God Almighty in this last days is performed miracles and healing the sick and afflicted. And we see His omnipresence doing just exactly what He said He would do. We're here to pray for you this morning. And I believe that God will do it. And just a minute...
Brother Jack Oakey here from the Revival Center? Why, we'd be glad to have you, Brother Jack Oakey, wherever you are at. My brother just come told me, of a Brother Jack Oakey, are you in the building, and want, why you--you come right up with us, Brother Oakey wherever you are. And other ministers, why, we just happy to have you. If you believe in healing, come here. This is our mission to do these things and pray for the sick and the afflicted. That's mighty fine.
Brother Jack Oakey here from the Revival Center? Why, we'd be glad to have you, Brother Jack Oakey, wherever you are at. My brother just come told me, of a Brother Jack Oakey, are you in the building, and want, why you--you come right up with us, Brother Oakey wherever you are. And other ministers, why, we just happy to have you. If you believe in healing, come here. This is our mission to do these things and pray for the sick and the afflicted. That's mighty fine.
L-72 Brother Oakey will... Is that Brother Oakey standing here, Opey--Oakey, I'm so...?... What say? All right. You evangelists... Many of you are fine minister brothers. Right on up here, fellowship. Oh, my, that's wonderful. Come right on. What's your name, brother? Brother Jack Arkey. We're glad to have you, Brother Jack, with us. Now, that's just fine and dandy. You all can shake one another's hands as you come on here and get acquainted.
And now, we're...?... for us this morning, to pray for these people. There's some of them in dying condition. A lady standing right back there with the white hat on, got cancer. There's a man standing here in front of me, got cancer. And there is many--mighty good thing... Here's lays a lady with a broken ankle that doesn't heal. We got a--oh, many, many things here: lady sitting here with arthritis in a wheelchair. She believes that God shall let her be well. We believe that, too.
And now, we're...?... for us this morning, to pray for these people. There's some of them in dying condition. A lady standing right back there with the white hat on, got cancer. There's a man standing here in front of me, got cancer. And there is many--mighty good thing... Here's lays a lady with a broken ankle that doesn't heal. We got a--oh, many, many things here: lady sitting here with arthritis in a wheelchair. She believes that God shall let her be well. We believe that, too.
L-73 Now, brethren, the only thing we can do is pray. Is that right? Just pray. I'm just a little too weak today to go into visions. And you see I'm just... I preached hard.
So now, let's bow our heads and I am going ask Brother--that each one will come and make us a place right down here in front here, so we can pray for these sick. I will come right down with you, and we're going to pray for the sick and pass the others through, and pray for each one, and every one of us lay hands on the sick and believe that God's going to make whole. You believe it, Brother Hall, you believe that with all your heart? All right. It's going to happen.
Let us now, if you will, just get back down beside the stretcher there, my brethren. If you want to make you a little line right along there now. I'll start--start down here. We'll pray. And we want all the church to join with us, will you do it, friends, while we pray for these sick?
So now, let's bow our heads and I am going ask Brother--that each one will come and make us a place right down here in front here, so we can pray for these sick. I will come right down with you, and we're going to pray for the sick and pass the others through, and pray for each one, and every one of us lay hands on the sick and believe that God's going to make whole. You believe it, Brother Hall, you believe that with all your heart? All right. It's going to happen.
Let us now, if you will, just get back down beside the stretcher there, my brethren. If you want to make you a little line right along there now. I'll start--start down here. We'll pray. And we want all the church to join with us, will you do it, friends, while we pray for these sick?
L-74 Now, you people here's fine evangelists here and ministers of healing campaigns that's here to pray with you this morning. And we're happy to come to service now to praying for the sick. Let us pray once more.
Father, in Jesus' Name, receive us now. We ask the Holy Ghost to come upon us and to bless us, and to give us that which we're asking for today. May this great omnipotent power of God move in on us just now, and may the Shekinah Glory, O God, dwell under the interlocked wings of the Cherubims; they come under the interlocked arms of the cross and come upon us today, Lord, to be healed...?... expecting the power of God. We pray the blessings to the people. May not one, not one fail, but may everyone be healed in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Father, in Jesus' Name, receive us now. We ask the Holy Ghost to come upon us and to bless us, and to give us that which we're asking for today. May this great omnipotent power of God move in on us just now, and may the Shekinah Glory, O God, dwell under the interlocked wings of the Cherubims; they come under the interlocked arms of the cross and come upon us today, Lord, to be healed...?... expecting the power of God. We pray the blessings to the people. May not one, not one fail, but may everyone be healed in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
L-75 Now, Brother Neville, if you'll get the oil, stand at the foot of the place here now, while we start... And let's pray for the lady on the cot first, and then down like that. And then we step right back, and let the others come through. All right. The Lord bless now. Everyone in prayer now, be prayerfully now. All right, brethren.
[Brother Branham steps away from the microphone and he and the other ministers pray for the sick--Ed.]...?... Our heavenly Father, our sister lays...?... who's laying here, she'll be on this cot the rest of her life. But we believe, Father, today, as she's come up here to be prayed for. Then these Your brethren, who believe You for the...?... deliverance for her...?... We humbly pray, now that she be healed, that You will take this--this condition away her. Father...?... I pray that she'll be made well, and then will be able to walk around glorifying God. With hands upon her we ask this blessing in Jesus Christ's Name.
[Brother Branham steps away from the microphone and he and the other ministers pray for the sick--Ed.]...?... Our heavenly Father, our sister lays...?... who's laying here, she'll be on this cot the rest of her life. But we believe, Father, today, as she's come up here to be prayed for. Then these Your brethren, who believe You for the...?... deliverance for her...?... We humbly pray, now that she be healed, that You will take this--this condition away her. Father...?... I pray that she'll be made well, and then will be able to walk around glorifying God. With hands upon her we ask this blessing in Jesus Christ's Name.
L-76 Father God, as we pray for this...?... this morning, as this our colored people, knowing that one day while Jesus was carrying the cross up Calvary, up Golgotha, He fell under the load of the cross, and there was a colored man came along and carried it up. It took him very long, walking in the bloody footprints of His Lord. Here's one of his daughters setting here today, Lord, that's stricken and sick, telling this here today. And she was here all of her life without...?... person, Lord, beyond a doubt, but never beyond believing...?... And we pray together for one another that they keep...?... And may she be well and be made completely whole, in Jesus Christ's Name...?...
[Brother Branham steps away from the microphone, and he and the other ministers pray for the sick for 16 minutes. For the rest of the prayer line the tape is mostly unintelligible--Ed.] [Matthew 27:32]
[Brother Branham steps away from the microphone, and he and the other ministers pray for the sick for 16 minutes. For the rest of the prayer line the tape is mostly unintelligible--Ed.] [Matthew 27:32]
L-77 [Brother Branham steps back to the microphone--Ed.]
Dear beloved friend, in the Name... Wait, here's a lady coming to be prayed for here. Come right over here. [Brother Branham steps away from the microphone and prays for the lady--Ed.] You brothers... Our dear heavenly Father, we lay hands upon our sister...?... And we're so thankful to see her getting better. May her faith not waver, and may she be made completely whole...?... Lord...?... Hallelujah...?...
Now, brother, we have done what the Lord said, is that right? We're happy to have our visiting minister brethren with us, are we friends, say, "Amen" all you that... [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We are certainly welcome back, my dear brethren, to be with us. And today, we're just going about make it to--to get out in time. We're glad you were here.
Dear beloved friend, in the Name... Wait, here's a lady coming to be prayed for here. Come right over here. [Brother Branham steps away from the microphone and prays for the lady--Ed.] You brothers... Our dear heavenly Father, we lay hands upon our sister...?... And we're so thankful to see her getting better. May her faith not waver, and may she be made completely whole...?... Lord...?... Hallelujah...?...
Now, brother, we have done what the Lord said, is that right? We're happy to have our visiting minister brethren with us, are we friends, say, "Amen" all you that... [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We are certainly welcome back, my dear brethren, to be with us. And today, we're just going about make it to--to get out in time. We're glad you were here.
L-78 And my brethren, I pray for you constantly. You pray for me wherever you go, and pray now, as I go out to the field again. And may our roads cross time after time.
Our little Brother Oakey, I met him; I happen to remember his loved ones out there in--in California. Is that Doctor Oakey there...?... Oh, oh, Oakey that's it. And I--and I know there's lot of Oakeys out, but I just didn't know which one was...?... I know a Doctor Oakey, the dentist, you know, and then... And so... Are you related to him, too? Your cousin, well, that's mighty fine, fine man.
Our little Brother Oakey, I met him; I happen to remember his loved ones out there in--in California. Is that Doctor Oakey there...?... Oh, oh, Oakey that's it. And I--and I know there's lot of Oakeys out, but I just didn't know which one was...?... I know a Doctor Oakey, the dentist, you know, and then... And so... Are you related to him, too? Your cousin, well, that's mighty fine, fine man.
L-79 Now, what have we did to you people here? Here's what it is? We wouldn't stand here and lay hands on the sick unless we believed it. We have seen the people about half the day setting in this audience right here, and there's been cancered, blind, crippled. Just let me show you something to you strangers here. How many here has been healed that way of God, let's see your hands go up? That's blind, cancers and everything. See? He--He will do for you the same. See?
Why we do it is this: We believe our prayer. And now for the closing one before we turn the service to our Brother Neville, remember the services tonight.
And tonight, if there's anyone that--or--if you know of loved ones didn't get in this morning to be prayed for, Brother Hall here, is at Brother Durbin's, and that will be at... What's the address, brother? [A Brother gives the address--Ed.] What? Seventeenth and Market in Louisville, where they are having a healing campaign. And that was the very reason that I was shy about having service. I--I--I hate to go into a place where someone's holding a healing campaign and then somebody start one. And that's the reason I said what I did about not--about the services this morning, was in honor of Brother Hall at Brother Durbin's. 'Cause they're both very dear friends of mine. And we don't want a healing campaign going over here, while Brother Hall's got one got one over there; I am sure of that. And so, we love him.
Why we do it is this: We believe our prayer. And now for the closing one before we turn the service to our Brother Neville, remember the services tonight.
And tonight, if there's anyone that--or--if you know of loved ones didn't get in this morning to be prayed for, Brother Hall here, is at Brother Durbin's, and that will be at... What's the address, brother? [A Brother gives the address--Ed.] What? Seventeenth and Market in Louisville, where they are having a healing campaign. And that was the very reason that I was shy about having service. I--I--I hate to go into a place where someone's holding a healing campaign and then somebody start one. And that's the reason I said what I did about not--about the services this morning, was in honor of Brother Hall at Brother Durbin's. 'Cause they're both very dear friends of mine. And we don't want a healing campaign going over here, while Brother Hall's got one got one over there; I am sure of that. And so, we love him.
L-80 And now, Brother Oakey, where you at, brother? [The Brother gives address--Ed.] 4030 West Market. That other brother with you, there? You together? All right. Now, that's at 3040--4030, 4030 West Market, Louisville, another campaign. And so, how long you going to be there Brother Oakey? All this next week. That's fine. Now, you all got six--3040 West Market... Oh, 4030 West Market. All right. That's fine.
Now, is the... I seen a couple more ministers. Brother here, you have a campaign going somewhere? Sir? Well, that's very good. That's fine. And this brother here is a--a missionary to the Jew, I believe it... A missionary to the Jew, I think he lives in New Albany. And so we're very happy that... Did I miss one? Is there someone else somewhere? I--I hope I didn't. I don't mean to. Of course Brother Junior Jackson, you know where he's at in New Albany. Brother Tom Meredith has a broadcast. Do you have a church, Brother Meredith? No church, just a broadcast. He announced it a few minutes ago. And Brother Neville has a service here for you people are here--around here for tonight. And for this coming Wednesday and throughout the week, and his--his services--his broadcast is on Saturday morning.
Now, is the... I seen a couple more ministers. Brother here, you have a campaign going somewhere? Sir? Well, that's very good. That's fine. And this brother here is a--a missionary to the Jew, I believe it... A missionary to the Jew, I think he lives in New Albany. And so we're very happy that... Did I miss one? Is there someone else somewhere? I--I hope I didn't. I don't mean to. Of course Brother Junior Jackson, you know where he's at in New Albany. Brother Tom Meredith has a broadcast. Do you have a church, Brother Meredith? No church, just a broadcast. He announced it a few minutes ago. And Brother Neville has a service here for you people are here--around here for tonight. And for this coming Wednesday and throughout the week, and his--his services--his broadcast is on Saturday morning.
L-81 All right. Everybody feel good say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right then. Don't you want to join this great happy bunch of preachers and go preach the Gospel and pray for the sick too? God grant it, you can.
The young man there who was throwed out of a wreck just recently, had a piece of angle iron went plumb through his side sweeping through him and stuck out the other side like that. A dear a praying mother, God spared him for some purpose. Since she told me, I thought this morning I met him. As I come in the hall, he shook my hand. I said, "Aren't you the boy?"
He said, "Yes, sir."
Had a call to the ministry, God be merciful. Now, my brother and...?... Just a young man setting with a brown coat on... May God grant that he will become a flaming light, while we're at the junction of the road sign, and preach the Gospel, preach the full Gospel, preach all the Word of God, and don't compromise for nothing, stand right there at the post of duty. God will make a great warrior out of him.
The young man there who was throwed out of a wreck just recently, had a piece of angle iron went plumb through his side sweeping through him and stuck out the other side like that. A dear a praying mother, God spared him for some purpose. Since she told me, I thought this morning I met him. As I come in the hall, he shook my hand. I said, "Aren't you the boy?"
He said, "Yes, sir."
Had a call to the ministry, God be merciful. Now, my brother and...?... Just a young man setting with a brown coat on... May God grant that he will become a flaming light, while we're at the junction of the road sign, and preach the Gospel, preach the full Gospel, preach all the Word of God, and don't compromise for nothing, stand right there at the post of duty. God will make a great warrior out of him.
L-82 Now, let's pray just one final prayer now for the sick. Now, heavenly Father, we thank Thee for this young man this morning, too, Lord. And as he set here this morning listening at the Word and seeing these ministers with their hearts aflame as they laid hands on the sick, I just ask you just now... Seeing the testimony there, people raise their hands that's been healed of a cancer, and blindness, and deaf, and dumb, and crippled, it's--it's a challenge.
And we look down at this blessed old Word, and It said these days would be here. And here we stand; we see the omnipotent God with His arm outstretched, and signs and wonders a coming. We hear the sound of abundance of rain in the air. We know that we're in the great day of the last rain, when Satan will be bound and cast in the--the pit, chained with a chain of circumstance that he cannot come out and deceive the nations no more, and a thousand years millennium reign will take place on the earth, while we're glorifying our Lord Jesus and adoring Him, crowning Him the King of kings, the Lord of lords.
And we look down at this blessed old Word, and It said these days would be here. And here we stand; we see the omnipotent God with His arm outstretched, and signs and wonders a coming. We hear the sound of abundance of rain in the air. We know that we're in the great day of the last rain, when Satan will be bound and cast in the--the pit, chained with a chain of circumstance that he cannot come out and deceive the nations no more, and a thousand years millennium reign will take place on the earth, while we're glorifying our Lord Jesus and adoring Him, crowning Him the King of kings, the Lord of lords.
L-83 And this old sinful earth will burst open some of these days when the atomic powers are loose and the hydrogens will... and every sea and the waters will--the sea weep till it's dry. O God, and the sun will fail to shine, and the moon won't give its light, and the stars of heaven will fall like an--a untimely fig tree when she's shaken of a mighty wind; and men will cry for the rocks and the mountains, and what this little light would amount to then. Then the dead in Christ shall rise. Oh, what a paradise. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation any more. Neither will we ever have a prayer line for the sick. Today is the day of salvation.
Father, we brought these people to You, and we've ask You in Jesus' Name... You said this, "Ask the Father anything in My Name; it'll be done." Now, we... It's not our prayer that we have faith in. It's His bidding we have faith in. "Ask the Father anything in My Name; I'll do it." [John 15:16]
Father, we brought these people to You, and we've ask You in Jesus' Name... You said this, "Ask the Father anything in My Name; it'll be done." Now, we... It's not our prayer that we have faith in. It's His bidding we have faith in. "Ask the Father anything in My Name; I'll do it." [John 15:16]
L-84 Now, Satan, you who have been so evil, and has bound these people, and put death upon many of them, and crippled them, and blinded them, and done all kinds of evil to them; you're defeated. You're defeated, because we have done just what Jesus said do. Therefore our faith looks now and says to you, "Leave the people." Come out of them in Jesus' Name...?... and may every one be well in Jesus Christ's Name. Praise the Lord. I believe.
I can, I will, I do believe;
I can, I will, I do believe;
I can, I will, I do believe
That Jesus heals me now.
I take Him at His Word;
I take Him at His Word;
He brings to me deliverance free;
I take Him at His Word.
I can, I will, I do believe;
I can, I will, I do believe;
I can, I will, I do believe
That Jesus heals me now.
I can, I will, I do believe;
I can, I will, I do believe
That Jesus heals me now.
I take Him at His Word;
I take Him at His Word;
He brings to me deliverance free;
I take Him at His Word.
I can, I will, I do believe;
I can, I will, I do believe;
I can, I will, I do believe
That Jesus heals me now.
L-85 Don't you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, now, Brother Hall, you believe it? You believe that God will do it, Brother...?... Sister...?... you believe it? Sister, do you believe it? Do you believe it, sister? Then faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By faith we see the great walls of Jericho fall. How pleasing, for faith seen it done. Amen. We believe it; don't never have the slightest doubt...?... God has sent us His omnipotence and spoke..?... He will testify of it. "These signs shall follow them that believe." Amen. Isn't He wonderful? [Hebrews 11:1], [Mark 16:17]
Now, while we bow our heads just a moment for the dismissing prayer. We have--just circling together for a little time of fellowship. We'll ask our Brother Neville, if he will come up here now, as we all bow our heads in a word of prayer as we hum first with our heads bowed.
Shall we bow our heads. Now, Brother Neville, ever what you want to say.
Now, while we bow our heads just a moment for the dismissing prayer. We have--just circling together for a little time of fellowship. We'll ask our Brother Neville, if he will come up here now, as we all bow our heads in a word of prayer as we hum first with our heads bowed.
I can, I will, I do believe;
I can, I will, I do...
Just remember, He's right at your side. He's there to make known your heart...?... Just feel His power coming into you now. I can. Certainly you can.
I'll take Him at His Word;
I'll take Him at His Word;
He brings to me deliverance free (At Calvary.);
And I'll take Him at His Word.
I can, I will, I do...
Just remember, He's right at your side. He's there to make known your heart...?... Just feel His power coming into you now. I can. Certainly you can.
I'll take Him at His Word;
I'll take Him at His Word;
He brings to me deliverance free (At Calvary.);
And I'll take Him at His Word.
Shall we bow our heads. Now, Brother Neville, ever what you want to say.